
ℹ️ An ongoing bug in Stack Exchange‘s API blocks the retrieval of the name of some badges, a workaround is in place, but it won’t work for bugged badges.

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Number of badges
Most awarded badge
312,829 × times (Autobiographer)
Last badges scan

Badges distribution


Account Score
Joel David Hamkins 613,441
PeterJ 6,097
Manishearth 3,514
Geoff Dalgas 2,834
Tim Post 2,690
robjohn 2,401
rene 1,867
Bill the Lizard 1,676
Sklivvz 1,524
Shog9 1,510
CrSb0001 1,481
animuson 1,455
Adam Lear 1,419
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil' 1,160
nicael 1,042
fonini 1,025
Martin Schröder 1,008
JNat 916
Oded 853
Undo 750
Marc Gravell 674
Fastnlight 602
Brock Adams 601
SLaks 595
J. Musser 558
hobbs 558
Mr. Bultitude 558
Shadow Wizard 558
John Rennie 551
Jarrod Dixon 485
Nick Craver 485
Joe 423
unutbu 423
T.J. Crowder 382
wizzwizz4 382
dan 369
Journeyman Geek 369
Cerbrus 369
Dharman 369
rolfl 369
Patrick Hofman 369
Martijn Pieters 369
Gugu72 369
Braiam 369
Laura 234
fredley 234
C. K. Young 234
Joel Spolsky 234
Makoto 234
sam hocevar 193
muru 193
lehalle 190
James K 190
Dmytro Mitin 190
mattdm 190
alecxe 190
user296113 190
grawity_u1686 190
Ixrec 189
Elzo Valugi 173
The Empty String Photographer 1
user1976 1
amWhy 1
Spehro 'speff' Pefhany 1
Thomas Owens 1
paxdiablo 1
candied_orange 1
k0pernikus 1
André Nicolas 0
Alex 0
Michael Homer 0
D Stanley 0
Grant 0
evilmandarine 0


Name Awarded Score
Autobiographer 312,829 1
Nice Answer 39,326 165
Yearling 36,764 171
Student 36,110 172
Supporter 29,122 189
Editor 28,109 192
Popular Question 26,373 197
Nice Question 23,640 205
Scholar 18,423 225
Informed 16,631 233
Teacher 15,734 238
Enlightened 12,083 258
Necromancer 9,417 278
Notable Question 8,602 285
Good Answer 7,664 294
Commentator 7,435 297
Revival 6,152 312
Critic 5,144 326
Curious 4,855 330
Custodian 4,662 334
Good Question 4,610 334
Enthusiast 3,792 350
Caucus 3,775 350
Citizen Patrol 3,000 368
Announcer 2,978 369
Peer Pressure 2,470 384
Promoter 2,150 395
Favorite Question 1,857 406
Excavator 1,763 410
Tumbleweed 1,708 413
Constituent 1,632 416
Self-Learner 1,456 425
Organizer 1,365 431
Fanatic 1,348 432
Civic Duty 1,333 432
Famous Question 1,299 434
Disciplined 1,298 435
Guru 954 459
Benefactor 919 462
Mortarboard 858 467
Quorum 693 484
Pundit 640 490
Inquisitive 602 495
Explainer 553 502
Suffrage 510 508
Cleanup 481 513
Electorate 399 528
Great Answer 391 529
Taxonomist 300 550
Investor 296 551
Great Question 270 558
Talkative 247 566
Booster 240 568
Vox Populi 230 571
Reviewer 208 579
Tag Editor 193 585
Stellar Question 187 587
Deputy 183 589
Populist 176 592
ag.algebraic-geometry 162 599
Socratic 146 607
Sportsmanship 144 608
nt.number-theory 131 616
reference-request 130 616
Steward 121 622
Generalist 120 623
Strunk & White 119 623
Altruist 111 629
at.algebraic-topology 105 633
Proofreader 94 642
co.combinatorics 86 649 81 654
dg.differential-geometry 79 656
Convention 78 657
ct.category-theory 74 661
Lifejacket 71 664
rt.representation-theory 62 675
fa.functional-analysis 61 676
pr.probability 56 683
Publicist 55 684
lo.logic 52 689
set-theory 50 692
gn.general-topology 46 698
ac.commutative-algebra 41 707
mg.metric-geometry 40 709
Marshal 40 709
nt.number-theory 39 711
