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Score compared to Jon Skeet

310,653 / 3,758,270

Total reputation


Total reputation compared to Jon Skeet

(294,556) / (1,590,802)


profile for D Stanley on Stack Exchange


Personal Finance & Money - 206,041 (139,799) 20 323 386

Personal Finance & Money - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-09-07T23:22:02+02:00

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 151
Student 1 65
Editor 1 129
Cleanup 1 529
Organizer 1 410
Supporter 1 45
Critic 1 273
Citizen Patrol 1 276
Scholar 1 132
Commentator 1 253
Disciplined 1 604
Mortarboard 1 379
Nice Answer 293 39,848
Nice Question 1 224
Popular Question 1 107
credit-card 1 682
investing 1 628
canada 1 755
mortgage 1 685
taxes 1 636
Proofreader 1 689
Excavator 1 421
united-states 1 547
Revival 12 4,104
Quorum 1 455
Tag Editor 1 559
stocks 1 622
income-tax 1 663
Custodian 6 1,878
united-kingdom 1 693
savings 1 748
tax-deduction 1 814
real-estate 1 755
Informed 1 160
roth-ira 1 790
retirement 1 790
401k 1 735
ira 1 802
credit-score 1 724
banking 1 755
trading 1 829
loans 1 719
debt 1 771
options 1 847
etf 1 802
calculation 1 868
mutual-funds 1 802
credit 1 790
interest-rate 1 847
interest 1 847
student-loan 1 829
rental-property 1 829
car 1 763
refinance 1 895
financial-literacy 1 802
stock-analysis 1 847
accounting 1 934
starting-out-investing 1 868
rate-of-return 1 934
capital-gains-tax 1 847
index-fund 1 868
bonds 1 895
Explainer 1 504
terminology 1 868
stock-markets 1 771
dividends 1 829
investment-strategies 1 847
commodities 1 1,000
balance-sheet 1 1,000
fixed-income 1 1,000
shares 1 1,000
financial-statements 1 1,000
treasury 1 1,000
futures 1 1,000
risk 1 934
equity 1 1,000
wash-sale 1 934
call-options 1 895
stock-markets 1 934
Yearling 12 1,356
bonds 1 1,000
Lifejacket 1 615
Refiner 1 763
loans 1 895
401k 1 868
income-tax 1 802
stocks 1 780
investing 1 780
taxes 1 771
mortgage 1 847
Reviewer 1 603
Sportsmanship 1 709
Deputy 1 578
united-states 1 660
Notable Question 1 158
Good Answer 137 33,702
Good Question 1 343
Guru 37 14,541
Necromancer 2 772
Epic 1 748
Enlightened 112 31,248
Enthusiast 1 423
Pundit 1 477
Civic Duty 1 444
Strunk & White 1 672
Generalist 1 626
Famous Question 1 264
Legendary 1 934
Great Answer 10 4,750
Populist 5 2,895
united-states 1 724
investing 1 934
stocks 1 895
Stack Overflow - 95,244 (151,759) 11 178 251

Stack Overflow - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-09-07T23:22:02+02:00

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 87
Student 1 59
Editor 1 53
Cleanup 1 301
Organizer 1 251
Supporter 1 89
Critic 1 171
Citizen Patrol 1 217
Scholar 1 74
Nice Question 1 143
Nice Answer 165 16,005
Disciplined 1 393
Peer Pressure 1 197
Popular Question 1 1
Commentator 1 122
excel 1 609
c# 1 431
math 1 666
inheritance 1 670
.net 1 510
performance 1 611
sql 1 518 1 540
entity-framework 1 649
arrays 1 530
database 1 614 1 577
oracle 1 619 1 642
sql-server 1 552
xml 1 619
string 1 553
linq 1 608
winforms 1 626
reflection 1 694
list 1 586
interface 1 728
stored-procedures 1 710
class 1 644
visual-studio 1 636
generics 1 636
dictionary 1 627
sql-server-2008 1 654
oop 1 639
exception 1 669
datetime 1 654
lambda 1 671
sorting 1 652
random 1 706
Suffrage 1 307
Mortarboard 1 329
Announcer 6 1,236
Revival 1 163
razor 1 712
datatable 1 819
Vox Populi 1 332
Proofreader 1 376
Excavator 1 239
Analytical 1 329
t-sql 1 625 1 701
Caucus 13 1,729
Custodian 6 720
Informed 1 52
Explainer 1 293
Refiner 1 527
Reviewer 1 342
Booster 1 484
entity-framework 1 760
Epic 1 592
Sportsmanship 1 505
Civic Duty 1 287
.net 1 616
c# 1 535 1 659 1 697
Enthusiast 1 234
linq 1 724
sql 1 620
sql-server 1 656
Pundit 1 423
Good Answer 46 9,016
Strunk & White 1 394
Yearling 12 1,308
Generalist 1 565
Necromancer 1 177
Guru 18 4,824
Enlightened 83 16,517
Great Answer 3 915
Populist 1 385
sql 1 684
linq 1 789
c# 1 597
.net 1 696
Legendary 1 653
Electorate 1 387
Copy Editor 1 501
Software Engineering - 2,970 (1,175) 1 7 8

