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Score compared to Jon Skeet

342901 / 3416312

Total reputation


Total reputation compared to Jon Skeet

(107880) / (1585052)


profile for jamesmortensen on Stack Exchange


Meta Stack Exchange - 60919 (31882) 8 79 135

Meta Stack Exchange - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 258
Student 1 203
Editor 1 225
Cleanup 1 436
Organizer 1 424
Supporter 1 120
Critic 1 227
Citizen Patrol 1 311
Autobiographer 1 1
Scholar 1 239
Self-Learner 1 449
Nice Question 6 1242
Nice Answer 92 15640
Commentator 1 296
feature-request 1 569
discussion 1 513
support 1 579
stackoverflow 1 1000
specific-question 1 782
comments 1 695
Mortarboard 1 397
Investor 1 472
Altruist 1 516
Peer Pressure 1 302
Suffrage 1 432
Revival 4 1364
Vox Populi 1 485
closed-questions 1 798
Excavator 1 409
Analytical 1 427
Custodian 3 1080
Deputy 1 521
Sportsmanship 1 599
Enthusiast 1 384
Pundit 1 449
discussion 1 610
feature-request 1 669
Civic Duty 1 419
Good Answer 13 3601
Good Question 2 602
Generalist 1 588
Necromancer 13 4030
Guru 1 454
Enlightened 26 7410
Strunk & White 1 586
Yearling 12 2052
discussion 1 695
Reversal 4 1816
Fanatic 1 462
Electorate 1 508
Populist 1 550
Explainer 1 497
Curious 1 409
stack-overflow 1 668
Lifejacket 3 1449
Project Management - 57799 (9537) 7 41 88

Project Management - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 216
Student 1 188
Editor 1 236
Cleanup 1 677
Organizer 1 504
Supporter 1 107
Critic 1 407
Citizen Patrol 1 380
Autobiographer 1 1
Scholar 1 246
Self-Learner 1 699
Investor 1 751
Altruist 1 805
Commentator 1 397
Popular Question 10 2210
Nice Answer 22 7018
Nice Question 6 2010
Tag Editor 1 596
Announcer 17 8381
Talkative 1 751
Quorum 1 535
Vox Populi 1 635
Synonymizer 1 890
Suffrage 1 578
Excavator 1 509
team-management 1 769
Analytical 1 529
Informed 1 213
Custodian 6 2238
Sportsmanship 1 780
Convention 1 751
Booster 2 1582
Notable Question 6 1734
Yearling 12 2748
Good Question 1 543
Civic Duty 1 613
Enlightened 9 4266
Favorite Question 1 704
Good Answer 2 1054
Enthusiast 1 468
Beta 1 662
Strunk & White 1 759
Fanatic 1 551
Electorate 1 751
Copy Editor 1 890
Famous Question 2 852
Constable 1 820
Explainer 1 585
Curious 1 532
Great Question 1 890
Caucus 1 497
Guru 1 704
Constituent 1 587
Stack Overflow - 42167 (33972) 9 82 116

Stack Overflow - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
php 1 459
java 1 431
ajax 1 642
javascript 1 421
jquery 1 484
json 1 584
Teacher 1 86
Student 1 59
Editor 1 52
Cleanup 1 301
Organizer 1 251
Supporter 1 89
Critic 1 170
Citizen Patrol 1 216
Autobiographer 1 57
Scholar 1 73
Nice Question 1 143
Nice Answer 44 4268
Popular Question 9 9
Commentator 1 122
Mortarboard 1 329
Investor 1 366
Promoter 1 274
Benefactor 1 314
Altruist 1 414
Tag Editor 1 359
Announcer 7 1442
Suffrage 1 307
Revival 5 815
Talkative 1 410
Quorum 1 352
Vox Populi 1 332
Proofreader 1 375
Excavator 1 239
Analytical 1 329
Caucus 9 1197
Custodian 3 360
Informed 1 52
Constituent 7 1666
Reviewer 1 342
Deputy 1 414
Convention 1 520
Sportsmanship 1 505
Tenacious 1 320
Pundit 1 423
Enthusiast 1 234
javascript 1 544
Civic Duty 1 287
Notable Question 4 356
Good Answer 16 3120
Necromancer 9 1593
Guru 7 1876
Enlightened 17 3383
Taxonomist 1 409
Strunk & White 1 394
Yearling 7 756
Fanatic 1 356
Electorate 1 387
Copy Editor 1 501
Marshal 1 508
Explainer 1 293
Great Answer 5 1525
html 1 481
Educated 1 264
Generalist 1 565
Curious 1 187
Refiner 1 527
Tumbleweed 1 123
Booster 1 484
jquery 1 592
Synonymizer 1 550
css 1 499
Freelancing - 34584 (2636) 2 24 42

