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Score compared to Jon Skeet

256,156 / 3,539,581

Total reputation


Total reputation compared to Jon Skeet

(402,131) / (1,603,585)


profile for kglr on Stack Exchange




unlocked badge Nice Answer × 721 for a score of 37 on Mathematica


unlocked badge Announcer × 30 for a score of 227 on Mathematica


unlocked badge labeling × 1 for a score of 1000 on Mathematica
unlocked badge histograms × 1 for a score of 1000 on Mathematica
unlocked badge formatting × 1 for a score of 890 on Mathematica
unlocked badge graphs-and-networks × 1 for a score of 862 on Mathematica
unlocked badge charts × 1 for a score of 1000 on Mathematica
unlocked badge Constituent × 3 for a score of 314 on Mathematica
unlocked badge Civic Duty × 1 for a score of 398 on Mathematica
unlocked badge Guru × 3 for a score of 416 on Mathematica
unlocked badge Lifejacket × 1 for a score of 582 on Mathematica
unlocked badge legending × 1 for a score of 1000 on Mathematica
unlocked badge combinatorics × 1 for a score of 1000 on Mathematica
unlocked badge probability-or-statistics × 1 for a score of 890 on Mathematica
unlocked badge list-manipulation × 1 for a score of 621 on Mathematica
unlocked badge Pundit × 1 for a score of 521 on Mathematica
unlocked badge Beta × 1 for a score of 612 on Mathematica
unlocked badge Yearling × 12 for a score of 44 on Mathematica
unlocked badge graphics × 1 for a score of 700 on Mathematica
unlocked badge manipulate × 1 for a score of 862 on Mathematica
unlocked badge color × 1 for a score of 931 on Mathematica
unlocked badge Sportsmanship × 1 for a score of 553 on Mathematica
unlocked badge color × 1 for a score of 1000 on Mathematica
unlocked badge Copy Editor × 1 for a score of 660 on Mathematica
unlocked badge functions × 1 for a score of 931 on Mathematica
unlocked badge legending × 1 for a score of 1000 on Mathematica
unlocked badge Electorate × 1 for a score of 507 on Mathematica
unlocked badge Illuminator × 1 for a score of 931 on Mathematica
unlocked badge charts × 1 for a score of 1000 on Mathematica
unlocked badge graphics × 1 for a score of 862 on Mathematica
unlocked badge Legendary × 1 for a score of 862 on Mathematica
unlocked badge matrix × 1 for a score of 931 on Mathematica
unlocked badge plotting × 1 for a score of 705 on Mathematica
unlocked badge graphs-and-networks × 1 for a score of 931 on Mathematica
unlocked badge pattern-matching × 1 for a score of 931 on Mathematica
unlocked badge replacement × 1 for a score of 1000 on Mathematica
unlocked badge Fanatic × 1 for a score of 426 on Mathematica
unlocked badge list-manipulation × 1 for a score of 700 on Mathematica
unlocked badge graphics3d × 1 for a score of 931 on Mathematica
unlocked badge filtering × 1 for a score of 1000 on Mathematica
unlocked badge graphics3d × 1 for a score of 862 on Mathematica
unlocked badge function-construction × 1 for a score of 839 on Mathematica
unlocked badge plotting × 1 for a score of 617 on Mathematica
unlocked badge labeling × 1 for a score of 1000 on Mathematica
unlocked badge functions × 1 for a score of 792 on Mathematica
unlocked badge Generalist × 1 for a score of 528 on Mathematica
unlocked badge programming × 1 for a score of 890 on Mathematica
unlocked badge geometry × 1 for a score of 890 on Mathematica
unlocked badge Epic × 1 for a score of 729 on Mathematica
unlocked badge performance-tuning × 1 for a score of 805 on Mathematica


Mathematica - 252,117 (400,462) 18 488 928

Mathematica - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-08T01:22:02+01:00