linear-algebra 38 713
real-analysis 37 715
gt.geometric-topology 36 718
homotopy-theory 36 718
ag.algebraic-geometry 33 724
graph-theory 31 729
analytic-number-theory 26 743
ca.classical-analysis-and-odes 25 746
riemannian-geometry 24 750
measure-theory 24 750
lie-groups 24 750
ap.analysis-of-pdes 24 750
polynomials 23 753
matrices 22 756
Archaeologist 22 756
finite-groups 21 760
ra.rings-and-algebras 20 764
Copy Editor 20 764
complex-geometry 18 772
lie-algebras 18 772
cv.complex-variables 18 772
co.combinatorics 18 772
prime-numbers 17 777
at.algebraic-topology 17 777
homological-algebra 16 782
oa.operator-algebras 16 782
ds.dynamical-systems 16 782
ct.category-theory 16 782
Outspoken 16 782
algebraic-number-theory 15 787
fa.functional-analysis 15 787
sequences-and-series 15 787
differential-topology 14 792
dg.differential-geometry 14 792
set-theory 13 798
Sheriff 13 798
Synonymizer 12 804
higher-category-theory 12 804
discrete-geometry 12 804
algebraic-groups 12 804 12 804
differential-equations 12 804
arithmetic-geometry 11 811
modular-forms 11 811
elliptic-curves 11 811
mp.mathematical-physics 11 811
banach-spaces 11 811
pr.probability 11 811
diophantine-equations 11 811
forcing 10 819
lo.logic 10 819
nt.number-theory 10 819
reference-request 10 819
real-analysis 10 819
computability-theory 9 827
fourier-analysis 9 827
large-cardinals 9 827
ag.algebraic-geometry 9 827
Refiner 9 827
stochastic-processes 9 827
model-theory 8 836
sg.symplectic-geometry 8 836
3-manifolds 8 836
knot-theory 8 836
computational-complexity 8 836
inequalities 8 836
geometric-group-theory 8 836
Epic 8 836
model-categories 8 836
graph-theory 8 836
linear-algebra 8 836
operator-theory 8 836
hyperbolic-geometry 7 847
algorithms 7 847
ho.history-overview 7 847
rt.representation-theory 7 847
cohomology 7 847
galois-representations 6 859
soft-question 6 859
convex-polytopes 6 859
algebraic-curves 6 859
ac.commutative-algebra 6 859
gt.geometric-topology 6 859
Reversal 6 859
gn.general-topology 6 859
c-star-algebras 6 859
homotopy-theory 6 859
riemann-surfaces 6 859
harmonic-analysis 6 859
co.combinatorics 6 859
sheaf-theory 6 859
axiom-of-choice 5 873
ergodic-theory 5 873
automorphic-forms 5 873
descriptive-set-theory 5 873
matrix-analysis 5 873
integration 5 873
ca.classical-analysis-and-odes 5 873
Lifeboat 5 873
qa.quantum-algebra 4 891
na.numerical-analysis 4 891
lo.logic 4 891
set-theory 4 891
stable-homotopy 4 891
convex-geometry 4 891
matrices 4 891
smooth-manifolds 4 891
foundations 4 891 4 891
galois-theory 4 891
riemannian-geometry 4 891
proof-theory 4 891
riemann-zeta-function 4 891
graph-colorings 4 891
mathematical-philosophy 4 891
l-functions 4 891
von-neumann-algebras 4 891
at.algebraic-topology 4 891
asymptotics 4 891
eigenvalues 4 891
ap.analysis-of-pdes 4 891
enumerative-combinatorics 4 891
stochastic-calculus 4 891
simplicial-stuff 3 914
order-theory 3 914
algebraic-surfaces 3 914
singularity-theory 3 914
dg.differential-geometry 3 914
lie-groups 3 914
mg.metric-geometry 3 914
birational-geometry 3 914
topos-theory 3 914
finite-fields 3 914
abelian-varieties 3 914
ct.category-theory 3 914
probability-distributions 3 914
st.statistics 3 914
oc.optimization-and-control 3 914
monoidal-categories 3 914
sobolev-spaces 3 914
