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Score compared to Jon Skeet

434383 / 3416312

Total reputation


Total reputation compared to Jon Skeet

(304309) / (1585052)


profile for Rinzwind on Stack Exchange


Ask Ubuntu - 414018 (302754) 43 583 729

Ask Ubuntu - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
cron 1 842
directory 1 842
configuration 1 1000
Disciplined 1 556
ppa 1 853
python 1 769
Nice Question 5 1185
data-recovery 1 948
Supporter 1 82
system-installation 1 773
unity 1 740
sound 1 853
encryption 1 895
disk-usage 1 1000
hardware 1 917
software-recommendation 1 762
Teacher 1 127
apache2 1 834
backup 1 917
Proofreader 1 568
wine 1 842
command-line 1 619
security 1 834
ssd 1 895
Explainer 1 441
virtualbox 1 818
gnome 1 735
sudo 1 806
Citizen Patrol 1 306
11.10 1 781
kubuntu 1 895
apt 1 668
Editor 1 103
malware 1 1000
Suffrage 1 470
14.04 1 695
Excavator 1 305
11.04 1 826
grub2 1 773
login 1 917
20.04 1 759
shutdown 1 1000
Altruist 1 521
18.04 1 740
Informed 1 119
users 1 917
Mortarboard 1 498
software-installation 1 728
boot 1 722
Scholar 1 156
chmod 1 1000
kernel 1 759
bash 1 678
Vox Populi 1 499
Revival 46 11408
ssh 1 777
scripts 1 720
Commentator 1 238
home-directory 1 948
Curious 1 343
Analytical 1 466
Self-Learner 1 325
files 1 800
gui 1 948
12.04 1 718
Organizer 1 379
password 1 895
Announcer 37 11026
windows 1 806
filesystem 1 864
Popular Question 4 300
libreoffice 1 895
java 1 917
networking 1 720
software-center 1 917
Caucus 7 1911
antivirus 1 1000
Critic 1 287
ram 1 948
updates 1 795
server 1 726
16.04 1 716
package-management 1 700
Student 1 92
dual-boot 1 766
wireless 1 806
tar 1 1000
Investor 1 459
drivers 1 777
Quorum 1 436
usb 1 818
power-management 1 917
uninstall 1 895
installation 1 812
nautilus 1 781
Nice Answer 515 103000
hard-drive 1 812
php 1 864
Autobiographer 1 1
22.04 1 842
root 1 878
Talkative 1 520
log 1 1000
partitioning 1 740
mysql 1 917
upgrade 1 781
mount 1 785
Cleanup 1 448
10.04 1 878
Tag Editor 1 514
Custodian 7 1701
printing 1 948
lubuntu 1 853
permissions 1 737
permissions 1 948
security 1 1000
Epic 1 806
Sportsmanship 1 693
Deputy 1 508
Census 1 547
Reviewer 3 1437
Pundit 1 599
software-installation 1 878
Taxonomist 1 518
Enlightened 271 80216
Good Question 1 319
Strunk & White 1 538
apt 1 795
Convention 1 619
Enthusiast 1 406
Refiner 1 680
bash 1 753
18.04 1 853
filesystem 1 1000
boot 1 853
Good Answer 163 45640
server 1 917
Outspoken 1 631
Generalist 1 645
14.04 1 853
package-management 1 864
Necromancer 19 4598
command-line 1 710
Notable Question 3 345
Yearling 13 1872
16.04 1 864
Booster 8 3496
partitioning 1 917
Guru 69 26358
Civic Duty 1 449
Constituent 6 2052
Electorate 1 569
Great Answer 29 12006
Populist 4 2072
Legendary 1 895
permissions 1 1000
server 1 1000
Fanatic 1 496
Famous Question 2 386
Copy Editor 1 623
Marshal 1 594
command-line 1 777
find 1 864
Anime & Manga - 4318 (846) 9 9

Anime & Manga - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 150
Supporter 1 133
Autobiographer 1 1
Nice Answer 4 948
Caucus 2 598
Constituent 2 694
Good Answer 1 468
Yearling 4 716
Enlightened 2 610
Unix & Linux - 3927 (290) 2 15

Unix & Linux - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 103
Editor 1 73
Supporter 1 11
Critic 1 252
Citizen Patrol 1 294
Autobiographer 1 1
Commentator 1 214
Announcer 6 1740
Quorum 1 444
Caucus 1 328
Constituent 1 376
Yearling 1 91
Stack Overflow - 3512 (154) 6 15

Stack Overflow - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 86
Supporter 1 89
Critic 1 170
Autobiographer 1 57
Announcer 3 618
Caucus 8 1064
Constituent 6 1428
Super User - 2808 (188) 2 10

Super User - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 119
Editor 1 114
Supporter 1 75
Citizen Patrol 1 284
Autobiographer 1 1
Commentator 1 232
Announcer 1 326
Excavator 1 305
Caucus 2 618
Constituent 2 734
Chess - 2382 (419) 4 7

Chess - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 151
Supporter 1 68
Autobiographer 1 1
Nice Answer 2 330
Revival 1 361
Caucus 1 437
Constituent 1 487
Yearling 2 266
Enlightened 1 281
Server Fault - 1296 (101) 1 4

Server Fault - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 94
Citizen Patrol 1 321
Autobiographer 1 1
Announcer 1 367
Booster 1 513
Skeptics - 929 (167) 1 3

Skeptics - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 201
Autobiographer 1 1
Caucus 1 330
Constituent 1 397
French Language - 628 (101) 2

French Language - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Autobiographer 1 1
Precognitive 1 627
Meta Stack Exchange - 348 (101) 3

Meta Stack Exchange - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 120
Critic 1 227
Autobiographer 1 1
Database Administrators - 185 (146) 3

Database Administrators - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 153
Supporter 1 31
Autobiographer 1 1
Information Security - 30 (101) 2

Information Security - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 29
Autobiographer 1 1
Software Recommendations - 1 (101) 1

Software Recommendations - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Autobiographer 1 1
Vi and Vim - 1 (101) 1

Vi and Vim - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Autobiographer 1 1