Freelancing - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 282
Student 1 247
Editor 1 305
Organizer 1 590
Supporter 1 173
Critic 1 489
Citizen Patrol 1 414
Autobiographer 1 1
Scholar 1 316
Nice Answer 6 2526
Commentator 1 503
Mortarboard 1 812
Tag Editor 1 665
Announcer 5 3740
Talkative 1 748
Precognitive 1 531
Quorum 1 565
Analytical 1 690
Custodian 7 2800
Informed 1 223
Convention 1 831
Booster 1 927
Enthusiast 1 504
Civic Duty 1 738
Good Answer 3 1959
Enlightened 3 1662
Strunk & White 1 854
Yearling 10 3150
Fanatic 1 572
Constable 1 831
Explainer 1 661
Nice Question 2 904
Taxonomist 1 679
Caucus 4 1880
Lifejacket 1 927
Guru 1 885
The Workplace - 30850 (11416) 5 59 83

The Workplace - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 138
Student 1 89
Editor 1 113
Cleanup 1 469
Organizer 1 392
Supporter 1 24
Critic 1 208
Citizen Patrol 1 233
Autobiographer 1 1
Nice Question 1 174
Nice Answer 38 1938
Commentator 1 212
Mortarboard 1 239
Investor 1 617
Altruist 1 640
Tag Editor 1 575
Announcer 6 2646
Talkative 1 380
Quorum 1 399
Vox Populi 1 512
Suffrage 1 443
Excavator 1 430
Informed 1 163
Analytical 1 535
Caucus 9 1449
Custodian 6 1398
Constituent 7 1610
Convention 1 617
Outspoken 1 606
Enthusiast 1 380
Pundit 1 368
Civic Duty 1 338
Beta 1 614
Good Answer 14 1918
Guru 3 840
Enlightened 14 3248
Strunk & White 1 604
Yearling 12 684
Great Answer 1 279
Electorate 1 553
Fanatic 1 490
Constable 1 850
Sheriff 1 776
Explainer 1 445
Popular Question 1 93
Deputy 1 555
Taxonomist 1 565
Software Engineering - 23264 (9337) 2 36 63

Software Engineering - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 146
Student 1 129
Editor 1 131
Organizer 1 394
Supporter 1 35
Critic 1 250
Citizen Patrol 1 277
Autobiographer 1 1
Scholar 1 161
Self-Learner 1 502
Commentator 1 240
Mortarboard 1 352
Nice Answer 30 4140
Nice Question 2 426
Popular Question 4 532
Suffrage 1 448
Revival 2 780
Talkative 1 544
Quorum 1 411
Excavator 1 348
Analytical 1 410
Caucus 3 870
Custodian 3 873
Curious 1 417
Explainer 1 485
Constituent 3 1062
Convention 1 659
Deputy 1 590
Yearling 13 1404
Pundit 1 450
Guru 1 352
Enlightened 7 2023
Good Answer 4 928
Civic Duty 1 415
Enthusiast 1 356
Fanatic 1 460
Great Answer 1 407
Notable Question 2 360
Lifejacket 1 496
Motor Vehicle Maintenance & Repair - 12762 (1943) 2 21 28

Motor Vehicle Maintenance & Repair - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 113
Student 1 8
Editor 1 112
Organizer 1 442
Supporter 1 61
Critic 1 328
Citizen Patrol 1 304
Autobiographer 1 1
Scholar 1 124
Nice Question 1 270
Nice Answer 3 681
Popular Question 4 104
Commentator 1 270
Tag Editor 1 529
Quorum 1 452
Excavator 1 432
Analytical 1 604
Custodian 4 1136
Convention 1 712
Enthusiast 1 460
Notable Question 3 219
Beta 1 650
Good Answer 1 431
Enlightened 2 668
Yearling 9 1296
Famous Question 2 334
Caucus 2 660
Guru 1 587
Constituent 2 774
Genealogy & Family History - 11076 (607) 1 7 21

Genealogy & Family History - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 175
Student 1 106
Editor 1 209
Organizer 1 493
Supporter 1 145
Critic 1 425
Citizen Patrol 1 387
Autobiographer 1 1
Nice Answer 1 307
Commentator 1 393
Tag Editor 1 573
Talkative 1 597
Precognitive 1 463
Quorum 1 468
Vox Populi 1 601
Suffrage 1 581
Analytical 1 573
Custodian 1 333
Informed 1 113
Convention 1 681
Enthusiast 1 440
Beta 1 589
Enlightened 1 468
Yearling 3 543
Fanatic 1 517
Explainer 1 589
Nice Question 1 306
Stack Apps - 10873 (753) 1 5 20