binomial-coefficients 3 914
special-functions 3 914
projective-geometry 3 914
measure-theory 3 914
sp.spectral-theory 3 914
elliptic-pde 3 914
determinants 3 914
random-walks 3 914
Favorite Answer 3 914
infinity-categories 3 914
algebraic-number-theory 3 914
quadratic-forms 2 946
fields 2 946
group-cohomology 2 946
moduli-spaces 2 946
forcing 2 946
Tenacious 2 946
Legendary 2 946
rt.representation-theory 2 946
model-theory 2 946
finite-groups 2 946
random-matrices 2 946
peano-arithmetic 2 946
cv.complex-variables 2 946
euclidean-geometry 2 946
additive-combinatorics 2 946
analytic-number-theory 2 946
ultrafilters 2 946
stacks 2 946
elliptic-curves 2 946
mapping-class-groups 2 946
deformation-theory 2 946
fa.functional-analysis 2 946
complex-dynamics 2 946
derived-categories 2 946
constructive-mathematics 2 946
ordinal-numbers 2 946
topological-groups 2 946
vector-bundles 2 946
connections 2 946
mg.metric-geometry 2 946
gt.geometric-topology 2 946
quantum-mechanics 2 946
oa.operator-algebras 2 946
inequalities 2 946
general-relativity 2 946
fourier-transform 2 946
kt.k-theory-and-homology 2 946
schemes 2 946
pr.probability 2 946
reductive-groups 2 946
type-theory 2 946
3-manifolds 2 946
infinite-combinatorics 2 946
quantum-field-theory 2 946
kahler-manifolds 2 946
complex-geometry 2 946
integration 2 946
limits-and-convergence 2 946
hyperbolic-geometry 2 946
hodge-theory 2 946
universal-algebra 2 946
lattice-theory 2 946
algebraic-k-theory 2 946
motives 2 946
partitions 2 946
graph-theory 2 946
schwartz-distributions 2 946
ra.rings-and-algebras 2 946
profinite-groups 2 946
4-manifolds 2 946
gaussian 2 946
approximation-theory 2 946
generating-functions 2 946
computational-geometry 1 1,000
hodge-theory 1 1,000
computer-science 1 1,000
class-field-theory 1 1,000
lie-algebras 1 1,000
banach-spaces 1 1,000
algebraic-groups 1 1,000
Research Assistant 1 1,000
large-cardinals 1 1,000
spectral-graph-theory 1 1,000
computability-theory 1 1,000
plane-geometry 1 1,000
discrete-geometry 1 1,000
polyhedra 1 1,000
boolean-algebras 1 1,000
alexandrov-geometry 1 1,000
posets 1 1,000
axiom-of-choice 1 1,000
banach-algebras 1 1,000
modules 1 1,000
computational-geometry 1 1,000
prime-numbers 1 1,000
motives 1 1,000
cv.complex-variables 1 1,000
ho.history-overview 1 1,000
root-systems 1 1,000
mp.mathematical-physics 1 1,000
fractals 1 1,000
pseudo-differential-operators 1 1,000
permutation-groups 1 1,000
stochastic-diff-equations 1 1,000
analytic-number-theory 1 1,000
terminology 1 1,000
monads 1 1,000
quantum-groups 1 1,000
reference-request 1 1,000
calculus-of-variations 1 1,000
semigroups-and-monoids 1 1,000
fusion-categories 1 1,000
topological-vector-spaces 1 1,000
topological-quantum-field-theory 1 1,000
etale-cohomology 1 1,000
numerical-linear-algebra 1 1,000
hopf-algebras 1 1,000
probability-distributions 1 1,000
physics 1 1,000
measure-concentration 1 1,000
hilbert-spaces 1 1,000
geometric-measure-theory 1 1,000
homological-algebra 1 1,000
locally-convex-spaces 1 1,000
finite-groups 1 1,000
banach-spaces 1 1,000
matrix-equations 1 1,000
matrix-theory 1 1,000
higher-category-theory 1 1,000
conformal-field-theory 1 1,000
characters 1 1,000
random-matrices 1 1,000
matroid-theory 1 1,000
st.statistics 1 1,000
real-analysis 1 1,000
