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Joel David Hamkins



Score compared to Jon Skeet

693580 / 3416312

Total reputation


Total reputation compared to Jon Skeet

(284104) / (1585052)


profile for Joel David Hamkins on Stack Exchange


MathOverflow - 589644 (230266) 43 743 1318

MathOverflow - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Announcer 357 132447
measure-theory 1 753
Promoter 1 396
forcing 1 819
Explainer 1 503
Cleanup 1 514
ct.category-theory 1 660
Caucus 2 700
foundations 1 891
Autobiographer 1 1
gn.general-topology 1 698
order-theory 1 914
peano-arithmetic 1 946
graph-theory 1 734 1 653
reference-request 1 617
Custodian 2 668
Mortarboard 1 468
Citizen Patrol 1 369
posets 1 1000
Nice Question 84 17304
Supporter 1 189
Excavator 1 411
Self-Learner 1 426
nt.number-theory 1 616
Teacher 1 238
axioms 1 1000
Talkative 1 566
Editor 1 192
Curious 1 331
computability-theory 1 836
Commentator 1 297
Organizer 1 431
Popular Question 61 12078
Quorum 1 484
Scholar 1 225
computational-complexity 1 836
model-theory 1 836
Tag Editor 1 585
soft-question 1 859
Informed 1 234
infinite-combinatorics 1 946
large-cardinals 1 827
ultrafilters 1 946
ordinal-numbers 1 946
descriptive-set-theory 1 873
computer-science 1 1000
axiom-of-choice 1 873
co.combinatorics 1 649
proof-theory 1 891
ra.rings-and-algebras 1 764
Nice Answer 737 121605
mathematical-philosophy 1 891
Benefactor 1 462
Revival 16 5008
Disciplined 1 435
Student 1 172
boolean-algebras 1 1000
set-theory 1 693
Critic 1 326
pr.probability 1 685
real-analysis 1 722
lo.logic 1 690
Yearling 14 2394
Lifejacket 7 4669
Favorite Question 9 3663
large-cardinals 1 1000
Epic 1 836
Generalist 1 622
model-theory 1 1000
Constituent 2 832
Good Question 39 13065
Enthusiast 1 350
Enlightened 322 83398
Pundit 1 491
Booster 41 23329
gn.general-topology 1 859
Guru 35 16065
reference-request 1 827
lo.logic 1 819
Necromancer 42 11718
forcing 1 946
computability-theory 1 1000
Civic Duty 1 433
Sportsmanship 1 608
Good Answer 190 56050
Convention 1 657
set-theory 1 804
Taxonomist 1 550
Inquisitive 1 496
Notable Question 25 7150
Electorate 1 527
Fanatic 1 432
Great Question 1 559
Populist 6 3552
Stellar Question 1 589
lo.logic 1 891
Famous Question 4 1748
Publicist 4 2748
set-theory 1 891
Lifeboat 1 873
forcing 1 1000
Great Answer 16 8464
Reversal 2 1718
theories-of-arithmetic 1 1000
large-cardinals 1 1000
model-theory 1 1000
game-theory 1 1000
lattice-theory 1 946
Legendary 1 946
Mathematics - 70996 (44416) 14 125 190

Mathematics - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 101
Student 1 1
Editor 1 14
Organizer 1 278
Supporter 1 37
Critic 1 187
Citizen Patrol 1 238
Autobiographer 1 45
Scholar 1 34
Self-Learner 1 333
Nice Question 10 1510
Nice Answer 96 10560
Commentator 1 117
Popular Question 10 150
Mortarboard 1 329
Tag Editor 1 466
Announcer 43 12126
Revival 2 410
Quorum 1 352
Custodian 1 126
model-theory 1 737
large-cardinals 1 890
Curious 1 169
Explainer 1 297
set-theory 1 683
elementary-set-theory 1 604
logic 1 618
general-topology 1 553
Excavator 1 260
computability 1 816
Caucus 4 736
Constituent 3 771
logic 1 728
set-theory 1 789
Convention 1 556
Enthusiast 1 250
Booster 10 4680
Notable Question 5 420
Civic Duty 1 322
Favorite Question 2 714
Good Answer 31 7471
Good Question 8 2272
Necromancer 7 1701
Guru 6 2166
Enlightened 33 6501
Taxonomist 1 481
Yearling 13 650
Pundit 1 431
Great Question 2 970
Great Answer 6 2706
Populist 1 495
Famous Question 1 208
Electorate 1 415
Publicist 2 1172
Fanatic 1 350
Mathematics Educators - 12814 (4076) 3 19 28

Mathematics Educators - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 124
Student 1 179
Editor 1 172
Supporter 1 54
Critic 1 311
Autobiographer 1 1
Nice Question 4 792
Nice Answer 10 1420
Popular Question 2 440
Commentator 1 288
Mortarboard 1 512
Announcer 2 892
Caucus 1 337
Custodian 1 277
Beta 1 550
Favorite Question 1 677
Notable Question 2 602
Good Answer 1 347
Good Question 2 788
Taxonomist 1 632
Yearling 10 1120
Enlightened 1 378
Great Answer 1 923
Famous Question 2 998
Philosophy - 11722 (3866) 1 21 23

Philosophy - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 138
Student 1 100
Editor 1 129
Supporter 1 62
Critic 1 278
Citizen Patrol 1 314
Autobiographer 1 1
Scholar 1 187
Nice Question 2 588
Nice Answer 5 1225
Popular Question 2 328
Commentator 1 238
Revival 3 933
Quorum 1 421
Caucus 1 342
Favorite Question 1 659
Notable Question 2 484
Good Answer 1 418
Good Question 2 1014
Yearling 12 1956
Necromancer 2 884
Guru 1 620
Famous Question 1 403
Chess - 2768 (346) 2 9

Chess - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Nice Question 1 224
Announcer 2 1114
Caucus 1 437
Teacher 1 151
Student 1 143
Editor 1 180
Supporter 1 68
Autobiographer 1 1
Yearling 1 133
Necromancer 1 317
TeX - LaTeX - 2518 (1134) 1 8 17

TeX - LaTeX - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 122
Student 1 14
Editor 1 53
Supporter 1 26
Critic 1 255
Autobiographer 1 20
Scholar 1 52
Commentator 1 174
Announcer 1 209
Curious 1 222
Nice Question 2 242
Popular Question 4 4
Notable Question 2 128
Good Question 1 243
Yearling 5 290
Famous Question 1 170
Self-Learner 1 294
Theoretical Computer Science - 1158 (185) 6

Theoretical Computer Science - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 215
Supporter 1 87
Autobiographer 1 1
Announcer 1 358
Editor 1 161
Critic 1 336
Academia - 734 (152) 6

Academia - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Student 1 82
Editor 1 121
Supporter 1 49
Critic 1 234
Autobiographer 1 1
Caucus 1 247
Stack Overflow - 484 (113) 5

Stack Overflow - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Student 1 59
Supporter 1 89
Autobiographer 1 57
Scholar 1 73
Announcer 1 206
Meta Stack Exchange - 348 (99) 3

Meta Stack Exchange - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 120
Critic 1 227
Autobiographer 1 1
English Language & Usage - 311 (149) 1 5

English Language & Usage - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Popular Question 1 39
Student 1 58
Supporter 1 36
Autobiographer 1 1
Scholar 1 105
Notable Question 1 72
History of Science and Mathematics - 82 (101) 2

History of Science and Mathematics - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 81
Autobiographer 1 1
Computer Science - 1 (101) 1

Computer Science - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Autobiographer 1 1