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Blender - 113,749 (43,697) 12 157 191
Blender - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-06T01:22:01+01:00
Anime & Manga - 28,932 (4,786) 7 38 66
Anime & Manga - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-06T01:22:01+01:00
Name | Awarded | Score |
Teacher | 1 | 156 |
Student | 1 | 146 |
Editor | 1 | 186 |
Cleanup | 1 | 541 |
Organizer | 1 | 471 |
Supporter | 1 | 139 |
Critic | 1 | 343 |
Citizen Patrol | 1 | 335 |
Autobiographer | 1 | 1 |
Scholar | 1 | 221 |
Nice Question | 9 | 2,277 |
Nice Answer | 10 | 2,430 |
Popular Question | 15 | 1,395 |
Commentator | 1 | 366 |
Promoter | 1 | 543 |
Tag Editor | 1 | 498 |
Talkative | 1 | 499 |
Quorum | 1 | 452 |
Vox Populi | 1 | 516 |
Suffrage | 1 | 493 |
Analytical | 1 | 600 |
Caucus | 3 | 912 |
Informed | 1 | 153 |
Custodian | 7 | 1,883 |
Constituent | 3 | 1,056 |
Outspoken | 1 | 613 |
Enthusiast | 1 | 440 |
Civic Duty | 1 | 545 |
Notable Question | 11 | 1,496 |
Good Answer | 2 | 944 |
Good Question | 1 | 491 |
Enlightened | 7 | 2,170 |
Yearling | 11 | 2,024 |
Electorate | 1 | 627 |
Fanatic | 1 | 517 |
Explainer | 1 | 502 |
Curious | 1 | 435 |
Tumbleweed | 1 | 396 |
Famous Question | 5 | 1,120 |
Pets - 13,293 (1,742) 2 16 26
Pets - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-06T01:22:01+01:00
Name | Awarded | Score |
Teacher | 1 | 146 |
Student | 1 | 68 |
Editor | 1 | 165 |
Organizer | 1 | 454 |
Supporter | 1 | 89 |
Critic | 1 | 344 |
Autobiographer | 1 | 1 |
Scholar | 1 | 194 |
Nice Question | 1 | 267 |
Nice Answer | 5 | 1,205 |
Popular Question | 1 | 112 |
Mortarboard | 1 | 537 |
Talkative | 1 | 532 |
Quorum | 1 | 484 |
Vox Populi | 1 | 567 |
Suffrage | 1 | 529 |
Custodian | 4 | 1,112 |
Informed | 1 | 177 |
Outspoken | 1 | 670 |
Enthusiast | 1 | 477 |
Notable Question | 1 | 158 |
Beta | 1 | 571 |
Good Answer | 1 | 470 |
Guru | 1 | 682 |
Enlightened | 1 | 353 |
Yearling | 8 | 1,264 |
Famous Question | 1 | 258 |
Fanatic | 1 | 537 |
Good Question | 1 | 523 |
Caucus | 1 | 347 |
Stack Overflow - 10,652 (2,672) 6 29 47
Stack Overflow - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-06T01:22:01+01:00
Name | Awarded | Score |
Teacher | 1 | 87 |
Student | 1 | 60 |
Editor | 1 | 53 |
Cleanup | 1 | 302 |
Organizer | 1 | 252 |
Supporter | 1 | 90 |
Critic | 1 | 171 |
Citizen Patrol | 1 | 217 |
Autobiographer | 1 | 55 |
Scholar | 1 | 74 |
Nice Question | 1 | 143 |
Nice Answer | 3 | 294 |
Popular Question | 10 | 10 |
Commentator | 1 | 123 |
Tag Editor | 1 | 360 |
Suffrage | 1 | 308 |
Talkative | 1 | 410 |
Quorum | 1 | 353 |
Vox Populi | 1 | 333 |
Excavator | 1 | 239 |
Analytical | 1 | 330 |
Caucus | 6 | 804 |
Custodian | 4 | 484 |
Informed | 1 | 51 |
Constituent | 4 | 824 |
Reviewer | 1 | 326 |
Enthusiast | 1 | 204 |
Civic Duty | 1 | 259 |
Notable Question | 6 | 270 |
Necromancer | 2 | 268 |
Yearling | 13 | 689 |
Famous Question | 4 | 496 |
Fanatic | 1 | 329 |
Electorate | 1 | 353 |
Educated | 1 | 265 |
Good Question | 1 | 209 |
Revival | 1 | 163 |
