
View the profile on StackExchange




Score compared to Jon Skeet

167,484 / 3,545,178

Total reputation


Total reputation compared to Jon Skeet

(329,013) / (1,611,470)


profile for jcalz on Stack Exchange




unlocked badge Good Answer × 125 for a score of 162 on Stack Overflow


unlocked badge Enlightened × 200 for a score of 172 on Stack Overflow
unlocked badge Nice Answer × 342 for a score of 98 on Stack Overflow


unlocked badge Guru × 68 for a score of 238 on Stack Overflow


unlocked badge Autobiographer × 1 for a score of 1 on Meta Stack Exchange
unlocked badge Supporter × 1 for a score of 123 on Meta Stack Exchange
unlocked badge javascript × 1 for a score of 589 on Stack Overflow
unlocked badge Great Answer × 19 for a score of 265 on Stack Overflow
unlocked badge generics × 1 for a score of 827 on Stack Overflow
unlocked badge Fanatic × 1 for a score of 329 on Stack Overflow
unlocked badge Populist × 1 for a score of 351 on Stack Overflow
unlocked badge Legendary × 1 for a score of 640 on Stack Overflow
unlocked badge Electorate × 1 for a score of 353 on Stack Overflow
unlocked badge typescript × 1 for a score of 753 on Stack Overflow
unlocked badge types × 1 for a score of 932 on Stack Overflow
unlocked badge typescript-generics × 1 for a score of 1000 on Stack Overflow
unlocked badge typescript-typings × 1 for a score of 957 on Stack Overflow
unlocked badge javascript × 1 for a score of 519 on Stack Overflow
unlocked badge Deputy × 1 for a score of 399 on Stack Overflow
unlocked badge types × 1 for a score of 840 on Stack Overflow
unlocked badge typescript × 1 for a score of 697 on Stack Overflow
unlocked badge Sportsmanship × 1 for a score of 492 on Stack Overflow
unlocked badge Booster × 3 for a score of 324 on Stack Overflow
unlocked badge Epic × 1 for a score of 583 on Stack Overflow
unlocked badge Civic Duty × 1 for a score of 260 on Stack Overflow
unlocked badge Enthusiast × 1 for a score of 204 on Stack Overflow
unlocked badge Pundit × 1 for a score of 401 on Stack Overflow
unlocked badge Strunk & White × 1 for a score of 378 on Stack Overflow
unlocked badge Yearling × 11 for a score of 53 on Stack Overflow
unlocked badge Necromancer × 10 for a score of 134 on Stack Overflow
unlocked badge generics × 1 for a score of 753 on Stack Overflow
unlocked badge typescript-typings × 1 for a score of 957 on Stack Overflow
unlocked badge union-types × 1 for a score of 957 on Stack Overflow
unlocked badge keyof × 1 for a score of 1000 on Stack Overflow
unlocked badge typescript-types × 1 for a score of 1000 on Stack Overflow
unlocked badge typeguards × 1 for a score of 1000 on Stack Overflow
unlocked badge Guide × 1 for a score of 562 on Stack Overflow
unlocked badge First Review × 1 for a score of 465 on Stack Overflow
unlocked badge narrowing × 1 for a score of 1000 on Stack Overflow
unlocked badge Favorite Answer × 4 for a score of 544 on Stack Overflow
unlocked badge type-inference × 1 for a score of 1000 on Stack Overflow
unlocked badge typescript-generics × 1 for a score of 957 on Stack Overflow
unlocked badge Refiner × 1 for a score of 505 on Stack Overflow
unlocked badge Lifejacket × 1 for a score of 393 on Stack Overflow
unlocked badge reactjs × 1 for a score of 667 on Stack Overflow
unlocked badge conditional-types × 1 for a score of 957 on Stack Overflow
unlocked badge Mortarboard × 1 for a score of 330 on Stack Overflow
unlocked badge types × 1 for a score of 687 on Stack Overflow
unlocked badge generics × 1 for a score of 636 on Stack Overflow
unlocked badge class × 1 for a score of 644 on Stack Overflow


Stack Overflow - 167,360 (329,013) 29 438 441

Stack Overflow - View this profile - Last scan: 2025-02-18T23:22:02+01:00

Name Awarded Score
type-inference 1 1,000
Epic 1 583
Booster 3 972
Sportsmanship 1 492
typescript 1 697
types 1 840
Deputy 1 399
reactjs 1 667
Lifejacket 1 393
Refiner 1 505
typescript-typings 1 957
typescript-generics 1 957
Civic Duty 1 260
Favorite Answer 4 2,176
narrowing 1 1,000
First Review 1 465
Guide 1 562
typeguards 1 1,000
typescript-types 1 1,000
keyof 1 1,000
union-types 1 957
mapped-types 1 957
conditional-types 1 957
Great Answer 19 5,035
typescript-typings 1 957
typescript-generics 1 1,000
types 1 932
typescript 1 753
Electorate 1 353
Legendary 1 640
Populist 1 351
Fanatic 1 329
javascript 1 589
generics 1 827
Student 1 60
Enlightened 200 34,400
Guru 68 16,184
Necromancer 10 1,340
Yearling 11 583
Strunk & White 1 378
Good Answer 125 20,250
Pundit 1 401
Enthusiast 1 204
javascript 1 519
generics 1 753
Commentator 1 123
class 1 644
interface 1 728
functional-programming 1 682
arrays 1 530
javascript 1 422
inheritance 1 671
Announcer 30 6,180
Altruist 1 415
Investor 1 367
Mortarboard 1 330
Explainer 1 294
Nice Answer 342 33,516
Scholar 1 75
Autobiographer 1 56
Citizen Patrol 1 218
Critic 1 172
Supporter 1 90
Organizer 1 253
Cleanup 1 302
Editor 1 54
Teacher 1 88
types 1 687
typescript-generics 1 856
discriminated-union 1 932
typescript-typings 1 888
typescript2.0 1 932
visual-studio-code 1 735
angular 1 566
reactjs 1 554
type-inference 1 850
recursion 1 710
node.js 1 550
Revival 12 1,956
Informed 1 51
typescript 1 594
Custodian 5 605
Caucus 3 402
Excavator 1 239
tuples 1 759
object 1 675
function 1 628
enums 1 711
generics 1 636
Meta Stack Exchange - 124 (101) 2

Meta Stack Exchange - View this profile - Last scan: 2025-02-18T23:22:02+01:00

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 123
Autobiographer 1 1