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Number of badges
Most awarded badge
47453 × times (Autobiographer)
Last badges scan

Badges distribution


Account Score
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil' Gilles 'SO- stop being evil' 108181
200_success 200_success 4684
PeterJ PeterJ 4485
Shog9 Shog9 3586
Bill the Lizard Bill the Lizard 3084
Adam Lear Adam Lear 2660
Barmar Barmar 1924
Martin Schröder Martin Schröder 1599
animuson animuson 1599
muru muru 1510
Manishearth Manishearth 1430
fredley fredley 1371
Salvador Dali Salvador Dali 1207
hobbs hobbs 1140
wizzwizz4 wizzwizz4 979
Oded Oded 596
Denis de Bernardy Denis de Bernardy 515
Jarrod Dixon Jarrod Dixon 496
rene rene 485
Undo Undo 385
mattdm mattdm 385
Martijn Pieters Martijn Pieters 385
Brock Adams Brock Adams 384
sam hocevar sam hocevar 367
Braiam Braiam 323
Journeyman Geek Journeyman Geek 323
Cerbrus Cerbrus 323
Shadow Wizard Shadow Wizard 323
Gordon Linoff Gordon Linoff 252
unutbu unutbu 252
Jedi Jedi 225
Sklivvz Sklivvz 190
nicael nicael 164
Makoto Makoto 164
user1686 user1686 163
Nathan Osman Nathan Osman 144
Jeff Atwood Jeff Atwood 63
T.J. Crowder T.J. Crowder 63
Brian M. Scott Brian M. Scott 63
Joe Joe 63
robjohn robjohn 63
amWhy amWhy 63
Nerdroid Nerdroid 63
AstroCB AstroCB 63
Nick Craver Nick Craver 63
Laura Laura 63
k0pernikus k0pernikus 63
psadac psadac 63
Vidar S. Ramdal Vidar S. Ramdal 63
Tim Post Tim Post 63
alecxe alecxe 63
fonini fonini 63
Jon Jon 63
Ixrec Ixrec 63
candied_orange candied_orange 63
o.m. o.m. 62
sch sch 62
rolfl rolfl 1
James K James K 1
Joel Spolsky Joel Spolsky 1
Geoff Dalgas Geoff Dalgas 1
Joel David Hamkins Joel David Hamkins 1
Dmytro Mitin Dmytro Mitin 1
Onorio Catenacci Onorio Catenacci 1
yceruto yceruto 1
Marc Gravell Marc Gravell 1
Doorknob Doorknob 1
C. K. Young C. K. Young 1
J. Musser J. Musser 1
Maciej Maciej 0
Jovan Perovic Jovan Perovic 0
wangzq wangzq 0
evilmandarine evilmandarine 0