it.information-theory 1 1,000
semigroups-and-monoids 1 1,000
reverse-math 1 1,000
morse-theory 1 1,000
semigroups-of-operators 1 1,000
stochastic-differential-equations 1 1,000
modular-forms 1 1,000
elementary-proofs 1 1,000
coxeter-groups 1 1,000
forcing 1 1,000
curvature 1 1,000
power-series 1 1,000
riemannian-geometry 1 1,000
statistical-physics 1 1,000
polygons 1 1,000
nonstandard-analysis 1 1,000
matching-theory 1 1,000
martingales 1 1,000
axioms 1 1,000
c-star-algebras 1 1,000
homotopy-type-theory 1 1,000
probability-distributions 1 1,000
inequalities 1 1,000
integral-transforms 1 1,000
knot-theory 1 1,000
convexity 1 1,000
geometric-probability 1 1,000
arithmetic-geometry 1 1,000
hyperbolic-pde 1 1,000
mp.mathematical-physics 1 1,000
operads 1 1,000
random-graphs 1 1,000
model-categories 1 1,000
rigid-analytic-geometry 1 1,000
applied-mathematics 1 1,000
harmonic-functions 1 1,000
sequences-and-series 1 1,000
symmetric-groups 1 1,000
convex-analysis 1 1,000
analytic-functions 1 1,000
prime-number-theorem 1 1,000
gn.general-topology 1 1,000
p-adic-hodge-theory 1 1,000
nonlinear-optimization 1 1,000
stochastic-processes 1 1,000
convex-optimization 1 1,000
entropy 1 1,000
combinatorial-identities 1 1,000
surfaces 1 1,000
divisors 1 1,000
curves-and-surfaces 1 1,000
spectral-sequences 1 1,000
combinatorial-optimization 1 1,000
exponential-sums 1 1,000
noncommutative-geometry 1 1,000
characteristic-classes 1 1,000
free-groups 1 1,000
textbook-recommendation 1 1,000
large-cardinals 1 1,000
theories-of-arithmetic 1 1,000
abelian-groups 1 1,000
haar-measure 1 1,000
asymptotics 1 1,000
model-theory 1 1,000
extremal-graph-theory 1 1,000
condensed-mathematics 1 1,000
expectation 1 1,000
polynomials 1 1,000
game-theory 1 1,000
manifolds 1 1,000
teichmuller-theory 1 1,000
hypergraph 1 1,000
noncommutative-rings 1 1,000
integer-sequences 1 1,000
recurrences 1 1,000
closed-form-expressions 1 1,000
ca.classical-analysis-and-odes 1 1,000
soft-question 1 1,000
continuum-hypothesis 1 1,000
limit-theorems 1 1,000
moments 1 1,000
metamathematics 1 1,000
Precognitive 0 0
Analytical 0 0
geometry 0 0
ca.analysis-and-odes 0 0
derived-category 0 0
math-philosophy 0 0
complex-analysis 0 0
Beta 0 0
Unsung Hero 0 0
Constable 0 0
combinatorial-geometry 0 0
geometry 0 0
Illuminator 0 0
semigroups 0 0
monoids 0 0
alexandrov-geometry 0 0
Backer 0 0
Bluebook 0 0
Creditor 0 0
Incrementalist 0 0
Peer Review 0 0
Primer 0 0
Renovator 0 0
Knowledgeable 0 0
Educated 0 0
Documentation Beta 0 0
Documentation Pioneer 0 0
Not a Robot 0 0
oc.optimization-control 0 0
Census 0 0
kahler-manifolds 0 0
algebraic-k-theory 0 0
Documentation User 0 0
convexity 0 0
lattice-theory 0 0
lattice-theory 0 0
stochastic-differential-equations 0 0
reverse-math 0 0
tqft 0 0
type-theory 0 0
hopf-algebras 0 0
universal-algebra 0 0
Buzz 0 0
semigroups-of-operators 0 0
semigroups-of-operators 0 0
morse-theory 0 0
polynomials 0 0
divisors 0 0
modular-forms 0 0
characteristic-classes 0 0
statistical-physics 0 0
divisors 0 0
geometry 0 0
journals 0 0
journals 0 0
Stellar Answer 0 0
journals 0 0
open-problems 0 0
textbook-recommendation 0 0
haar-measure 0 0
Guide 0 0
Instructor 0 0
(510) 0 0
(515) 0 0
(516) 0 0
(519) 0 0
(521) 0 0
(520) 0 0
(517) 0 0
(513) 0 0
(514) 0 0