Stack Apps - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 364
Student 1 291
Editor 1 329
Organizer 1 549
Supporter 1 170
Critic 1 473
Citizen Patrol 1 396
Autobiographer 1 1
Nice Question 3 1212
Commentator 1 486
Tag Editor 1 623
Announcer 2 1126
Analytical 1 504
Custodian 2 912
Enthusiast 1 474
Good Question 1 528
Yearling 3 855
Fanatic 1 556
Curious 1 574
Popular Question 1 450
Super User - 6893 (1406) 12 18

Super User - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 119
Editor 1 114
Supporter 1 75
Critic 1 258
Citizen Patrol 1 284
Autobiographer 1 1
Nice Answer 2 402
Commentator 1 232
Talkative 1 529
Excavator 1 305
Informed 1 138
Caucus 4 1236
Custodian 2 526
Constituent 3 1101
Enthusiast 1 387
Good Answer 1 283
Yearling 7 903
Pets - 6877 (680) 2 7 17

Pets - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 140
Student 1 60
Editor 1 159
Supporter 1 81
Critic 1 339
Citizen Patrol 1 320
Autobiographer 1 1
Nice Question 4 1044
Commentator 1 346
Talkative 1 528
Precognitive 1 563
Quorum 1 480
Enthusiast 1 473
Beta 1 568
Yearling 3 459
Fanatic 1 533
Popular Question 2 216
Notable Question 2 310
Famous Question 1 257
Physical Fitness - 6331 (1409) 9 16

Physical Fitness - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 162
Student 1 117
Editor 1 170
Supporter 1 85
Critic 1 332
Citizen Patrol 1 313
Autobiographer 1 1
Scholar 1 180
Nice Answer 4 1188
Commentator 1 324
Quorum 1 481
Custodian 1 323
Enthusiast 1 454
Beta 1 605
Yearling 7 1218
Caucus 1 378
Webmasters - 5522 (300) 5 14

Webmasters - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 167
Student 1 95
Editor 1 155
Supporter 1 82
Critic 1 349
Citizen Patrol 1 328
Autobiographer 1 1
Scholar 1 161
Self-Learner 1 463
Commentator 1 325
Announcer 1 489
Caucus 3 1044
Constituent 3 1215
Enthusiast 1 440
Yearling 1 208
Tor - 4784 (286) 3 11

Tor - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 231
Student 1 124
Editor 1 206
Supporter 1 159
Critic 1 479
Citizen Patrol 1 374
Autobiographer 1 1
Commentator 1 445
Precognitive 1 552
Quorum 1 543
Enthusiast 1 517
Yearling 1 323
Taxonomist 1 652
Popular Question 1 178
Server Fault - 4595 (449) 6 12

Server Fault - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 151
Editor 1 134
Supporter 1 94
Critic 1 295
Citizen Patrol 1 321
Autobiographer 1 1
Commentator 1 255
Excavator 1 326
Caucus 4 1244
Constituent 2 748
Enthusiast 1 403
Yearling 2 322
Necromancer 1 301
Web Applications - 3583 (229) 4 12

Web Applications - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 147
Student 1 120
Editor 1 170
Supporter 1 49
Critic 1 332
Citizen Patrol 1 310
Autobiographer 1 1
Scholar 1 196
Popular Question 1 132
Commentator 1 366
Caucus 2 602
Constituent 2 792
Yearling 1 195
Notable Question 1 171
Personal Finance & Money - 2534 (293) 3 9

Personal Finance & Money - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 151
Editor 1 128
Supporter 1 45
Critic 1 272
Citizen Patrol 1 276
Autobiographer 1 1
Nice Answer 1 136
Caucus 1 419
Constituent 1 464
Yearling 1 112
Enlightened 1 278
Commentator 1 252
Unix & Linux - 1934 (305) 2 13

Unix & Linux - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 103
Student 1 63
Supporter 1 11
Citizen Patrol 1 294
Autobiographer 1 1
Scholar 1 101
Caucus 1 328
Yearling 1 91
Popular Question 2 54
Editor 1 73
Critic 1 252
Commentator 1 214
Excavator 1 277
Notable Question 1 72
Graphic Design - 1656 (193) 8

Graphic Design - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 149
Editor 1 137
Supporter 1 48
Critic 1 349
Citizen Patrol 1 334
Autobiographer 1 1
Caucus 2 638
Ask Ubuntu - 1336 (135) 9

Ask Ubuntu - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Editor 1 103
Supporter 1 82
Citizen Patrol 1 306
Autobiographer 1 1
Commentator 1 238
Teacher 1 127
Scholar 1 156
Popular Question 1 75
Revival 1 248
Electrical Engineering - 1223 (101) 4

Electrical Engineering - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Citizen Patrol 1 277
Autobiographer 1 11
Talkative 1 514
Quorum 1 421
Home Improvement - 1163 (239) 1 3 8

