
View French Language website

Number of badges
Most awarded badge
9699 × times (Autobiographer)
Last badges scan

Badges distribution


Account Score
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil' Gilles 'SO- stop being evil' 108795
A.L - say no to AI A.L - say no to AI 6863
PeterJ PeterJ 3817
200_success 200_success 3207
Nick Craver Nick Craver 1747
Joel Spolsky Joel Spolsky 1006
sam hocevar sam hocevar 977
anongoodnurse anongoodnurse 942
Shog9 Shog9 812
Jeff Atwood Jeff Atwood 735
Marc Gravell Marc Gravell 629
Rinzwind Rinzwind 628
Adam Lear Adam Lear 565
paxdiablo paxdiablo 512
Undo Undo 510
Gugu72 Gugu72 502
Laura Laura 466
Tim Post Tim Post 466
Shadow Wizard Shadow Wizard 416
J. Musser J. Musser 347
Braiam Braiam 347
Journeyman Geek Journeyman Geek 347
rene rene 347
Brock Adams Brock Adams 346
Sue Saddest Farewell TGO GL Sue Saddest Farewell TGO GL 224
animuson animuson 156
alecxe alecxe 70
hobbs hobbs 70
Barmar Barmar 70
wizzwizz4 wizzwizz4 70
unutbu unutbu 70
Matt Lacey Matt Lacey 70
psadac psadac 70
Martin Schröder Martin Schröder 70
AlterPHP AlterPHP 70
sch sch 69
Cerbrus Cerbrus 1
joergkunze63 joergkunze63 1
Geoff Dalgas Geoff Dalgas 1
muru muru 1
James K James K 1
nicael nicael 1
Manishearth Manishearth 1
Alain Alain 1
Oded Oded 1
Bill the Lizard Bill the Lizard 1
Jarrod Dixon Jarrod Dixon 1
André Borie André Borie 0


Name Awarded Score
Autobiographer 9699 1
Supporter 5230 69
Popular Question 3423 115
Student 3363 117
Yearling 3211 122
Teacher 3085 126
Informed 2377 155
Scholar 2228 162
Editor 2196 163
Notable Question 1890 179
Nice Answer 1639 195
Nice Question 1072 241
Custodian 827 269
Caucus 781 276
Enlightened 644 297
Critic 621 301
Famous Question 607 303
Commentator 581 308
Citizen Patrol 410 346
Curious 331 369
Constituent 267 392
Enthusiast 211 418
Revival 189 430
Necromancer 180 435
Excavator 140 463
Quorum 137 465
Explainer 132 469
Organizer 123 477
Good Answer 114 485
Fanatic 94 506
Good Question 88 513
Civic Duty 78 526
Analytical 70 538
Suffrage 69 540
Talkative 63 550
Self-Learner 58 559
Cleanup 55 564
Mortarboard 50 575
Announcer 47 582
Vox Populi 47 582
Peer Pressure 39 602
Tag Editor 36 611
Beta 36 611
Promoter 32 623
Precognitive 31 627
Inquisitive 31 627
Taxonomist 28 638
grammaire 27 642
Strunk & White 27 642
Benefactor 24 655
traduction 22 664
Pundit 20 674
Electorate 20 674
Disciplined 19 680
expressions 18 686
anglais 18 686
sens 17 692
vocabulaire 17 692
Guru 17 692
Investor 15 706
Convention 15 706
usage 13 721
Sportsmanship 13 721
Altruist 12 730
Socratic 12 730
Reviewer 11 740
choix-de-mot 10 750
Outspoken 10 750
Proofreader 9 761
pronoms 9 761
Deputy 8 774
Synonymizer 7 789
Populist 7 789
prépositions 7 789
Refiner 7 789
Copy Editor 6 806
Tumbleweed 5 825
prononciation 5 825
grammaire 5 825
expressions-idiomatiques 5 825
Steward 4 850
Constable 4 850
Sheriff 4 850
étymologie 4 850
articles 4 850
Booster 3 881
sens 3 881
adjectifs 3 881
verbes 3 881
traduction 3 881
orthographe 3 881
Research Assistant 2 925
négation 2 925
expressions 2 925
histoire 2 925
vocabulaire 2 925
pluriel 2 925
accord 2 925
genre 2 925
temps-grammatical 2 925
adverbes 2 925
ordre-des-mots 2 925
Archaeologist 1 1000
Tenacious 1 1000
Favorite Question 1 1000
Great Question 1 1000
Publicist 1 1000
indications-de-temps 1 1000
nombres 1 1000
questions 1 1000
anglais 1 1000
usage 1 1000
informatique 1 1000
oral 1 1000
conjugaison 1 1000
grammaire 1 1000
choix-de-mot 1 1000
Lifejacket 1 1000
locutions 1 1000
synonymes 1 1000
prononciation 1 1000
pronoms 1 1000
sens 1 1000
expressions-idiomatiques 1 1000
formulation-idiomatique 1 1000
noms 1 1000
traduction 1 1000
constructions 1 1000
prépositions 1 1000
terminologie 1 1000
subjonctif 1 1000
vocabulaire 1 1000
québec 1 1000
formulation 1 1000
expressions 1 1000
conjonctions 1 1000
origine-ou-raison 1 1000
pronoms-relatifs 1 1000
phonétique 1 1000
littérature 1 1000
verbes 1 1000
anglais 1 1000
anglicismes 1 1000
syntaxe 1 1000
mathématiques 1 1000
Epic 0 1000
Hacker 0 1000
Generalist 0 1000
Great Answer 0 1000
Stellar Question 0 1000
Legendary 0 1000
Reversal 0 1000
Unsung Hero 0 1000
Marshal 0 1000
prepositions 0 1000
etymologie 0 1000
idiomes 0 1000
Illuminator 0 1000
Backer 0 1000
Bluebook 0 1000
Creditor 0 1000
Incrementalist 0 1000
Peer Review 0 1000
Primer 0 1000
Renovator 0 1000
Knowledgeable 0 1000
Educated 0 1000
Documentation Beta 0 1000
Documentation Pioneer 0 1000
Not a Robot 0 1000
Census 0 1000
Documentation User 0 1000
Lifeboat 0 1000
Buzz 0 1000
origine-ou-raison 0 1000
Favorite Answer 0 1000
Stellar Answer 0 1000
reformulation 0 1000
Guide 0 1000
Instructor 0 1000