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Score compared to Jon Skeet

321433 / 3416312

Total reputation


Total reputation compared to Jon Skeet

(316919) / (1585052)


profile for o.m. on Stack Exchange


Politics - 119431 (112278) 20 278 410

Politics - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 140
Student 1 131
Editor 1 132
Cleanup 1 447
Organizer 1 398
Supporter 1 21
Critic 1 212
Citizen Patrol 1 245
Scholar 1 195
Nice Question 5 690
Nice Answer 354 18408
Popular Question 3 339
Commentator 1 218
Disciplined 1 537
Mortarboard 1 324
Promoter 1 506
Benefactor 1 565
Talkative 1 413
Quorum 1 380
Caucus 1 265
Custodian 1 206
united-states 1 516
Curious 1 413
Explainer 1 468
international-relations 1 736
germany 1 858
china 1 800
international-law 1 835
military 1 816
europe 1 929
covid-19 1 835
armed-conflict 1 763
ukraine 1 736
sanctions 1 887
nuclear-weapons 1 1000
international 1 835
nato 1 835
economy 1 774
united-kingdom 1 661
parties 1 816
law 1 763
russian-federation 1 692
government 1 835
brexit 1 754
election 1 736
european-union 1 709
democracy 1 763
north-korea 1 1000
european-union 1 887
Pundit 1 389
Sportsmanship 1 687
Lifejacket 11 4895
russian-federation 1 816
ukraine 1 858
armed-conflict 1 929
united-states 1 644
Enthusiast 1 394
Epic 1 715
Civic Duty 1 388
Notable Question 2 328
Good Answer 134 21976
Yearling 8 608
Generalist 1 584
Necromancer 1 312
Guru 26 8294
Enlightened 85 17255
Great Answer 5 2290
Legendary 1 858
Populist 11 5247
Fanatic 1 478
Lifeboat 1 715
united-states 1 745
western-world 1 887
political-theory 1 786
geopolitics 1 929
Worldbuilding - 91873 (117455) 13 173 399

Worldbuilding - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 58
Student 1 100
Editor 1 80
Cleanup 1 459
Organizer 1 393
Supporter 1 16
Critic 1 191
Citizen Patrol 1 245
Scholar 1 156
Nice Question 3 333
Nice Answer 318 1272
Popular Question 3 216
Commentator 1 163
Investor 1 553
Promoter 1 470
Benefactor 1 489
Altruist 1 569
Mortarboard 1 287
Quorum 1 356
Custodian 6 1128
Informed 1 72
Curious 1 347
science-based 1 463
planets 1 601
biology 1 545
society 1 561
space 1 639
technology 1 555
physics 1 623
magic 1 545
warfare 1 575
humans 1 644
technological-development 1 742
culture 1 712
weapons 1 605
economy 1 661
aliens 1 681
cities 1 785
medieval 1 639
politics 1 723
alternate-history 1 729
government 1 712
language 1 810
earth-like 1 742
spaceships 1 685
space-colonization 1 766
space-travel 1 685
post-apocalypse 1 712
law 1 825
civilization 1 797
communication 1 810
time-travel 1 735
geography 1 749
history 1 865
religion 1 785
engineering 1 742
military 1 735
transportation 1 843
near-future 1 766
science-fiction 1 574
survival 1 865
military-defense 1 893
worldbuilding-process 1 843
modern-age 1 893
ships 1 933
earth 1 843
geopolitics 1 933
crime 1 933
internal-consistency 1 486
military 1 933
internal-consistency 1 628
politics 1 933
society 1 742
government 1 1000
medieval 1 893
Lifejacket 7 3374
alternate-history 1 893
warfare 1 797
economy 1 865
science-fiction 1 742
technology 1 757
weapons 1 810
science-based 1 603
Epic 1 650
Pundit 1 371
Sportsmanship 1 552
Enthusiast 1 335
Civic Duty 1 340
Notable Question 1 128
Good Answer 93 11625
Yearling 9 288
Generalist 1 467
Guru 15 4305
Enlightened 29 6699
Great Answer 3 1257
Populist 5 2010
Fanatic 1 448
science-based 1 723
warfare 1 893
society 1 893
internal-consistency 1 766
fantasy-races 1 742
firearms 1 865
environment 1 712
nuclear-weapons 1 893
Travel - 35630 (37273) 2 63 108

Travel - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 109
Editor 1 111
Organizer 1 383
Supporter 1 50
Critic 1 253
Citizen Patrol 1 251
Nice Answer 83 6723
Commentator 1 247
Disciplined 1 501
Mortarboard 1 335
air-travel 1 589
visas 1 591
usa 1 590
europe 1 754
Custodian 1 262
Informed 1 133
customs-and-immigration 1 631
germany 1 708
uk 1 637
passports 1 674
schengen 1 691
Revival 1 274
Quorum 1 408
Explainer 1 463
visa-refusals 1 770
schengen-visas 1 790
Pundit 1 445
germany 1 934
schengen-visas 1 934
schengen 1 814
Deputy 1 511
visas 1 691
Enthusiast 1 399
Civic Duty 1 417
Good Answer 27 5724
Yearling 9 747
Generalist 1 558
Necromancer 1 257
Guru 5 1810
Enlightened 12 2472
Great Answer 1 510
Fanatic 1 479
Law - 27257 (18891) 3 39 67

