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Number of badges
Most awarded badge
12874 × times (Autobiographer)
Last badges scan

Badges distribution


Account Score
PeterJ PeterJ 4987
D Stanley D Stanley 2910
Joel Spolsky Joel Spolsky 2679
Bill the Lizard Bill the Lizard 2303
Adam Lear Adam Lear 2199
Jeff Atwood Jeff Atwood 1713
Geoff Dalgas Geoff Dalgas 1576
Jarrod Dixon Jarrod Dixon 1359
Martin Schröder Martin Schröder 1011
Shog9 Shog9 623
Brock Adams Brock Adams 620
Tim Post Tim Post 499
unutbu unutbu 408
Undo Undo 408
rene rene 349
Martijn Pieters Martijn Pieters 349
Cerbrus Cerbrus 349
Journeyman Geek Journeyman Geek 349
Shadow Wizard Shadow Wizard 349
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil' Gilles 'SO- stop being evil' 349
Mr. Bultitude Mr. Bultitude 349
animuson animuson 1
Manishearth Manishearth 1
muru muru 1
Gugu72 Gugu72 1
nicael nicael 1
Marc Gravell Marc Gravell 1
Barmar Barmar 1
Laura Laura 1
Nick Craver Nick Craver 1
J. Musser J. Musser 1
Oded Oded 1
jamesmortensen jamesmortensen 1
Sklivvz Sklivvz 1
Nerdroid Nerdroid 1
Charlie Charlie 0
nasiroudin nasiroudin 0


Name Awarded Score
Autobiographer 12874 1
Student 8366 47
Supporter 7467 59
Editor 5602 89
Popular Question 5344 94
Informed 4037 124
Scholar 3777 131
Yearling 3630 135
Teacher 3619 135
Notable Question 2354 181
Nice Answer 1081 263
Commentator 1056 265
Nice Question 1036 268
Revival 1036 268
Tumbleweed 1034 268
Custodian 1000 271
Critic 691 310
Necromancer 553 334
Curious 533 338
Famous Question 509 343
Citizen Patrol 484 348
Caucus 376 375
Enthusiast 340 385
Enlightened 333 387
Excavator 295 400
Promoter 287 403
Announcer 256 415
Organizer 190 447
Peer Pressure 178 453
Constituent 164 462
Good Question 152 470
Good Answer 137 481
Benefactor 136 482
Self-Learner 130 487
Taxonomist 130 487
Explainer 125 491
Quorum 117 498
Favorite Question 116 499
Fanatic 113 501
Suffrage 87 529
Civic Duty 82 535
Tag Editor 63 563
Precognitive 61 567
Vox Populi 61 567
Disciplined 56 576
Cleanup 48 592
Analytical 43 603
Reviewer 42 606
Investor 38 616
Electorate 31 638
Altruist 22 674
Beta 21 679
Mortarboard 18 695
options 16 708
Guru 16 708
Booster 15 715
Generalist 15 715
Strunk & White 15 715
Inquisitive 15 715
Talkative 14 722
Steward 12 738
Pundit 11 747
Proofreader 9 769
Stellar Question 9 769
option-pricing 8 781
Lifejacket 8 781
Convention 7 795
Tenacious 7 795
Constable 7 795
Synonymizer 6 811
Deputy 6 811
Great Question 5 831
Populist 5 831
black-scholes 5 831
Great Answer 4 854
Sheriff 4 854
fixed-income 4 854
Sportsmanship 3 885
Publicist 3 885
implied-volatility 3 885
stochastic-calculus 3 885
interest-rates 3 885
volatility 3 885
bond 3 885
stochastic-processes 3 885
programming 3 885
Copy Editor 2 927
Unsung Hero 2 927
quantlib 2 927
high-frequency 2 927
risk-neutral-measure 2 927
interest-rate-swap 2 927
swaps 2 927
Refiner 1 1000
monte-carlo 1 1000
market-microstructure 1 1000
yield-curve 1 1000
brownian-motion 1 1000
python 1 1000
quantlib 1 1000
fx 1 1000
bloomberg 1 1000
market-making 1 1000
trading 1 1000
Research Assistant 0 1000
Archaeologist 0 1000
Outspoken 0 1000
Epic 0 1000
Hacker 0 1000
Legendary 0 1000
Reversal 0 1000
Marshal 0 1000
Socratic 0 1000
Illuminator 0 1000
black-scholes 0 1000
Backer 0 1000
Bluebook 0 1000
Creditor 0 1000
Incrementalist 0 1000
Peer Review 0 1000
Primer 0 1000
Renovator 0 1000
Knowledgeable 0 1000
Educated 0 1000
Documentation Beta 0 1000
Documentation Pioneer 0 1000
Not a Robot 0 1000
stochastic-processes 0 1000
Census 0 1000
Documentation User 0 1000
python 0 1000
Lifeboat 0 1000
Buzz 0 1000
programming 0 1000
Favorite Answer 0 1000
Stellar Answer 0 1000
Guide 0 1000
Instructor 0 1000