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Score compared to Jon Skeet

320174 / 3416312

Total reputation


Total reputation compared to Jon Skeet

(350411) / (1585052)


profile for robjohn on Stack Exchange


Mathematics - 306473 (347929) 34 442 827

Mathematics - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 101
Student 1 1
Editor 1 14
Cleanup 1 330
Organizer 1 278
Supporter 1 37
Critic 1 187
Citizen Patrol 1 238
Autobiographer 1 45
Scholar 1 34
Self-Learner 1 333
Nice Question 3 453
Nice Answer 615 67650
Popular Question 1 15
Commentator 1 117
Mortarboard 1 329
Disciplined 1 339
Tag Editor 1 466
geometry 1 561
number-theory 1 567
real-analysis 1 476
combinatorics 1 562
Revival 68 13940
calculus 1 465
analysis 1 576
linear-algebra 1 497
sequences-and-series 1 519
algebra-precalculus 1 527
Talkative 1 407
abstract-algebra 1 512
Quorum 1 352
trigonometry 1 580
homework 1 1000
probability 1 550
functions 1 591
matrices 1 556
polynomials 1 596
elementary-number-theory 1 554
special-functions 1 743
euclidean-geometry 1 703
complex-analysis 1 576
prime-numbers 1 639
measure-theory 1 604
Proofreader 1 458
Analytical 1 440
statistics 1 663
binomial-coefficients 1 687
modular-arithmetic 1 680
Excavator 1 260
differential-equations 1 1000
functional-analysis 1 593
optimization 1 686
diophantine-equations 1 711
logarithms 1 666
multivariable-calculus 1 616
inequality 1 588
complex-numbers 1 631
discrete-mathematics 1 607
proof-strategy 1 1000
convergence 1 665
recurrence-relations 1 726
integration 1 516
Caucus 7 1288
generating-functions 1 779
divisibility 1 696
power-series 1 711
Custodian 5 630
proof-writing 1 656
asymptotics 1 723
derivatives 1 595
Informed 1 54
improper-integrals 1 673
fourier-analysis 1 740
summation 1 631
contest-math 1 662
closed-form 1 714
exponentiation 1 734
contour-integration 1 802
taylor-expansion 1 721
riemann-zeta 1 779
factorial 1 746
gamma-function 1 784
residue-calculus 1 816
fourier-series 1 825
inequality 1 716
integration 1 628
analysis 1 714
complex-analysis 1 709
trigonometry 1 726
Constituent 5 1285
geometry 1 680
sequences-and-series 1 641
combinatorics 1 666
real-analysis 1 591
Reviewer 1 386
probability 1 652
homework 1 1000
algebra-precalculus 1 651
elementary-number-theory 1 662
calculus 1 580
Outspoken 1 548
number-theory 1 681
Convention 1 556
Sportsmanship 1 508
Enthusiast 1 250
Pundit 1 431
Epic 1 635
Civic Duty 1 322
Favorite Question 1 357
Notable Question 1 84
Good Answer 117 28197
Good Question 1 284
Generalist 1 476
Necromancer 152 36936
Guru 18 6498
Enlightened 88 17336
Taxonomist 1 481
Strunk & White 1 419
Yearling 11 550
Great Answer 6 2706
Legendary 1 707
Electorate 1 415
Copy Editor 1 533
Fanatic 1 350
Populist 5 2475
calculus 1 662
real-analysis 1 674
sequences-and-series 1 726
Sheriff 1 757
integration 1 718
limits 1 544
limits 1 673
limits 1 765
definite-integrals 1 598
definite-integrals 1 718
divergent-series 1 857
improper-integrals 1 802
complex-analysis 1 789
trigonometry 1 834
summation 1 757
binomial-coefficients 1 834
Explainer 1 297
Refiner 1 539
induction 1 684
exponential-function 1 716
triangle 1 1000
limits-without-lhopital 1 743
radicals 1 726
circle 1 1000
indefinite-integrals 1 718
linear-algebra 1 621
approximation 1 809
definite-integrals 1 825
Peer Pressure 1 234
combinatorics 1 753
analytic-number-theory 1 774
fibonacci-numbers 1 834
arithmetic 1 703
permutations 1 681
complex-numbers 1 779
proof-verification 1 639
alternative-proof 1 816
probability-theory 1 624
summation 1 872
inequality 1 845
binomial-theorem 1 872
infinite-product 1 890
combinations 1 737
discrete-mathematics 1 761
numerical-methods 1 726
harmonic-numbers 1 825
roots 1 709
conic-sections 1 753
elementary-number-theory 1 761
convergence 1 795
pi 1 825
Announcer 2 564
functions 1 746
elementary-set-theory 1 604
intuition 1 740
general-topology 1 553
differential-geometry 1 624
probability-distributions 1 674
analytic-geometry 1 746
continuity 1 664
fractions 1 784
Curious 1 169
solution-verification 1 670
inclusion-exclusion 1 845
complex-integration 1 857
ordinary-differential-equations 1 611
circles 1 734
triangles 1 737
convergence-divergence 1 635
integral-inequality 1 945
ceiling-and-floor-functions 1 890
polar-coordinates 1 913
products 1 872
residue-calculus 1 945
fourier-analysis 1 913
asymptotics 1 857
factorial 1 913
Lifejacket 4 2092
convergence-divergence 1 753
divisibility 1 872
Great Question 1 485
algebra-precalculus 1 746
probability 1 734
geometry 1 784
analysis 1 834
binomial-coefficients 1 890
contour-integration 1 890
Mathematica - 3784 (1071) 8 18