Home Improvement - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Student 1 20
Editor 1 77
Supporter 1 61
Critic 1 304
Autobiographer 1 42
Popular Question 2 2
Notable Question 2 90
Famous Question 1 142
Nice Question 1 276
Yearling 1 149
Expatriates - 1027 (161) 5

Expatriates - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Student 1 45
Supporter 1 106
Autobiographer 1 1
Precognitive 1 524
Commentator 1 351
Salesforce - 1013 (103) 4

Salesforce - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Editor 1 95
Citizen Patrol 1 359
Autobiographer 1 82
Quorum 1 477
Writing - 1006 (103) 5

Writing - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Editor 1 171
Organizer 1 458
Supporter 1 69
Citizen Patrol 1 307
Autobiographer 1 1
Information Security - 877 (201) 1 6

Information Security - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Student 1 89
Supporter 1 29
Critic 1 274
Citizen Patrol 1 270
Autobiographer 1 1
Popular Question 1 95
Yearling 1 119
User Experience - 807 (141) 5

User Experience - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 154
Supporter 1 50
Critic 1 296
Citizen Patrol 1 306
Autobiographer 1 1
Software Quality Assurance & Testing - 623 (99) 4

Software Quality Assurance & Testing - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Editor 1 176
Supporter 1 90
Citizen Patrol 1 356
Autobiographer 1 1
Ask Different - 497 (133) 5

Ask Different - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 21
Citizen Patrol 1 296
Autobiographer 1 1
Student 1 68
Editor 1 111
Database Administrators - 468 (103) 4

Database Administrators - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Editor 1 96
Supporter 1 31
Citizen Patrol 1 340
Autobiographer 1 1
Sound Design - 451 (101) 3

Sound Design - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Citizen Patrol 1 354
Autobiographer 1 1
Supporter 1 96
Skeptics - 441 (101) 3

Skeptics - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 48
Autobiographer 1 1
Quorum 1 392
Academia - 433 (101) 4

Academia - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Editor 1 121
Supporter 1 49
Citizen Patrol 1 262
Autobiographer 1 1
Photography - 378 (101) 3

Photography - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 66
Citizen Patrol 1 311
Autobiographer 1 1
Parenting - 327 (101) 3

Parenting - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 42
Citizen Patrol 1 284
Autobiographer 1 1
Travel - 322 (101) 4

Travel - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Student 1 20
Supporter 1 50
Citizen Patrol 1 251
Autobiographer 1 1
Science Fiction & Fantasy - 289 (101) 3

Science Fiction & Fantasy - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 34
Citizen Patrol 1 250
Autobiographer 1 5
Community Building - 195 (101) 2

Community Building - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 194
Autobiographer 1 1
WordPress Development - 182 (111) 3

WordPress Development - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 66
Autobiographer 1 1
Teacher 1 115
Ask Patents - 165 (101) 2

Ask Patents - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 164
Autobiographer 1 1
Law - 128 (113) 3

Law - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Student 1 31
Autobiographer 1 1
Scholar 1 96
Role-playing Games - 100 (101) 2

Role-playing Games - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 69
Autobiographer 1 31
Software Recommendations - 81 (101) 2

Software Recommendations - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 80
Autobiographer 1 1
Android Enthusiasts - 71 (101) 2

Android Enthusiasts - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 70
Autobiographer 1 1
Arqade - 64 (101) 2

Arqade - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 56
Autobiographer 1 8
Code Review - 53 (101) 2

Code Review - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 52
Autobiographer 1 1
Space Exploration - 39 (101) 2

Space Exploration - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 38
Autobiographer 1 1
English Language & Usage - 37 (101) 2

English Language & Usage - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 36
Autobiographer 1 1
Geographic Information Systems - 33 (101) 1

Geographic Information Systems - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Autobiographer 1 33
Physics - 22 (101) 2

Physics - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 21
Autobiographer 1 1
Politics - 22 (101) 2

Politics - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 21
Autobiographer 1 1
Worldbuilding - 17 (101) 2

Worldbuilding - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 16
Autobiographer 1 1
Bicycles - 1 (101) 1

Bicycles - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Autobiographer 1 1
Quantitative Finance - 1 (101) 1

Quantitative Finance - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Autobiographer 1 1
Philosophy - 1 (101) 1

Philosophy - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Autobiographer 1 1
Martial Arts - 1 (101) 1

Martial Arts - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Autobiographer 1 1
Chemistry - 1 (101) 1

Chemistry - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Autobiographer 1 1
Network Engineering - 1 (101) 1

Network Engineering - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Autobiographer 1 1
Code Golf - 1 (101) 1

Code Golf - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Autobiographer 1 1
Psychology & Neuroscience - 1 (101) 1

Psychology & Neuroscience - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Autobiographer 1 1
Islam - 0 (101)

Islam - View this profile