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Score compared to Jon Skeet

66,811 / 3,545,178

Total reputation


Total reputation compared to Jon Skeet

(48,945) / (1,611,470)


profile for Ganesh Sanap - MVP on Stack Exchange




unlocked badge Reviewer × 7 for a score of 538 on SharePoint
unlocked badge powerapps-forms × 1 for a score of 1000 on SharePoint
unlocked badge error × 1 for a score of 1000 on SharePoint
unlocked badge Enlightened × 1 for a score of 417 on SharePoint
unlocked badge list × 1 for a score of 1000 on SharePoint
unlocked badge sharepoint-online × 1 for a score of 869 on SharePoint
unlocked badge modern-experience × 1 for a score of 1000 on SharePoint
unlocked badge Census × 1 for a score of 603 on SharePoint
unlocked badge Constituent × 2 for a score of 387 on SharePoint
unlocked badge Research Assistant × 1 for a score of 815 on SharePoint
unlocked badge Archaeologist × 1 for a score of 731 on SharePoint
unlocked badge Deputy × 1 for a score of 630 on SharePoint
unlocked badge Yearling × 7 for a score of 144 on SharePoint
unlocked badge Tenacious × 1 for a score of 483 on SharePoint
unlocked badge Enthusiast × 1 for a score of 435 on SharePoint
unlocked badge Generalist × 1 for a score of 674 on SharePoint
unlocked badge Taxonomist × 1 for a score of 497 on SharePoint
unlocked badge Strunk & White × 1 for a score of 592 on SharePoint
unlocked badge Fanatic × 1 for a score of 533 on SharePoint
unlocked badge Electorate × 1 for a score of 612 on SharePoint
unlocked badge Copy Editor × 1 for a score of 731 on SharePoint
unlocked badge Unsung Hero × 1 for a score of 553 on SharePoint
unlocked badge Marshal × 1 for a score of 781 on SharePoint
unlocked badge Illuminator × 1 for a score of 1000 on SharePoint
unlocked badge Steward × 15 for a score of 603 on SharePoint
unlocked badge sharepoint-online × 1 for a score of 1000 on SharePoint
unlocked badge Refiner × 1 for a score of 815 on SharePoint
unlocked badge Civic Duty × 1 for a score of 500 on SharePoint
unlocked badge Informed × 1 for a score of 135 on SharePoint
unlocked badge javascript × 1 for a score of 720 on SharePoint
unlocked badge permissions × 1 for a score of 869 on SharePoint
unlocked badge Curious × 1 for a score of 271 on SharePoint
unlocked badge document-library × 1 for a score of 847 on SharePoint
unlocked badge Explainer × 1 for a score of 457 on SharePoint
unlocked badge Caucus × 2 for a score of 317 on SharePoint
unlocked badge list × 1 for a score of 772 on SharePoint
unlocked badge Custodian × 8 for a score of 244 on SharePoint
unlocked badge sharepoint-server × 1 for a score of 791 on SharePoint
unlocked badge sharepoint-online × 1 for a score of 638 on SharePoint
unlocked badge office-365 × 1 for a score of 803 on SharePoint
unlocked badge column-formatting × 1 for a score of 1000 on SharePoint
unlocked badge Popular Question × 2 for a score of 1 on SharePoint
unlocked badge powerapp × 1 for a score of 1000 on SharePoint
unlocked badge power-automate × 1 for a score of 1000 on SharePoint
unlocked badge flow × 1 for a score of 1000 on SharePoint
unlocked badge spfx-webparts × 1 for a score of 896 on SharePoint
unlocked badge spfx × 1 for a score of 847 on SharePoint
unlocked badge modern-experience × 1 for a score of 1000 on SharePoint
unlocked badge administration × 1 for a score of 935 on SharePoint
unlocked badge sharepoint-rest-api × 1 for a score of 935 on SharePoint


SharePoint - 61,455 (46,717) 22 31 63

SharePoint - View this profile - Last scan: 2025-02-18T23:22:02+01:00

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 131
Student 1 57
Editor 1 107
Cleanup 1 498
Organizer 1 396
Supporter 1 120
Critic 1 315
Citizen Patrol 1 343
Autobiographer 1 48
Scholar 1 116
Self-Learner 1 385
Commentator 1 225
Tumbleweed 1 133
Mortarboard 1 600
Nice Answer 1 328
Popular Question 2 2
Tag Editor 1 550
Suffrage 1 480
Revival 4 1,096
Talkative 1 606
Quorum 1 476
Vox Populi 1 505
Synonymizer 1 749
Proofreader 1 624
Excavator 1 368
Informed 1 135
javascript 1 720
permissions 1 869
Curious 1 271
document-library 1 847
Explainer 1 457
Caucus 2 634
list 1 772
Custodian 8 1,952
sharepoint-server 1 791
sharepoint-online 1 638
office-365 1 803
calculated-column 1 896
administration 1 935
sharepoint-rest-api 1 935
modern-experience 1 1,000
calculated-column-formula 1 935
json-formatting 1 1,000
column-formatting 1 1,000
spfx 1 847
spfx-webparts 1 896
flow 1 1,000
power-automate 1 1,000
powerapp 1 1,000
powerapps-forms 1 1,000
error 1 1,000
Enlightened 1 417
list 1 1,000
sharepoint-online 1 869
modern-experience 1 1,000
Census 1 603
Constituent 2 774
Refiner 1 815
Reviewer 7 3,766
Research Assistant 1 815
Archaeologist 1 731
Deputy 1 630
Yearling 7 1,008
Tenacious 1 483
Enthusiast 1 435
Civic Duty 1 500
Generalist 1 674
Taxonomist 1 497
Strunk & White 1 592
Fanatic 1 533
Electorate 1 612
Copy Editor 1 731
Unsung Hero 1 553
Marshal 1 781
Illuminator 1 1,000
Steward 15 9,045
sharepoint-online 1 1,000
Stack Overflow - 4,311 (2,228) 1 11 20

Stack Overflow - View this profile - Last scan: 2025-02-18T23:22:02+01:00

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 88
Editor 1 54
Organizer 1 253
Supporter 1 90
Citizen Patrol 1 218
Autobiographer 1 56
Nice Answer 1 98
Commentator 1 123
Revival 1 163
Excavator 1 239
Caucus 3 402
Custodian 5 605
Informed 1 51
Explainer 1 294
Constituent 2 412
Tenacious 1 302
Yearling 7 371
Necromancer 1 134
Unsung Hero 1 358
Photography - 706 (115) 1 6

Photography - View this profile - Last scan: 2025-02-18T23:22:02+01:00

Name Awarded Score
Student 1 96
Autobiographer 1 1
Informed 1 164
Supporter 1 69
Editor 1 153
Popular Question 1 84
Notable Question 1 139
Movies & TV - 215 (101) 3

Movies & TV - View this profile - Last scan: 2025-02-18T23:22:02+01:00

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 59
Autobiographer 1 1
Informed 1 155
Meta Stack Exchange - 124 (101) 2

Meta Stack Exchange - View this profile - Last scan: 2025-02-18T23:22:02+01:00

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 123
Autobiographer 1 1