
View Japanese Language website

Number of badges
Most awarded badge
14220 × times (Autobiographer)
Last badges scan

Badges distribution


Account Score
muru muru 4404
PeterJ PeterJ 3492
Makoto Makoto 2154
Shog9 Shog9 1623
Jarrod Dixon Jarrod Dixon 1217
James K James K 1038
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil' Gilles 'SO- stop being evil' 917
Adam Lear Adam Lear 840
Geoff Dalgas Geoff Dalgas 751
nicael nicael 633
Shadow Wizard Shadow Wizard 563
Marc Gravell Marc Gravell 462
Jeff Atwood Jeff Atwood 462
J. Musser J. Musser 424
Braiam Braiam 424
Undo Undo 424
wizzwizz4 wizzwizz4 424
bigyihsuan bigyihsuan 414
Oded Oded 385
Laura Laura 385
Nick Craver Nick Craver 385
rene rene 347
Journeyman Geek Journeyman Geek 347
Cerbrus Cerbrus 347
Brock Adams Brock Adams 346
Martin Schröder Martin Schröder 187
A.L - say no to AI A.L - say no to AI 187
animuson animuson 140
200_success 200_success 78
galacticninja galacticninja 78
mattdm mattdm 78
felipsmartins felipsmartins 78
hobbs hobbs 78
user1686 user1686 78
Manishearth Manishearth 78
Sklivvz Sklivvz 1
Joel Spolsky Joel Spolsky 1
T.J. Crowder T.J. Crowder 1
Nick Berardi Nick Berardi 1
Doorknob Doorknob 1
Tim Post Tim Post 1
Ixrec Ixrec 0


Name Awarded Score
Autobiographer 14220 1
Student 6970 76
Supporter 6935 77
Popular Question 6531 83
Informed 5098 109
Yearling 5032 110
Scholar 4498 122
Editor 3823 139
Notable Question 2899 168
Teacher 2889 168
Nice Answer 2591 179
Nice Question 2167 198
Enlightened 1234 257
Commentator 994 279
Custodian 906 289
Curious 825 299
Critic 762 307
Famous Question 659 322
Caucus 585 335
Citizen Patrol 525 346
Enthusiast 410 372
Revival 404 374
Quorum 365 384
Constituent 322 397
Announcer 297 406
Good Answer 235 430
Necromancer 233 431
Good Question 225 435
Excavator 217 438
Organizer 197 449
Fanatic 155 474
Civic Duty 148 478
Explainer 135 488
Suffrage 123 498
Inquisitive 106 513
Peer Pressure 97 523
Vox Populi 93 527
Talkative 92 528
Mortarboard 88 533
Promoter 83 539
Cleanup 81 541
Self-Learner 71 555
Analytical 70 557
Benefactor 62 569
Favorite Question 57 578
Tag Editor 52 588
Guru 52 588
Taxonomist 51 590
grammar 49 594
Disciplined 46 601
Electorate 42 610
Precognitive 37 623
Beta 37 623
Convention 36 626
Pundit 36 626
Investor 34 632
Reviewer 31 642
Strunk & White 30 645
Generalist 28 652
meaning 26 660
word-choice 22 678
Altruist 21 682
translation 17 705
words 17 705
Steward 16 711
Socratic 16 711
Proofreader 15 718
Booster 15 718
Outspoken 13 733
nuances 12 741
Deputy 12 741
grammar 11 750
Lifejacket 10 760
usage 9 771
kanji 9 771
Tumbleweed 8 783
particles 8 783
verbs 7 797
Great Answer 7 797
Synonymizer 6 813
etymology 6 813
Sportsmanship 6 813
Archaeologist 6 813
Copy Editor 6 813
word-choice 6 813
Great Question 5 832
Constable 5 832
meaning 5 832
Refiner 4 856
translation 4 856
words 4 856
pronunciation 4 856
readings 4 856
Stellar Question 3 886
Sheriff 3 886
expressions 3 886
katakana 3 886
particle-に 3 886
kanji 3 886
adjectives 3 886
conjugations 3 886
Populist 2 928
Marshal 2 928
grammar 2 928
loanwords 2 928
syntax 2 928
word-requests 2 928
names 2 928
orthography 2 928
phrases 2 928
phrase-requests 2 928
etymology 2 928
history 2 928
passive-voice 2 928
adverbs 2 928
classical-japanese 2 928
pitch-accent 2 928
Research Assistant 1 1000
Tenacious 1 1000
Epic 1 1000
Legendary 1 1000
Publicist 1 1000
manga 1 1000
translation 1 1000
meaning 1 1000
particle-は 1 1000
colloquial-language 1 1000
slang 1 1000
set-phrases 1 1000
particle-が 1 1000
definitions 1 1000
nuances 1 1000
english-to-japanese 1 1000
usage 1 1000
idioms 1 1000
words 1 1000
word-choice 1 1000
particle-の 1 1000
て-form 1 1000
word-usage 1 1000
particle-と 1 1000
dialects 1 1000
song-lyrics 1 1000
parsing 1 1000
politeness 1 1000
particles 1 1000
verbs 1 1000
contractions 1 1000
counters 1 1000
relative-clauses 1 1000
particle-を 1 1000
reading-comprehension 1 1000
culture 1 1000
nouns 1 1000
i-adjectives 1 1000
tense 1 1000
hiragana 1 1000
business-japanese 1 1000
honorifics 1 1000
nuances 1 1000
numbers 1 1000
particle-で 1 1000
suffixes 1 1000
jlpt 1 1000
expressions 1 1000
syntax 1 1000
sentence 1 1000
negation 1 1000
subsidiary-verbs 1 1000
nominalization 1 1000
kana 1 1000
keigo 1 1000
transitivity 1 1000
anime 1 1000
causation 1 1000
spoken-language 1 1000
usage 1 1000
manga 1 1000
terminology 1 1000
kanji 1 1000
word-usage 1 1000
pronunciation 1 1000
food 1 1000
aspect 1 1000
synonyms 1 1000
japanese-to-english 1 1000
copula 1 1000
onomatopoeia 1 1000
readings 1 1000
handwriting 1 1000
na-adjectives 1 1000
formality 1 1000
particle-も 1 1000
particle-に 1 1000
questions 1 1000
sentence-final-particles 1 1000
katakana 1 1000
particle-か 1 1000
verbs 1 1000
spelling 1 1000
slang 1 1000
compounds 1 1000
pronouns 1 1000
conditionals 1 1000
particle-は 1 1000
word-choice 0 1000
Hacker 0 1000
Reversal 0 1000
Unsung Hero 0 1000
Illuminator 0 1000
Backer 0 1000
Bluebook 0 1000
Creditor 0 1000
Incrementalist 0 1000
Peer Review 0 1000
Primer 0 1000
Renovator 0 1000
Knowledgeable 0 1000
Educated 0 1000
Documentation Beta 0 1000
Documentation Pioneer 0 1000
Not a Robot 0 1000
Census 0 1000
te-form 0 1000
Documentation User 0 1000
questions 0 1000
Lifeboat 0 1000
onomatopoeia 0 1000
Buzz 0 1000
onomatopoeia 0 1000
grammar-constructions 0 1000
conditionals 0 1000
word-usage 0 1000
Favorite Answer 0 1000
Stellar Answer 0 1000
Guide 0 1000
Instructor 0 1000