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Guru Stron



Score compared to Jon Skeet

84662 / 3416312

Total reputation


Total reputation compared to Jon Skeet

(132298) / (1585052)


profile for Guru Stron on Stack Exchange


Stack Overflow - 83389 (132298) 10 137 180

Stack Overflow - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 86
Student 1 59
Editor 1 52
Organizer 1 251
Supporter 1 89
Critic 1 170
Citizen Patrol 1 216
Autobiographer 1 57
Scholar 1 73
Nice Answer 90 8730
Popular Question 2 2
Commentator 1 122
Peer Pressure 1 197
Mortarboard 1 329
Investor 1 366
Altruist 1 414
Tag Editor 1 359
Announcer 6 1236
c# 1 431
.net 1 510
sql 1 518
entity-framework 1 649
scala 1 596
linq 1 608
json 1 584
generics 1 636
Excavator 1 239
Caucus 8 1064
Custodian 6 720
Informed 1 52
Explainer 1 293 1 658
entity-framework-core 1 770
.net-core 1 703
presto 1 850
.net-6.0 1 957
c#-10.0 1 1000
Refiner 1 527 1 826
Constituent 4 952
Pundit 1 423
Tenacious 1 320
.net 1 616
Enthusiast 1 234
c# 1 535
Civic Duty 1 287
Notable Question 1 89
Good Answer 25 4875
Taxonomist 1 409
Strunk & White 1 394
Yearling 11 1188
Necromancer 8 1416
Guru 5 1340
Enlightened 65 12935
Great Answer 2 610
c# 1 597
Fanatic 1 356
Electorate 1 387
Copy Editor 1 501
amazon-athena 1 862
Proofreader 1 375
minimal-apis 1 1000 1 789
Deputy 1 414
Cleanup 1 301 1 1000
Sportsmanship 1 505
Quorum 1 352
.net 1 696
Revival 6 978 1 540
Epic 1 591
.net-7.0 1 1000
Self-Learner 1 228
visual-studio 1 636
trino 1 931
Disciplined 1 393
async-await 1 720
system.text.json 1 957
.net-core 1 899
dependency-injection 1 732
sql 1 620
entity-framework-core 1 957 1 899
sql-server 1 552
Suffrage 1 307 1 835
visual-studio-2022 1 931
arrays 1 530
list 1 586
asynchronous 1 706
linq 1 724
Legendary 1 653
Populist 1 384
Talkative 1 410
.net-8.0 1 1000
json 1 737
performance 1 611 1 577
amazon-web-services 1 633
unit-testing 1 654 1 721
Software Recommendations - 635 (111) 5

Software Recommendations - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Autobiographer 1 1
Editor 1 121
Supporter 1 80
Custodian 1 278
Teacher 1 155
Software Engineering - 192 (101) 3

Software Engineering - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 35
Autobiographer 1 1
Informed 1 156
Stack Overflow на русском - 137 (101) 2

Stack Overflow на русском - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Сторонник 1 58
Автобиограф 1 79
Meta Stack Exchange - 121 (101) 2

Meta Stack Exchange - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 120
Autobiographer 1 1
Ask Ubuntu - 83 (101) 2

Ask Ubuntu - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 82
Autobiographer 1 1
Code Review - 53 (101) 2

Code Review - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 52
Autobiographer 1 1
User Experience - 51 (101) 2

User Experience - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 50
Autobiographer 1 1
Stack Apps - 1 (101) 1

Stack Apps - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Autobiographer 1 1