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Number of badges
Most awarded badge
14234 × times (Autobiographer)
Last badges scan

Badges distribution


Account Score
PeterJ PeterJ 4136
Shog9 Shog9 2008
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil' Gilles 'SO- stop being evil' 1585
Manishearth Manishearth 1281
200_success 200_success 913
Tim Post Tim Post 588
mattdm mattdm 587
Adam Lear Adam Lear 499
Brock Adams Brock Adams 467
Cerbrus Cerbrus 379
rene rene 379
Shadow Wizard Shadow Wizard 379
Journeyman Geek Journeyman Geek 379
Undo Undo 379
animuson animuson 379
Martijn Pieters Martijn Pieters 379
nicael nicael 379
hobbs hobbs 294
Jedi Jedi 207
muru muru 138
James K James K 90
unutbu unutbu 90
Bill the Lizard Bill the Lizard 90
JohnGB JohnGB 90
Nick Craver Nick Craver 1
Sklivvz Sklivvz 1
wizzwizz4 wizzwizz4 1
Barmar Barmar 1
candied_orange candied_orange 1
fonini fonini 1
Martin Schröder Martin Schröder 1
Geoff Dalgas Geoff Dalgas 1
J. Musser J. Musser 1
Laura Laura 1
Oded Oded 1
sam hocevar sam hocevar 1
Marc Gravell Marc Gravell 1
Jeff Atwood Jeff Atwood 1
Joel Spolsky Joel Spolsky 1
Jarrod Dixon Jarrod Dixon 1
evilmandarine evilmandarine 0


Name Awarded Score
Autobiographer 14234 1
Supporter 6184 89
Student 4888 113
Editor 3905 137
Yearling 2529 182
Popular Question 2480 184
Scholar 2477 184
Teacher 2051 204
Informed 1990 207
Notable Question 1013 278
Nice Answer 943 285
Commentator 803 302
Nice Question 757 308
Custodian 755 308
Caucus 499 352
Revival 406 373
Tumbleweed 389 378
Citizen Patrol 386 378
Critic 375 381
Enlightened 356 387
Curious 317 399
Enthusiast 261 419
Necromancer 216 439
Famous Question 182 457
Excavator 176 460
Promoter 168 465
Organizer 143 482
Constituent 139 485
Self-Learner 132 490
Quorum 123 498
Announcer 122 499
Good Answer 110 509
Good Question 106 513
Fanatic 105 514
Explainer 86 535
Analytical 82 540
Precognitive 62 569
Tag Editor 60 573
Benefactor 58 576
Taxonomist 55 582
Suffrage 46 601
Civic Duty 46 601
Disciplined 39 618
Vox Populi 38 621
Peer Pressure 32 638
Cleanup 26 660
Favorite Question 26 660
Beta 23 673
Guru 22 678
Reviewer 20 688
Talkative 19 693
Investor 17 705
Electorate 17 705
Mortarboard 16 711
Pundit 15 718
linear-algebra 10 760
Strunk & White 10 760
Inquisitive 10 760
Convention 9 771
Altruist 8 783
finite-element 8 783
Booster 8 783
Synonymizer 7 797
Constable 6 813
python 6 813
Proofreader 5 832
pde 5 832
optimization 5 832
ode 5 832
matlab 5 832
matrix 5 832
finite-difference 3 886
Deputy 3 886
Sheriff 3 886
Steward 3 886
parallel-computing 3 886
Great Question 2 928
Copy Editor 2 928
Publicist 2 928
fluid-dynamics 2 928
petsc 2 928
numerical-analysis 2 928
linear-solver 2 928
convex-optimization 2 928
Lifejacket 2 928
linear-algebra 2 928
numerics 2 928
linear-programming 2 928
optimization 2 928
differential-equations 2 928
Sportsmanship 1 1000
Archaeologist 1 1000
Tenacious 1 1000
Great Answer 1 1000
Stellar Question 1 1000
Populist 1 1000
Refiner 1 1000
c++ 1 1000
software 1 1000
algorithms 1 1000
finite-element 1 1000
boundary-conditions 1 1000
pde 1 1000
hyperbolic-pde 1 1000
runge-kutta 1 1000
hpc 1 1000
sparse-matrix 1 1000
iterative-method 1 1000
constrained-optimization 1 1000
performance 1 1000
nonlinear-programming 1 1000
eigensystem 1 1000
preconditioning 1 1000
finite-volume 1 1000
fortran 1 1000
eigenvalues 1 1000
reference-request 1 1000
discretization 1 1000
error-estimation 1 1000
navier-stokes 1 1000
convergence 1 1000
mesh 1 1000
numerics 0 1000
matrices 0 1000
Research Assistant 0 1000
Outspoken 0 1000
Epic 0 1000
Hacker 0 1000
Generalist 0 1000
Legendary 0 1000
Reversal 0 1000
Unsung Hero 0 1000
Marshal 0 1000
Socratic 0 1000
Illuminator 0 1000
sparse 0 1000
eigensystem 0 1000
Backer 0 1000
Bluebook 0 1000
Creditor 0 1000
Incrementalist 0 1000
Peer Review 0 1000
Primer 0 1000
Renovator 0 1000
Knowledgeable 0 1000
Educated 0 1000
Documentation Beta 0 1000
Documentation Pioneer 0 1000
Not a Robot 0 1000
Census 0 1000
linear-programming 0 1000
linear-programming 0 1000
nonlinear-programming 0 1000
linear-programming 0 1000
Documentation User 0 1000
optimization 0 1000
Lifeboat 0 1000
Buzz 0 1000
Favorite Answer 0 1000
Stellar Answer 0 1000
Guide 0 1000
Instructor 0 1000