Curious | 1 | 188 |
Announcer | 1 | 206 |
Software Recommendations - 6,979 (1,303) 9 14
Software Recommendations - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-06T01:22:01+01:00
Name | Awarded | Score |
Teacher | 1 | 156 |
Editor | 1 | 123 |
Supporter | 1 | 82 |
Critic | 1 | 367 |
Autobiographer | 1 | 1 |
Nice Answer | 3 | 1,158 |
Commentator | 1 | 358 |
Custodian | 3 | 837 |
Good Answer | 1 | 571 |
Enlightened | 1 | 518 |
Yearling | 6 | 1,368 |
Caucus | 2 | 704 |
Guru | 1 | 736 |
Game Development - 1,634 (113) 8
Game Development - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-06T01:22:01+01:00
Name | Awarded | Score |
Teacher | 1 | 140 |
Student | 1 | 101 |
Editor | 1 | 112 |
Supporter | 1 | 64 |
Citizen Patrol | 1 | 298 |
Autobiographer | 1 | 1 |
Talkative | 1 | 481 |
Analytical | 1 | 437 |
Arqade - 1,419 (174) 1 7
Arqade - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-06T01:22:01+01:00
Name | Awarded | Score |
Teacher | 1 | 71 |
Editor | 1 | 118 |
Supporter | 1 | 57 |
Critic | 1 | 232 |
Autobiographer | 1 | 6 |
Talkative | 1 | 435 |
Caucus | 1 | 218 |
Constituent | 1 | 282 |
Motor Vehicle Maintenance & Repair - 730 (143) 7
Motor Vehicle Maintenance & Repair - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-06T01:22:01+01:00
Name | Awarded | Score |
Student | 1 | 16 |
Supporter | 1 | 69 |
Autobiographer | 1 | 1 |
Editor | 1 | 118 |
Scholar | 1 | 130 |
Teacher | 1 | 120 |
Commentator | 1 | 276 |
Mythology & Folklore - 716 (101) 3
Mythology & Folklore - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-06T01:22:01+01:00
Name | Awarded | Score |
Supporter | 1 | 172 |
Autobiographer | 1 | 1 |
Precognitive | 1 | 543 |
Vi and Vim - 661 (121) 4
Vi and Vim - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-06T01:22:01+01:00
Name | Awarded | Score |
Teacher | 1 | 196 |
Supporter | 1 | 37 |
Autobiographer | 1 | 1 |
Announcer | 1 | 427 |
Graphic Design - 560 (101) 2
Graphic Design - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-06T01:22:01+01:00
Name | Awarded | Score |
Autobiographer | 1 | 1 |
Talkative | 1 | 559 |
Computer Graphics - 548 (101) 3
Computer Graphics - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-06T01:22:01+01:00
Name | Awarded | Score |
Citizen Patrol | 1 | 433 |
Autobiographer | 1 | 1 |
Supporter | 1 | 114 |
Ask Ubuntu - 84 (101) 2
Ask Ubuntu - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-06T01:22:01+01:00
Name | Awarded | Score |
Supporter | 1 | 83 |
Autobiographer | 1 | 1 |
Emacs - 44 (101) 2
Emacs - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-06T01:22:01+01:00
Name | Awarded | Score |
Supporter | 1 | 43 |
Autobiographer | 1 | 1 |
Worldbuilding - 17 (101) 2
Worldbuilding - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-06T01:22:01+01:00
Name | Awarded | Score |
Autobiographer | 1 | 1 |
Supporter | 1 | 16 |
Meta Stack Exchange - 1 (101) 1
Meta Stack Exchange - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-06T02:22:01+01:00
Name | Awarded | Score |
Autobiographer | 1 | 1 |