Name Awarded Score
Autobiographer 47453 1
Supporter 24787 62
Student 20096 81
Editor 16472 100
Scholar 11767 131
Popular Question 9842 147
Informed 8348 163
Yearling 6937 180
Teacher 6297 189
Notable Question 4500 220
Nice Answer 3070 256
Caucus 2450 276
Custodian 2422 278
Commentator 2316 282
Nice Question 1897 300
Citizen Patrol 1493 322
Critic 1436 326
Revival 1214 342
Enlightened 1159 346
Famous Question 975 362
Tumbleweed 938 366
Curious 824 378
Announcer 633 402
Excavator 610 405
Good Answer 600 407
Constituent 598 407
Enthusiast 576 411
Necromancer 539 417
Promoter 465 431
Peer Pressure 413 442
Organizer 392 446
Good Question 386 448
Explainer 299 472
Self-Learner 271 481
Quorum 232 495
Fanatic 210 504
Benefactor 167 526
Guru 146 538
Cleanup 144 539
Disciplined 133 547
Suffrage 128 550
Civic Duty 126 552
Mortarboard 125 553
Analytical 120 556
Vox Populi 97 576
Talkative 96 577
Favorite Question 89 584
Tag Editor 82 592
Taxonomist 82 592
Reviewer 72 604
Booster 70 606
Investor 64 615
algorithms 48 641
Steward 45 647
Pundit 44 649
Precognitive 42 654
Electorate 37 665
Strunk & White 35 671
Inquisitive 35 671
Beta 34 673
Generalist 34 673
Deputy 32 679
Great Answer 32 679
complexity-theory 29 688
Altruist 27 695
Proofreader 23 710
Great Question 22 714
Populist 21 718
Convention 20 723
formal-languages 19 727
Tenacious 19 727
computability 17 738
turing-machines 15 749
graphs 15 749
Lifejacket 15 749
regular-languages 14 756
automata 13 763
terminology 12 770
programming-languages 11 778
time-complexity 11 778
Sportsmanship 11 778
finite-automata 11 778
logic 10 787
data-structures 10 787
Publicist 10 787
Refiner 10 787
context-free 9 797
np-complete 9 797
algorithms 9 797
Stellar Question 9 797
Synonymizer 8 808
asymptotics 8 808
algorithm-analysis 8 808
Copy Editor 8 808
computer-architecture 7 820
type-theory 7 820
compilers 7 820
formal-grammars 6 834
Outspoken 6 834
Marshal 6 834
regular-expressions 6 834
undecidability 6 834
proof-techniques 5 851
Sheriff 5 851
computability 5 851
lambda-calculus 5 851
graphs 5 851
reductions 4 872
complexity-theory 4 872
Unsung Hero 4 872
Constable 4 872
formal-languages 4 872
reference-request 4 872
runtime-analysis 4 872
operating-systems 4 872
algorithms 4 872
satisfiability 4 872
closure-properties 4 872
optimization 4 872
computation-models 4 872
combinatorics 3 899
np-hard 3 899
space-complexity 3 899
np 3 899
complexity-theory 3 899
terminology 3 899
landau-notation 3 899
turing-machines 3 899
regular-languages 3 899
sorting 3 899
algorithm-analysis 3 899
time-complexity 3 899
decision-problem 3 899
machine-learning 3 899
pumping-lemma 3 899
halting-problem 3 899
dynamic-programming 3 899
binary-trees 3 899
automata 3 899
shortest-path 3 899
strings 3 899
functional-programming 3 899
Epic 2 936
recurrence-relation 2 936
complexity-classes 2 936
randomized-algorithms 2 936
probability-theory 2 936
efficiency 2 936
polynomial-time 2 936
arrays 2 936
approximation 2 936
cryptography 2 936
computational-geometry 2 936
sets 2 936
trees 2 936
data-compression 2 936
arithmetic 2 936
np-complete 2 936
randomness 2 936
search-algorithms 2 936
context-free 2 936
number-theory 2 936
quantum-computing 2 936
finite-automata 2 936
pushdown-automata 2 936
correctness-proof 2 936
p-vs-np 2 936
linear-programming 2 936
circuits 2 936
runtime-analysis 2 936
discrete-mathematics 2 936
linear-algebra 2 936
information-theory 2 936
hash 2 936
data-structures 2 936
optimization 2 936
graph-traversal 2 936
graphs 2 936
pseudo-random-generators 2 936
turing-completeness 2 936
parallel-computing 2 936
entropy 2 936
cpu 2 936
Research Assistant 1 1000
Archaeologist 1 1000
Legendary 1 1000
Reversal 1 1000
Socratic 1 1000
Illuminator 1 1000
nondeterminism 1 1000
asymptotics 1 1000
lower-bounds 1 1000
formal-languages 1 1000
recursion 1 1000
neural-networks 1 1000
reductions 1 1000
permutations 1 1000
integer-programming 1 1000
greedy-algorithms 1 1000
machine-learning 1 1000
counting 1 1000
turing-machines 1 1000
computability 1 1000
computer-vision 1 1000
boolean-algebra 1 1000
coding-theory 1 1000
propositional-logic 1 1000
recurrence-relation 1 1000
time-complexity 1 1000
regular-languages 1 1000
np 1 1000
matrices 1 1000
probabilistic-algorithms 1 1000
matching 1 1000
traveling-salesman 1 1000
formal-grammars 1 1000
regular-expressions 1 1000
encoding-scheme 1 1000
master-theorem 1 1000
undecidability 1 1000
complexity-classes 1 1000
combinatorics 1 1000
mathematical-foundations 1 1000
bipartite-matching 1 1000
sorting 1 1000
algorithm-analysis 1 1000
big-o-notation 1 1000
asymptotics 1 1000
proof-techniques 1 1000
parsers 1 1000
concurrency 1 1000
satisfiability 1 1000
type-theory 1 1000
finite-automata 1 1000
artificial-intelligence 1 1000
dependent-types 1 1000
ambiguity 1 1000
sampling 1 1000
np-hard 1 1000
oracle-machines 1 1000
space-complexity 1 1000
minimum-spanning-tree 1 1000
logic 1 1000
randomized-algorithms 1 1000
3-sat 1 1000
sat-solvers 1 1000
colorings 1 1000
notation 1 1000
primes 1 1000
image-processing 1 1000
integers 1 1000
np-complete 1 1000
memory-management 1 1000
divide-and-conquer 1 1000
floating-point 1 1000
graph-theory 0 1000
Hacker 0 1000
randomized-algorithms 0 1000
randomized-algorithms 0 1000
regular-languages 0 1000
cryptography 0 1000
Backer 0 1000
Bluebook 0 1000
Creditor 0 1000
Incrementalist 0 1000
Peer Review 0 1000
Primer 0 1000
Renovator 0 1000
Knowledgeable 0 1000
Educated 0 1000
graph-theory 0 1000
concurrency 0 1000
Documentation Beta 0 1000
Documentation Pioneer 0 1000
data-compression 0 1000
Not a Robot 0 1000
Census 0 1000
Documentation User 0 1000
graph-traversal 0 1000
parsers 0 1000
Lifeboat 0 1000
Buzz 0 1000
oracle-machines 0 1000
Favorite Answer 0 1000
Stellar Answer 0 1000
image-processing 0 1000
Guide 0 1000
Instructor 0 1000