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Salesforce - 57,551 (25,788) 7 68 152
Salesforce - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-03T01:22:01+01:00
Stack Overflow - 14,510 (8,245) 38 58
Stack Overflow - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-03T01:22:01+01:00
Name | Awarded | Score |
Teacher | 1 | 87 |
Student | 1 | 60 |
Editor | 1 | 53 |
Organizer | 1 | 252 |
Supporter | 1 | 90 |
Critic | 1 | 171 |
Citizen Patrol | 1 | 217 |
Autobiographer | 1 | 55 |
Scholar | 1 | 74 |
Nice Question | 2 | 286 |
Nice Answer | 7 | 686 |
Popular Question | 13 | 13 |
Self-Learner | 1 | 228 |
Commentator | 1 | 123 |
Mortarboard | 1 | 330 |
Promoter | 1 | 275 |
Benefactor | 1 | 315 |
Tag Editor | 1 | 360 |
Announcer | 2 | 412 |
Suffrage | 1 | 308 |
Revival | 1 | 163 |
Quorum | 1 | 353 |
Vox Populi | 1 | 333 |
Excavator | 1 | 239 |
Analytical | 1 | 330 |
salesforce | 1 | 835 |
Caucus | 5 | 670 |
apex-code | 1 | 888 |
Custodian | 2 | 242 |
Curious | 1 | 188 |
Explainer | 1 | 294 |
visualforce | 1 | 957 |
Tumbleweed | 1 | 125 |
Enthusiast | 1 | 204 |
Census | 1 | 238 |
Constituent | 1 | 206 |
Deputy | 1 | 398 |
Tenacious | 1 | 301 |
Civic Duty | 1 | 259 |
Necromancer | 4 | 536 |
Enlightened | 5 | 860 |
Notable Question | 8 | 360 |
Taxonomist | 1 | 394 |
Yearling | 14 | 742 |
Retrocomputing - 14,308 (2,370) 1 17 34
Retrocomputing - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-03T01:22:01+01:00
Name | Awarded | Score |
Teacher | 1 | 166 |
Student | 1 | 187 |
Editor | 1 | 190 |
Supporter | 1 | 39 |
Critic | 1 | 332 |
Autobiographer | 1 | 1 |
Scholar | 1 | 243 |
Self-Learner | 1 | 427 |
Nice Question | 7 | 1,050 |
Nice Answer | 3 | 246 |
Tag Editor | 1 | 543 |
Suffrage | 1 | 527 |
Talkative | 1 | 586 |
Precognitive | 1 | 513 |
Quorum | 1 | 446 |
Commentator | 1 | 288 |
Vox Populi | 1 | 592 |
Custodian | 4 | 1,120 |
Curious | 1 | 451 |
Civic Duty | 1 | 461 |
Convention | 1 | 705 |
Beta | 1 | 666 |
Enlightened | 2 | 434 |
Taxonomist | 1 | 600 |
Yearling | 8 | 960 |
Constable | 1 | 883 |
Popular Question | 3 | 405 |
Disciplined | 1 | 621 |
Notable Question | 2 | 406 |
Good Answer | 1 | 220 |
Raspberry Pi - 5,314 (516) 1 8 11
Raspberry Pi - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-03T01:22:01+01:00
Name | Awarded | Score |
Teacher | 1 | 134 |
Student | 1 | 85 |
Editor | 1 | 106 |
Supporter | 1 | 53 |
Autobiographer | 1 | 1 |
Scholar | 1 | 148 |
Nice Question | 1 | 329 |
Nice Answer | 1 | 307 |
Popular Question | 1 | 89 |
Precognitive | 1 | 578 |
Caucus | 1 | 358 |
Constituent | 1 | 412 |
Notable Question | 1 | 142 |
Good Answer | 1 | 438 |
Good Question | 1 | 456 |
Yearling | 2 | 418 |
Enlightened | 1 | 421 |
Favorite Question | 1 | 592 |
Famous Question | 1 | 247 |
Electrical Engineering - 1,737 (361) 2 15
Electrical Engineering - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-03T01:22:01+01:00
Name | Awarded | Score |
Teacher | 1 | 104 |
Student | 1 | 20 |
Editor | 1 | 27 |
Supporter | 1 | 36 |
Citizen Patrol | 1 | 279 |
Autobiographer | 1 | 12 |
Scholar | 1 | 51 |
Commentator | 1 | 143 |
Nice Question | 1 | 220 |
Popular Question | 4 | 4 |
Quorum | 1 | 422 |
Yearling | 1 | 106 |
Notable Question | 1 | 66 |
Caucus | 1 | 247 |
Windows Phone - 1,390 (155) 1 7
Windows Phone - View this profile - Last scan: 1995-01-01T00:00:00+01:00
Name | Awarded | Score |