Mathematica - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 148
Student 1 1
Editor 1 40
Supporter 1 39
Autobiographer 1 16
Scholar 1 54
Nice Question 2 190
Nice Answer 1 38
Popular Question 1 52
Commentator 1 158
Caucus 2 564
Constituent 1 344
Yearling 5 225
Citizen Patrol 1 317
Talkative 1 476
Custodian 1 242
Curious 1 225
Self-Learner 1 294
Necromancer 1 197
Notable Question 1 164
Meta Stack Exchange - 3124 (644) 5 10

Meta Stack Exchange - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 258
Editor 1 225
Supporter 1 120
Autobiographer 1 1
Yearling 3 513
Student 1 203
Nice Question 1 207
Good Question 1 301
Critic 1 227
Nice Answer 1 170
Popular Question 1 318
Commentator 1 296
Enlightened 1 285
MathOverflow - 2402 (351) 3 6

MathOverflow - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 238
Editor 1 192
Supporter 1 189
Autobiographer 1 1
Yearling 1 171
Talkative 1 566
Caucus 1 350
Constituent 1 416
Necromancer 1 279
Physics - 1663 (416) 2 12

Physics - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 95
Student 1 11
Editor 1 25
Supporter 1 21
Citizen Patrol 1 235
Autobiographer 1 1
Commentator 1 149
Yearling 2 122
Popular Question 1 20
Talkative 1 407
Caucus 2 462
Nice Answer 1 115
Ask Different - 911 (151) 1 8

Ask Different - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 91
Editor 1 111
Supporter 1 21
Autobiographer 1 1
Scholar 1 141
Popular Question 1 53
Notable Question 1 93
Student 1 68
Self-Learner 1 332
Stack Overflow - 584 (111) 4

Stack Overflow - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 89
Autobiographer 1 57
Quorum 1 352
Teacher 1 86
Cross Validated - 421 (151) 1 4

Cross Validated - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Autobiographer 1 13
Teacher 1 116
Editor 1 28
Supporter 1 28
Necromancer 1 236
Astronomy - 398 (171) 4

Astronomy - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 188
Supporter 1 61
Autobiographer 1 1
Editor 1 148
English Language & Usage - 133 (149) 3

English Language & Usage - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 96
Autobiographer 1 1
Supporter 1 36
Board & Card Games - 63 (101) 2

Board & Card Games - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 62
Autobiographer 1 1
Computer Science - 63 (101) 2

Computer Science - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 62
Autobiographer 1 1
TeX - LaTeX - 46 (101) 2

TeX - LaTeX - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 26
Autobiographer 1 20
Electrical Engineering - 45 (101) 2

Electrical Engineering - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 34
Autobiographer 1 11
Space Exploration - 39 (101) 2

Space Exploration - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 38
Autobiographer 1 1
Politics - 22 (101) 2

Politics - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 21
Autobiographer 1 1
Ask Ubuntu - 1 (101) 1

Ask Ubuntu - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Autobiographer 1 1
Code Review - 1 (101) 1

Code Review - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Autobiographer 1 1
Puzzling - 1 (101) 1

Puzzling - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Autobiographer 1 1