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Score compared to Jon Skeet

126,921 / 3,758,270

Total reputation


Total reputation compared to Jon Skeet

(89,058) / (1,592,809)


profile for Edwin Ashworth on Stack Exchange


English Language & Usage - 112,141 (85,939) 12 154 270

English Language & Usage - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-09-20T23:22:01+02:00

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 96
Student 1 58
Editor 1 94
Cleanup 1 447
Organizer 1 391
Supporter 1 37
Critic 1 238
Citizen Patrol 1 266
Autobiographer 1 1
Scholar 1 106
Self-Learner 1 482
Commentator 1 221
Disciplined 1 537
Peer Pressure 1 393
Mortarboard 1 358
Investor 1 569
Nice Answer 173 21,452
Nice Question 2 396
Tag Editor 1 544
grammar 1 633
word-choice 1 569
Suffrage 1 446
Revival 17 5,440
Talkative 1 472
etymology 1 623
Quorum 1 378
meaning 1 550
grammaticality 1 664
phrases 1 644
single-word-requests 1 490
Popular Question 13 507
american-english 1 689
idioms 1 636
grammatical-number 1 744
Vox Populi 1 495
nouns 1 662
punctuation 1 744
adjectives 1 655
meaning-in-context 1 669
differences 1 680
expressions 1 627
verbs 1 662
prepositions 1 717
word-usage 1 609
Proofreader 1 595
Excavator 1 375
terminology 1 680
phrase-requests 1 582
synonyms 1 684
antonyms 1 784
british-english 1 736
Caucus 3 762
adverbs 1 777
word-order 1 831
Custodian 6 1,530
Informed 1 84
Curious 1 370
Explainer 1 416
idiom-requests 1 682
commas 1 861
syntactic-analysis 1 754
translation 1 820
Lifejacket 2 1,144
idiom-requests 1 905
Refiner 1 717
adjectives 1 880
phrase-requests 1 759
word-usage 1 777
idioms 1 820
Constituent 2 674
Pundit 1 473
Reviewer 5 2,370
Archaeologist 1 732
word-choice 1 702
grammar 1 771
single-word-requests 1 595
meaning 1 677
Yearling 13 1,274
Deputy 1 533
Convention 1 589
Sportsmanship 1 624
Notable Question 4 288
Guru 9 3,312
Necromancer 16 5,056
Enlightened 41 10,291
Good Answer 42 10,248
Enthusiast 1 379
Civic Duty 1 416
Generalist 1 545
Taxonomist 1 558
Strunk & White 1 558
Fanatic 1 469
Copy Editor 1 677
Electorate 1 555
Great Answer 2 998
Famous Question 3 420
Marshal 1 654
Steward 2 966
single-word-requests 1 721
English Language Learners - 7,346 (2,263) 15 21

English Language Learners - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-09-20T23:22:01+02:00

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 121
Editor 1 118
Organizer 1 402
Supporter 1 46
Critic 1 263
Citizen Patrol 1 300
Autobiographer 1 1
Nice Answer 4 652
Commentator 1 227
Tag Editor 1 578
Excavator 1 413
Caucus 5 1,065
Informed 1 104
Explainer 1 397
Constituent 2 582
Pundit 1 507
Good Answer 1 294
Yearling 11 1,276
Philosophy - 3,253 (856) 5 6

Philosophy - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-09-20T23:22:01+02:00

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 139
Autobiographer 1 1
Nice Answer 1 244
Mortarboard 1 533
Caucus 2 552
Good Answer 1 419
Yearling 2 326
Guru 1 621
Enlightened 1 418
Language Learning - 2,001 (181) 1 6

Language Learning - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-09-20T23:22:01+02:00

Name Awarded Score
Student 1 221
Editor 1 264
Autobiographer 1 1
Caucus 2 806
Informed 1 226
Constituent 1 483
Literature - 552 (103) 4

Literature - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-09-20T23:22:01+02:00

Name Awarded Score
Editor 1 147
Supporter 1 51
Autobiographer 1 1
Commentator 1 353
Linguistics - 423 (121) 4

Linguistics - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-09-20T23:22:01+02:00

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 181
Editor 1 154
Supporter 1 87
Autobiographer 1 1
Biblical Hermeneutics - 338 (136) 5

Biblical Hermeneutics - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-09-20T23:22:01+02:00

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 107
Editor 1 118
Supporter 1 98
Autobiographer 1 1
Informed 1 14
Writing - 308 (141) 2

Writing - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-09-20T23:22:01+02:00

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 136
Editor 1 172
Sports - 302 (121) 3

Sports - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-09-20T23:22:01+02:00

Name Awarded Score
Student 1 117
Editor 1 184
Autobiographer 1 1
Christianity - 174 (101) 3

Christianity - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-09-20T23:22:01+02:00

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 78
Autobiographer 1 1
Informed 1 95
Mathematics - 82 (101) 2

Mathematics - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-09-20T23:22:01+02:00

Name Awarded Score
Autobiographer 1 45
Supporter 1 37
Puzzling - 1 (101) 1

Puzzling - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-09-20T23:22:01+02:00

Name Awarded Score
Autobiographer 1 1
German Language - 0 (101)

German Language - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-09-20T23:22:01+02:00

History - 0 (101)

History - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-09-20T23:22:01+02:00