Teacher | 1 | 202 |
Student | 1 | 128 |
Editor | 1 | 247 |
Supporter | 1 | 152 |
Autobiographer | 1 | 1 |
Scholar | 1 | 258 |
Popular Question | 1 | 165 |
Notable Question | 1 | 237 |
The Workplace - 1,214 (423) 4 7
The Workplace - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-03T01:22:01+01:00
Name | Awarded | Score |
Teacher | 1 | 139 |
Editor | 1 | 115 |
Supporter | 1 | 26 |
Autobiographer | 1 | 1 |
Nice Answer | 1 | 52 |
Caucus | 1 | 163 |
Custodian | 1 | 234 |
Constituent | 1 | 232 |
Good Answer | 1 | 138 |
Yearling | 2 | 114 |
Mathematics - 1,111 (101) 1 1 6
Mathematics - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-03T01:22:01+01:00
Name | Awarded | Score |
Teacher | 1 | 100 |
Editor | 1 | 14 |
Supporter | 1 | 37 |
Autobiographer | 1 | 44 |
Nice Answer | 1 | 109 |
Commentator | 1 | 117 |
Good Answer | 1 | 240 |
Great Answer | 1 | 450 |
Super User - 935 (125) 1 9
Super User - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-03T01:22:01+01:00
Name | Awarded | Score |
Student | 1 | 105 |
Editor | 1 | 114 |
Supporter | 1 | 76 |
Autobiographer | 1 | 1 |
Scholar | 1 | 144 |
Popular Question | 3 | 201 |
Tumbleweed | 1 | 190 |
Notable Question | 1 | 104 |
Home Improvement - 802 (141) 8
Home Improvement - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-03T01:22:01+01:00
Name | Awarded | Score |
Student | 1 | 22 |
Supporter | 1 | 63 |
Autobiographer | 1 | 39 |
Popular Question | 1 | 1 |
Editor | 1 | 77 |
Teacher | 1 | 108 |
Scholar | 1 | 104 |
Self-Learner | 1 | 388 |
Meta Stack Exchange - 741 (205) 1 4
Meta Stack Exchange - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-03T01:22:01+01:00
Name | Awarded | Score |
Student | 1 | 205 |
Supporter | 1 | 122 |
Autobiographer | 1 | 1 |
Scholar | 1 | 241 |
Yearling | 1 | 172 |
Homebrewing - 560 (113) 5
Homebrewing - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-03T01:22:01+01:00
Name | Awarded | Score |
Student | 1 | 126 |
Supporter | 1 | 119 |
Autobiographer | 1 | 1 |
Scholar | 1 | 192 |
Popular Question | 1 | 122 |
Unix & Linux - 544 (133) 6
Unix & Linux - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-03T01:22:01+01:00
Name | Awarded | Score |
Student | 1 | 64 |
Editor | 1 | 74 |
Supporter | 1 | 13 |
Autobiographer | 1 | 1 |
Scholar | 1 | 102 |
Announcer | 1 | 290 |
Sports - 470 (196) 4
Sports - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-03T01:22:01+01:00
Name | Awarded | Score |
Teacher | 1 | 175 |
Editor | 1 | 187 |
Supporter | 1 | 107 |
Autobiographer | 1 | 1 |
Motor Vehicle Maintenance & Repair - 451 (193) 6
Motor Vehicle Maintenance & Repair - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-03T01:22:01+01:00
Name | Awarded | Score |
Teacher | 1 | 119 |
Student | 1 | 15 |
Supporter | 1 | 68 |
Autobiographer | 1 | 1 |
Scholar | 1 | 130 |
Editor | 1 | 118 |
English Language & Usage - 232 (111) 4
English Language & Usage - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-03T01:22:01+01:00
Name | Awarded | Score |
Teacher | 1 | 98 |
Editor | 1 | 95 |
Supporter | 1 | 38 |
Autobiographer | 1 | 1 |
Ask Different - 227 (111) 4
Ask Different - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-03T01:22:01+01:00
Name | Awarded | Score |
Supporter | 1 | 22 |
Autobiographer | 1 | 1 |
Teacher | 1 | 92 |
Editor | 1 | 112 |
Arqade - 191 (101) 3
