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Number of badges
Most awarded badge
8651 × times (Autobiographer)
Last badges scan

Badges distribution


Account Score
Joel Spolsky Joel Spolsky 5442
Mr. Bultitude Mr. Bultitude 4574
SLaks SLaks 3576
Shog9 Shog9 3006
Jon Skeet Jon Skeet 2478
Jarrod Dixon Jarrod Dixon 1819
Tim Post Tim Post 1640
Adam Lear Adam Lear 1640
Marc Gravell Marc Gravell 1236
Nick Craver Nick Craver 1131
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil' Gilles 'SO- stop being evil' 929
Geoff Dalgas Geoff Dalgas 744
Jeff Atwood Jeff Atwood 639
Martin Schröder Martin Schröder 606
nicael nicael 540
Shadow Wizard Shadow Wizard 535
wizzwizz4 wizzwizz4 477
Manishearth Manishearth 452
James K James K 412
Undo Undo 412
Laura Laura 373
Oded Oded 373
Barmar Barmar 354
Cerbrus Cerbrus 307
Journeyman Geek Journeyman Geek 307
rene rene 307
LessPop_MoreFizz LessPop_MoreFizz 307
Doorknob Doorknob 307
Martijn Pieters Martijn Pieters 307
Brock Adams Brock Adams 306
Sklivvz Sklivvz 267
hobbs hobbs 226
Sue Saddest Farewell TGO GL Sue Saddest Farewell TGO GL 128
Ixrec Ixrec 106
k0pernikus k0pernikus 106
Hovercraft Full Of Eels Hovercraft Full Of Eels 106
J. Musser J. Musser 106
animuson animuson 1
Nick Berardi Nick Berardi 1
dan dan 1
T.J. Crowder T.J. Crowder 1
anongoodnurse anongoodnurse 1
Spehro Pefhany Spehro Pefhany 1


Name Awarded Score
Autobiographer 8651 1
Student 4877 65
Yearling 4814 66
Popular Question 4754 67
Nice Answer 3933 88
Supporter 3388 105
Nice Question 3290 108
Teacher 2947 120
Editor 2873 123
Revival 2788 126
Informed 2741 128
Necromancer 1947 166
Scholar 1699 181
Notable Question 1534 192
Enlightened 1348 206
Commentator 1088 230
Custodian 849 257
Critic 785 266
Announcer 660 285
Curious 641 288
Citizen Patrol 544 306
Excavator 326 363
Quorum 300 372
Caucus 270 384
Organizer 234 399
Self-Learner 229 402
Promoter 219 407
Enthusiast 205 414
Good Answer 193 421
Civic Duty 192 421
Famous Question 175 431
Constituent 168 436
Good Question 168 436
Peer Pressure 165 438
Explainer 154 445
Cleanup 147 451
Talkative 146 451
Inquisitive 140 456
Mortarboard 139 457
Benefactor 132 462
Suffrage 121 472
Investor 92 502
Tag Editor 91 503
Vox Populi 81 516
halacha 81 516
Taxonomist 81 516
Reviewer 79 519
Socratic 79 519
Pundit 74 526
Electorate 74 526
Disciplined 73 528
Tumbleweed 72 529
Fanatic 70 532
Strunk & White 64 542
Generalist 63 544
Altruist 55 559
Analytical 51 567
Lifejacket 49 572
Convention 44 583
Deputy 43 586
Precognitive 37 603
Sportsmanship 32 619
sources-mekorot 31 622
Outspoken 30 626
Proofreader 26 641
history 24 650
shabbat 24 650
halacha 23 655
parshanut-torah-comment 22 660
purim-torah-in-jest 20 670
Steward 19 676
tefilla 18 682
minhag 18 682
Archaeologist 18 682
Guru 17 688
Copy Editor 17 688
Synonymizer 15 702
number 13 718
hashkafah-philosophy 13 718
blessing 13 718
talmud-gemara 13 718
mi-yodeya-series 12 727
kashrut-kosher 12 727
food 11 736
words 10 747
tanach 10 747
Booster 9 758
Constable 9 758
gentiles 8 771
Refiner 8 771
halacha-theory 7 786
Research Assistant 7 786
Marshal 7 786
product-recommendation 7 786
torah-study 7 786
hebrew 6 803
passover 6 803
women 6 803
halacha 6 803
jewish-books 6 803
marriage 5 823
conversion-to-judaism 5 823
names 4 848
calendar 4 848
avot-patriarch-fathers 4 848
Populist 4 848
Sheriff 4 848
chanuka 3 879
purim 3 879
minhag 3 879
history 3 879
number 3 879
mi-yodeya-series 3 879
Epic 3 879
shemoneh-esrei 3 879
sources-mekorot 3 879
midrash 3 879
grammar-dikduk 3 879
Lifeboat 3 879
theology 3 879
mitzvah 3 879
clothing 2 924
rabbis 2 924
money 2 924
eretz-yisrael 2 924
animals 2 924
technology 2 924
parshanut-torah-comment 2 924
death 2 924
shabbat 2 924
sexuality 2 924
wedding 2 924
kohen-priest 2 924
tefilla 2 924
tefilin 2 924
chabad 2 924
zemanim 2 924
hechsher-certification 2 924
time 2 924
children-parenting 2 924
rambam 2 924
purim-torah-in-jest 2 924
melacha-creative-work 2 924
choshen-mishpat-civil-law 1 1000
tznius-modesty 1 1000
medicine 1 1000
Great Question 1 1000
Reversal 1 1000
Publicist 1 1000
avodah-zarah 1 1000
torah-service 1 1000
synagogue 1 1000
megillat-esther 1 1000
how-to 1 1000
kashrut-kosher 1 1000
meat 1 1000
mistakes 1 1000
marriage 1 1000
pregnancy-birth 1 1000
brit-milah 1 1000
christianity 1 1000
blessing 1 1000
song-poetry 1 1000
translation 1 1000
meat-and-milk 1 1000
repentance-teshuvah 1 1000
shiurim-measurements 1 1000
tamei-tahor-ritual-purity 1 1000
chazzan-prayer-leader 1 1000
sin 1 1000
divorce 1 1000
torah-reading 1 1000
fast-days 1 1000
mourning-aveilus 1 1000
niddah 1 1000
mikvah-ritual-bath 1 1000
netilat-yadayim-washing 1 1000
slaughter-shochet-shecht 1 1000
minhag 1 1000
passover-seder-hagada 1 1000
parashat-bereishit 1 1000
provenance 1 1000
tzitzis 1 1000
women 1 1000
number 1 1000
gentiles 1 1000
pikuachnefesh-danger-life 1 1000
adult-learning 1 1000
tzedakah-charity 1 1000
rashi 1 1000
gerut-conversion 0 1000
Tenacious 0 1000
Favorite Question 0 1000
Hacker 0 1000
Beta 0 1000
Legendary 0 1000
Great Answer 0 1000
Unsung Hero 0 1000
Stellar Question 0 1000
Illuminator 0 1000
targum-translation 0 1000
Backer 0 1000
Bluebook 0 1000
Creditor 0 1000
Incrementalist 0 1000
Peer Review 0 1000
Primer 0 1000
Renovator 0 1000
Knowledgeable 0 1000
Educated 0 1000
Documentation Beta 0 1000
Documentation Pioneer 0 1000
Not a Robot 0 1000
Census 0 1000
Documentation User 0 1000
Buzz 0 1000
parashat-bereishit 0 1000
Favorite Answer 0 1000
Stellar Answer 0 1000
Guide 0 1000
Instructor 0 1000