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Brian M. Scott



Score compared to Jon Skeet

505821 / 3416312

Total reputation


Total reputation compared to Jon Skeet

(622585) / (1585052)


profile for Brian M. Scott on Stack Exchange


Mathematics - 499792 (619687) 58 789 1298

Mathematics - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
calculus 1 465
intuition 1 740
probability-theory 1 624
terminology 1 696
pigeonhole-principle 1 890
automata 1 913
cauchy-sequences 1 913
irrational-numbers 1 769
connectedness 1 825
discrete-mathematics 1 607
divisibility 1 696
Talkative 1 407
combinations 1 737
Autobiographer 1 45
combinatorial-proofs 1 857
Nice Answer 985 108350
cantor-set 1 945
permutations 1 681
quotient-spaces 1 890
Editor 1 14
optimization 1 686
filters 1 845
trees 1 945
elementary-number-theory 1 554
absolute-value 1 872
sequences-and-series 1 519
axiom-of-choice 1 802
Informed 1 54
propositional-calculus 1 757
summation 1 631
cardinals 1 774
real-analysis 1 476
Quorum 1 352
proof-verification 1 639
recursion 1 945
recreational-mathematics 1 753
formal-languages 1 890
limits 1 544
functional-analysis 1 593
finite-groups 1 668
statistics 1 663
number-theory 1 567
general-topology 1 553
product-space 1 945
Supporter 1 37
notation 1 653
model-theory 1 737
stirling-numbers 1 913
predicate-logic 1 789
asymptotics 1 723
solution-verification 1 670
continuity 1 664
convergence-divergence 1 635
combinatorics 1 562
real-numbers 1 779
uniform-spaces 1 945
manifolds 1 726
complex-analysis 1 576
metric-spaces 1 658
derivatives 1 595
Tag Editor 1 466
inclusion-exclusion 1 845
Suffrage 1 352
elementary-set-theory 1 604
ring-theory 1 617
Caucus 3 552
context-free-grammar 1 1000
Critic 1 187
separable-spaces 1 945
fibonacci-numbers 1 834
Teacher 1 101
alternative-proof 1 816
analysis 1 576
modular-arithmetic 1 680
compactness 1 740
integer-partitions 1 945
matrices 1 556
contest-math 1 662
limsup-and-liminf 1 945
rational-numbers 1 816
Mortarboard 1 329
measure-theory 1 604
Cleanup 1 330
probability 1 550
Custodian 6 756
soft-question 1 629
diophantine-equations 1 711
generating-functions 1 779
order-theory 1 809
proof-writing 1 656
Proofreader 1 458
factorial 1 746
group-theory 1 548
binomial-theorem 1 872
Explainer 1 297
recurrence-relations 1 726
set-theory 1 683
geometry 1 561
algorithms 1 749
math-history 1 816
Organizer 1 278
number-systems 1 945
descriptive-set-theory 1 845
inequality 1 588
category-theory 1 651
binomial-coefficients 1 687
computer-science 1 784
exponentiation 1 734
puzzle 1 774
boolean-algebra 1 825
ceiling-and-floor-functions 1 890
Excavator 1 260
regular-expressions 1 945
power-series 1 711
Announcer 68 19176
examples-counterexamples 1 718
logic 1 618
nets 1 945
regular-language 1 945
linear-algebra 1 497
polynomials 1 596
lattice-orders 1 890
Commentator 1 117
abstract-algebra 1 512
infinity 1 779
induction 1 684
algebraic-topology 1 633
functions 1 591
problem-solving 1 816
relations 1 809
binary 1 945
vector-spaces 1 663
definition 1 694
logarithms 1 666
infinitary-combinatorics 1 1000
education 1 845
ordinals 1 845
baire-category 1 945
field-theory 1 650
catalan-numbers 1 945
Revival 79 16195
trigonometry 1 580
graph-theory 1 658
equivalence-relations 1 890
algebra-precalculus 1 527
arithmetic 1 703
recursive-algorithms 1 1000
Disciplined 1 339
separation-axioms 1 913
reference-request 1 649
Citizen Patrol 1 238
probability-distributions 1 674
integration 1 516
prime-numbers 1 639