Name Awarded Score
manipulate 1 716
ticks 1 1,000
functions 1 606
Supporter 1 38
assumptions 1 890
replacement 1 674
functional-style 1 890
Disciplined 1 473
syntax 1 780
filling 1 890
sequence 1 1,000
computational-geometry 1 743
date-and-time 1 931
dynamic 1 736
polynomials 1 780
image 1 780
list-manipulation 1 511
labeling 1 821
core-language 1 839
differential-equations 1 612
number-theory 1 805
mesh 1 770
Teacher 1 148
Explainer 1 413
pattern-matching 1 666
dataset 1 805
Excavator 1 399
pure-function 1 931
geographics 1 1,000
matrix 1 628
expression-manipulation 1 805
expression-test 1 890
histograms 1 931
options 1 805
Editor 1 39
Custodian 3 726
filtering 1 723
linear-algebra 1 736
fitting 1 723
calculus-and-analysis 1 615
permutation 1 931
Citizen Patrol 1 317
sorting 1 931
performance-tuning 1 628
vector 1 839
image-processing 1 691
bugs 1 686
rule 1 931
recursion 1 780
front-end 1 705
time-series 1 1,000
numerics 1 686
Mortarboard 1 427
geometry 1 723
parametric-functions 1 792
algorithm 1 931
partitions 1 931
string-manipulation 1 670
curated-data 1 1,000
regions 1 705
export 1 716
text 1 1,000
hold 1 862
programming 1 663
generative-art 1 839
graphs-and-networks 1 700
style 1 890
Commentator 1 158
Organizer 1 403
data 1 805
piecewise 1 931
color 1 716
plot-themes 1 1,000
Suffrage 1 459
conditional 1 931
finite-element-method 1 743
code-request 1 890
code-review 1 890
grid-layouts 1 890
Critic 1 264
animation 1 770
plotting 1 516
simplifying-expressions 1 682
trees 1 931
Revival 57 11,970
evaluation 1 716
sparse-arrays 1 890
Precognitive 1 595
legending 1 792
gui-construction 1 821
Nice Answer 721 26,677
notebooks 1 751
mathematical-optimization 1 700
graphics 1 578
import 1 743
Vox Populi 1 498
interpolation 1 780
distributions 1 821
summation 1 805
random 1 760
symbolic 1 723
Caucus 4 888
function-construction 1 641
visualization 1 805
Announcer 30 6,810
associations 1 792
algebraic-manipulation 1 780
Informed 1 95
equation-solving 1 604
Cleanup 1 463
map 1 862
intersection 1 931
graphics3d 1 650
charts 1 1,000
probability-or-statistics 1 686
combinatorics 1 805
iteration 1 1,000
formatting 1 691
performance-tuning 1 805
pattern-matching 1 931
matrix 1 770
dataset 1 931
dynamic 1 890
Epic 1 729
visualization 1 1,000
sorting 1 1,000
Enthusiast 1 334
regions 1 890
Strunk & White 1 546
filling 1 1,000
string-manipulation 1 931
equation-solving 1 729
Good Answer 33 8,118
style 1 1,000
Refiner 1 647
mesh 1 890
Enlightened 304 42,864
replacement 1 931
Archaeologist 1 723
random 1 1,000
Necromancer 88 17,248
function-construction 1 839
plotting 1 617
labeling 1 1,000
Generalist 1 528
graphics3d 1 862
functions 1 792
geometry 1 890
programming 1 890
histograms 1 1,000
formatting 1 890
graphs-and-networks 1 862
charts 1 1,000
Constituent 3 942
Civic Duty 1 398
Guru 3 1,248
Lifejacket 1 582
legending 1 1,000
combinatorics 1 1,000
probability-or-statistics 1 890
list-manipulation 1 621
Pundit 1 521
Beta 1 612
Yearling 12 528
graphics 1 700
manipulate 1 862
color 1 931
filtering 1 1,000
Sportsmanship 1 553
color 1 1,000
Copy Editor 1 660
functions 1 931
legending 1 1,000
Electorate 1 507
Illuminator 1 931
charts 1 1,000
graphics 1 862
Legendary 1 862
matrix 1 931
plotting 1 705
graphs-and-networks 1 931
pattern-matching 1 931
replacement 1 1,000
Fanatic 1 426
list-manipulation 1 700
graphics3d 1 931
labeling 1 1,000
Stack Overflow - 3,497 (1,438) 1 9 15

Stack Overflow - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-08T01:22:02+01:00

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 87
Student 1 60
Editor 1 53
Supporter 1 90
Critic 1 171
Scholar 1 74
Nice Answer 1 98
Commentator 1 123
Caucus 6 804
wolfram-mathematica 1 774
Civic Duty 1 259
Enthusiast 1 204
Yearling 7 371
Fanatic 1 329
Mathematics - 513 (231) 1 4

Mathematics - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-08T01:22:02+01:00

Name Awarded Score
Caucus 2 328
Teacher 1 100
Supporter 1 37
Yearling 1 48
Cross Validated - 29 (101) 1

Cross Validated - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-08T01:22:02+01:00

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 29
Theoretical Computer Science - 0 (101)

Theoretical Computer Science - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-08T01:22:02+01:00

Code Golf - 0 (101)

Code Golf - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-08T01:22:02+01:00

Computational Science - 0 (101)

Computational Science - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-08T01:22:02+01:00