
Welcome on TrueBadges

TrueBadges is the combination of TrueAchievements and Stack Exchange' badges.

See Sites, Users and Register to know the real value of your Stack Exchange badges.




has unlocked badge Famous Question × 15 for a score of 219 on Travel
has unlocked badge Good Answer × 125 for a score of 162 on Stack Overflow
has unlocked badge Yearling × 9 for a score of 53 on Stack Overflow
has unlocked badge Popular Question × 1 for a score of 355 on Hardware Recommendations
has unlocked badge Notable Question × 18 for a score of 103 on Super User
Sathyajith Bhat has unlocked badge Good Answer × 34 for a score of 283 on Super User
has unlocked badge Good Answer × 24 for a score of 279 on Meta Stack Exchange
has unlocked badge Caucus × 1 for a score of 336 on Vi and Vim
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil'
has unlocked badge Caucus × 4 for a score of 336 on Vi and Vim
Patrick Hofman
has unlocked badge Nice Answer × 204 for a score of 98 on Stack Overflow
Patrick Hofman
has unlocked badge Enlightened × 125 for a score of 172 on Stack Overflow
BoltClock has unlocked badge Enlightened × 632 for a score of 172 on Stack Overflow
Guru Stron
has unlocked badge Good Answer × 28 for a score of 162 on Stack Overflow
has unlocked badge Good Question × 2 for a score of 285 on Puzzling
Carlo Beenakker
has unlocked badge Enlightened × 235 for a score of 257 on MathOverflow
Carlo Beenakker
has unlocked badge Good Answer × 129 for a score of 294 on MathOverflow
Barmar has unlocked badge Enlightened × 1 for a score of 283 on English Language Learners
Barmar has unlocked badge Nice Answer × 11 for a score of 167 on English Language Learners
A.L has unlocked badge Popular Question × 1 for a score of 116 on Politics
A.L has unlocked badge Notable Question × 1 for a score of 168 on Politics
A.L has unlocked badge Yearling × 1 for a score of 75 on Politics
A.L has unlocked badge Student × 2 for a score of 134 on Politics
kglr has unlocked badge Nice Answer × 725 for a score of 37 on Mathematica
Barmar has unlocked badge Caucus × 1 for a score of 324 on Movies & TV
has unlocked badge Caucus × 1 for a score of 324 on Movies & TV
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil'
has unlocked badge Caucus × 3 for a score of 324 on Movies & TV
mattdm has unlocked badge Caucus × 2 for a score of 324 on Movies & TV
A.L has unlocked badge Caucus × 2 for a score of 324 on Movies & TV
has unlocked badge Caucus × 2 for a score of 324 on Movies & TV
has unlocked badge Caucus × 2 for a score of 324 on Movies & TV
has unlocked badge Notable Question × 6 for a score of 105 on Biblical Hermeneutics
has unlocked badge Necromancer × 16 for a score of 301 on Christianity
Shadow Wizard
has unlocked badge Notable Question × 3 for a score of 64 on Science Fiction & Fantasy
has unlocked badge Necromancer × 47 for a score of 157 on Science Fiction & Fantasy
has unlocked badge Popular Question × 114 for a score of 12 on Science Fiction & Fantasy
Erwin Brandstetter has unlocked badge Nice Answer × 366 for a score of 216 on Database Administrators
Nobody the Hobgoblin
has unlocked badge Nice Question × 87 for a score of 69 on Role-playing Games
Nobody the Hobgoblin
has unlocked badge Popular Question × 135 for a score of 15 on Role-playing Games
Nobody the Hobgoblin
has unlocked badge Enlightened × 195 for a score of 107 on Role-playing Games
D Stanley has unlocked badge Nice Answer × 300 for a score of 138 on Personal Finance & Money
daw has unlocked badge Necromancer × 1 for a score of 206 on TeX - LaTeX
has unlocked badge Notable Question × 13 for a score of 44 on Home Improvement
André Nicolas has unlocked badge Nice Answer × 864 for a score of 109 on Mathematics
grawity has unlocked badge Good Answer × 318 for a score of 283 on Super User
has unlocked badge Announcer × 380 for a score of 206 on Stack Overflow
David Heffernan
has unlocked badge Great Answer × 14 for a score of 265 on Stack Overflow
Gordon Linoff has unlocked badge Nice Answer × 636 for a score of 98 on Stack Overflow
Gordon Linoff has unlocked badge Enlightened × 371 for a score of 172 on Stack Overflow
has unlocked badge Caucus × 2 for a score of 324 on Movies & TV
Peter Cordes
has unlocked badge Caucus × 2 for a score of 324 on Movies & TV

333 users

Top 10
Account Score
Jon Skeet 3,545,178
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil'
Martijn Pieters 1,788,014
BalusC 1,468,467
Marc Gravell
Jeff Atwood 1,332,126

71357 badges in 367 sites