Arqade - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-03T01:22:01+01:00
Name | Awarded | Score |
Supporter | 1 | 57 |
Autobiographer | 1 | 6 |
Informed | 1 | 128 |
Software Engineering - 183 (131) 3
Software Engineering - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-03T01:22:01+01:00
Name | Awarded | Score |
Teacher | 1 | 147 |
Supporter | 1 | 35 |
Autobiographer | 1 | 1 |
Magento - 170 (101) 2
Magento - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-03T01:22:01+01:00
Name | Awarded | Score |
Autobiographer | 1 | 45 |
Scholar | 1 | 125 |
Server Fault - 152 (131) 2
Server Fault - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-03T01:22:01+01:00
Name | Awarded | Score |
Teacher | 1 | 151 |
Autobiographer | 1 | 1 |
Philosophy - 140 (111) 2
Philosophy - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-03T01:22:01+01:00
Name | Awarded | Score |
Teacher | 1 | 139 |
Autobiographer | 1 | 1 |
Gardening & Landscaping - 129 (111) 2
Gardening & Landscaping - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-02T23:22:02+01:00
Name | Awarded | Score |
Autobiographer | 1 | 1 |
Teacher | 1 | 128 |
Worldbuilding - 88 (101) 3
Worldbuilding - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-03T01:22:01+01:00
Name | Awarded | Score |
Supporter | 1 | 16 |
Autobiographer | 1 | 1 |
Informed | 1 | 71 |
Ask Ubuntu - 84 (101) 2
Ask Ubuntu - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-03T01:22:01+01:00
Name | Awarded | Score |
Supporter | 1 | 83 |
Autobiographer | 1 | 1 |
French Language - 75 (101) 2
French Language - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-03T01:22:01+01:00
Name | Awarded | Score |
Supporter | 1 | 74 |
Autobiographer | 1 | 1 |
Android Enthusiasts - 72 (101) 2
Android Enthusiasts - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-03T01:22:01+01:00
Name | Awarded | Score |
Supporter | 1 | 71 |
Autobiographer | 1 | 1 |
WordPress Development - 68 (101) 2
WordPress Development - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-03T01:22:01+01:00
Name | Awarded | Score |
Supporter | 1 | 67 |
Autobiographer | 1 | 1 |
Movies & TV - 59 (101) 2
Movies & TV - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-03T01:22:01+01:00
Name | Awarded | Score |
Supporter | 1 | 58 |
Autobiographer | 1 | 1 |
Code Golf - 57 (101) 2
Code Golf - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-03T01:22:01+01:00
Name | Awarded | Score |
Supporter | 1 | 56 |
Autobiographer | 1 | 1 |
Web Applications - 51 (101) 2
Web Applications - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-03T01:22:01+01:00
Name | Awarded | Score |
Supporter | 1 | 50 |
Autobiographer | 1 | 1 |
Space Exploration - 46 (101) 2
Space Exploration - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-03T01:22:01+01:00
Name | Awarded | Score |
Supporter | 1 | 45 |
Autobiographer | 1 | 1 |
Vi and Vim - 38 (101) 2
Vi and Vim - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-03T01:22:01+01:00
Name | Awarded | Score |
Autobiographer | 1 | 1 |
Supporter | 1 | 37 |
Physics - 24 (101) 2
Physics - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-03T01:22:01+01:00
Name | Awarded | Score |
Supporter | 1 | 23 |
Autobiographer | 1 | 1 |
Artificial Intelligence - 1 (101) 1
Artificial Intelligence - View this profile - Last scan: 2024-12-03T01:22:01+01:00
Name | Awarded | Score |
Autobiographer | 1 | 1 |