fractions 1 784
proof-explanation 1 737
Lifejacket 7 3661
cardinals 1 890
Enthusiast 1 250
examples-counterexamples 1 890
Reviewer 1 386
limits 1 673
measure-theory 1 728
arithmetic 1 872
notation 1 845
geometry 1 680
terminology 1 913
Necromancer 17 4131
elementary-number-theory 1 662
Booster 3 1404
relations 1 945
solution-verification 1 890
inequality 1 716
Constituent 3 771
group-theory 1 658
reference-request 1 825
binomial-coefficients 1 834
axiom-of-choice 1 913
automata 1 1000
factorial 1 913
calculus 1 580
functional-analysis 1 698
integration 1 628
matrices 1 674
proof-writing 1 857
Guru 52 18772
Pundit 1 431
Epic 1 635
Yearling 13 650
recurrence-relations 1 1000
convergence-divergence 1 753
abstract-algebra 1 618
Sportsmanship 1 508
Convention 1 556
Enlightened 449 88453
analysis 1 714
sequences-and-series 1 641
induction 1 872
algebra-precalculus 1 651
summation 1 757
logic 1 728
Deputy 1 481
connectedness 1 913
separation-axioms 1 945
general-topology 1 671
continuity 1 834
probability 1 652
set-theory 1 789
Good Answer 178 42898
functions 1 746
discrete-mathematics 1 761
order-theory 1 890
metric-spaces 1 834
formal-languages 1 1000
Refiner 1 539
ordinals 1 913
elementary-set-theory 1 731
linear-algebra 1 621
Strunk & White 1 419
number-theory 1 681
compactness 1 857
Civic Duty 1 322
permutations 1 834
real-analysis 1 591
graph-theory 1 774
Outspoken 1 548
generating-functions 1 913
Generalist 1 476
combinatorics 1 666
proof-verification 1 825
calculus 1 662
set-theory 1 857
analysis 1 834
graph-theory 1 913
number-theory 1 779
Legendary 1 707
Fanatic 1 350
elementary-number-theory 1 761
general-topology 1 774
Copy Editor 1 533
induction 1 945
discrete-mathematics 1 872
compactness 1 945
Electorate 1 415
Illuminator 1 743
algebra-precalculus 1 746
elementary-set-theory 1 825
real-analysis 1 674
Publicist 1 586
limits 1 765
Great Answer 16 7216
Steward 1 379
combinatorics 1 753
order-theory 1 945
binomial-coefficients 1 890
Populist 7 3465
sequences-and-series 1 726
group-theory 1 740
probability 1 734
metric-spaces 1 913
proof-writing 1 1000
abstract-algebra 1 707
linear-algebra 1 698
logic 1 784
functions 1 913
summation 1 872
decimal-expansion 1 845
topological-groups 1 834
filters 1 1000
complete-spaces 1 913
order-topology 1 1000
set-partition 1 1000
recurrence-relations 1 1000
bipartite-graphs 1 945
English Language & Usage - 5281 (2689) 17 20

English Language & Usage - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 96
Editor 1 93
Supporter 1 36
Critic 1 238
Autobiographer 1 1
Commentator 1 220
Mortarboard 1 358
Nice Answer 12 1488
Custodian 1 255
Yearling 12 1176
Enlightened 4 1004
Necromancer 1 316
Academia - 561 (209) 1 5

Academia - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 130
Supporter 1 49
Autobiographer 1 1
Nice Answer 1 66
Commentator 1 237
Yearling 1 78
Meta Stack Exchange - 121 (101) 2

Meta Stack Exchange - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 120
Autobiographer 1 1
Computer Science - 63 (101) 2

Computer Science - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 62
Autobiographer 1 1
German Language - 1 (101) 1

German Language - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Autobiographer 1 1
Linguistics - 1 (101) 1

Linguistics - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Autobiographer 1 1
History of Science and Mathematics - 1 (101) 1

History of Science and Mathematics - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Autobiographer 1 1