Software Engineering - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-09-07T23:22:02+02:00

Name Awarded Score
Caucus 1 290
Teacher 1 146
Editor 1 132
Supporter 1 35
Commentator 1 240
Mortarboard 1 352
Nice Answer 2 276
Yearling 5 540
Good Answer 2 464
Populist 1 495
Quantitative Finance - 2,937 (1,511) 7 8

Quantitative Finance - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-09-07T23:22:02+02:00

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 137
Editor 1 91
Supporter 1 61
Critic 1 312
Citizen Patrol 1 349
Commentator 1 267
Revival 1 269
Explainer 1 492
Yearling 7 959
Mathematics - 1,161 (312) 1 9

Mathematics - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-09-07T23:22:02+02:00

Name Awarded Score
Commentator 1 117
Caucus 4 656
Teacher 1 101
Editor 1 14
Supporter 1 37
Critic 1 187
Yearling 1 49
Christianity - 586 (166) 4

Christianity - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-09-07T23:22:02+02:00

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 106
Editor 1 116
Supporter 1 78
Caucus 1 286
Code Review - 575 (156) 3

Code Review - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-09-07T23:22:02+02:00

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 151
Caucus 2 424
Economics - 331 (111) 3

Economics - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-09-07T23:22:02+02:00

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 175
Editor 1 94
Supporter 1 62
Motor Vehicle Maintenance & Repair - 153 (121) 3

Motor Vehicle Maintenance & Repair - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-09-07T23:22:02+02:00

Name Awarded Score
Student 1 11
Editor 1 114
Popular Question 1 28
Home Improvement - 138 (101) 2

Home Improvement - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-09-07T23:22:02+02:00

Name Awarded Score
Editor 1 77
Supporter 1 61
Meta Stack Exchange - 120 (101) 1

Meta Stack Exchange - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-09-07T23:22:02+02:00

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 120
Biblical Hermeneutics - 98 (101) 1

Biblical Hermeneutics - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-09-07T23:22:02+02:00

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 98
Movies & TV - 56 (101) 1

Movies & TV - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-09-07T23:22:02+02:00

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 56
Code Golf - 55 (101) 1

Code Golf - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-09-07T23:22:02+02:00

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 55
Skeptics - 49 (101) 1

Skeptics - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-09-07T23:22:02+02:00

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 49
Puzzling - 44 (101) 1

Puzzling - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-09-07T23:22:02+02:00

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 44
English Language & Usage - 37 (101) 1

English Language & Usage - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-09-07T23:22:02+02:00

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 37
Law - 36 (101) 1

Law - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-09-07T23:22:02+02:00

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 36
Politics - 22 (101) 1

Politics - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-09-07T23:22:02+02:00

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 22
Super User - 0 (101)

Super User - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-09-07T23:22:02+02:00

Arqade - 0 (101)

Arqade - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-09-07T23:22:02+02:00

Role-playing Games - 0 (101)

Role-playing Games - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-09-07T23:22:02+02:00

Electrical Engineering - 0 (101)

Electrical Engineering - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-09-07T23:22:02+02:00

Science Fiction & Fantasy - 0 (101)

Science Fiction & Fantasy - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-09-07T23:22:02+02:00

Project Management - 0 (101)

Project Management - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-09-07T23:22:02+02:00

Bricks - 0 (101)

Bricks - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-09-07T23:22:02+02:00

The Workplace - 0 (101)

The Workplace - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-09-07T23:22:02+02:00

English Language Learners - 0 (101)

English Language Learners - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-09-07T23:22:02+02:00

MathOverflow - 0 (101)

MathOverflow - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-09-07T23:22:02+02:00

Retrocomputing - 0 (101)

Retrocomputing - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-09-07T23:22:02+02:00

Interpersonal Skills - 0 (101)

Interpersonal Skills - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-09-07T23:22:02+02:00