Law - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 188
Student 1 31
Editor 1 87
Organizer 1 387
Supporter 1 36
Critic 1 273
Citizen Patrol 1 270
Scholar 1 96
Nice Answer 46 6256
Commentator 1 237
Mortarboard 1 425
Promoter 1 404
Benefactor 1 479
Revival 2 600
Custodian 1 244
Explainer 1 503
united-states 1 586
criminal-law 1 694
gdpr 1 742
european-union 1 761
germany 1 772
Pundit 1 485
Enthusiast 1 434
Good Answer 14 3668
Yearling 8 1120
Generalist 1 679
Guru 2 872
Enlightened 10 2700
Populist 1 625
Fanatic 1 512
Civic Duty 1 460
Lifejacket 1 631
Lifeboat 1 1000
History - 19877 (17208) 2 30 64

History - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 158
Student 1 118
Editor 1 139
Organizer 1 416
Supporter 1 63
Critic 1 271
Citizen Patrol 1 290
Commentator 1 274
Disciplined 1 589
Peer Pressure 1 447
Nice Answer 47 4982
Mortarboard 1 405
military 1 719
Explainer 1 504
nazi-germany 1 740
world-war-two 1 659
germany 1 837
Enthusiast 1 409
Pundit 1 487
Good Answer 11 2662
Yearling 9 918
Generalist 1 634
Guru 1 376
Enlightened 6 1296
Populist 2 1216
Caucus 1 268
Science Fiction & Fantasy - 4716 (5291) 1 24 25

Science Fiction & Fantasy - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 61
Student 1 34
Editor 1 97
Organizer 1 349
Supporter 1 34
Critic 1 217
Citizen Patrol 1 250
Scholar 1 111
Commentator 1 215
Mortarboard 1 275
Nice Answer 14 14
Caucus 1 218
Lifejacket 1 431
Yearling 9 270
Enlightened 7 595
Good Answer 5 580
Guru 1 231
Enthusiast 1 322
Fanatic 1 412
Expatriates - 4381 (1437) 7 9

Expatriates - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 190
Editor 1 167
Supporter 1 106
Critic 1 395
Nice Answer 1 374
Commentator 1 351
Disciplined 1 640
Custodian 1 305
Yearling 7 1526
Citizen Patrol 1 327
The Workplace - 3299 (3168) 1 13 14

The Workplace - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 138
Editor 1 113
Supporter 1 24
Critic 1 208
Commentator 1 212
Peer Pressure 1 343
Mortarboard 1 239
Custodian 1 233
Nice Answer 6 306
Good Answer 3 411
Yearling 9 513
Guru 1 280
Great Answer 1 279
Software Quality Assurance & Testing - 2347 (450) 2 8

Software Quality Assurance & Testing - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 181
Student 1 142
Editor 1 176
Supporter 1 90
Critic 1 390
Popular Question 1 128
Caucus 2 788
Yearling 2 452
Academia - 2175 (1127) 7 9

Academia - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 130
Editor 1 121
Supporter 1 49
Critic 1 234
Nice Answer 2 132
Commentator 1 237
Mortarboard 1 298
Custodian 1 260
Good Answer 2 324
Yearling 5 390
Skeptics - 1211 (186) 6

Skeptics - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 201
Editor 1 169
Supporter 1 48
Critic 1 267
Citizen Patrol 1 257
Commentator 1 269
Role-playing Games - 1200 (1136) 6 7

Role-playing Games - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 121
Editor 1 122
Supporter 1 69
Mortarboard 1 309
Nice Answer 2 2
Caucus 1 211
Yearling 5 230
Good Answer 1 136
Software Engineering - 1138 (505) 3 5

Software Engineering - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 146
Editor 1 131
Supporter 1 35
Commentator 1 240
Nice Answer 1 138
Yearling 2 216
Good Answer 1 232
Mathematics Educators - 774 (275) 1 4

Mathematics Educators - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 125
Editor 1 172
Supporter 1 54
Critic 1 311
Yearling 1 112
Stack Overflow - 732 (208) 2 5

Stack Overflow - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Student 1 59
Supporter 1 89
Critic 1 170
Citizen Patrol 1 216
Popular Question 1 1
Notable Question 1 89
Yearling 1 108
Literature - 631 (176) 4

Literature - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 167
Editor 1 145
Caucus 1 271
Supporter 1 48
Personal Finance & Money - 468 (176) 3

Personal Finance & Money - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 151
Supporter 1 45
Critic 1 272
DevOps - 450 (129) 2

DevOps - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 227
Editor 1 223
Information Security - 437 (171) 4

Information Security - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 152
Editor 1 117
Supporter 1 29
Scholar 1 139
Parenting - 434 (217) 1 3

Parenting - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 120
Supporter 1 42
Nice Answer 1 159
Yearling 1 113
Psychology & Neuroscience - 416 (101) 1

Psychology & Neuroscience - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Tumbleweed 1 416
Aviation - 385 (183) 4

Aviation - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 121
Student 1 75
Supporter 1 41
Scholar 1 148
Writing - 374 (191) 3

Writing - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 134
Editor 1 171
Supporter 1 69
German Language - 326 (177) 3

German Language - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 128
Editor 1 146
Supporter 1 52
Project Management - 323 (121) 2

Project Management - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 216
Supporter 1 107
Economics - 235 (131) 2

Economics - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 174
Supporter 1 61
Space Exploration - 194 (171) 2

Space Exploration - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 156
Supporter 1 38
Computer Science Educators - 101 (101) 1

Computer Science Educators - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 101
English Language & Usage - 96 (139) 1

English Language & Usage - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 96
English Language Learners - 92 (111) 1

English Language Learners - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Student 1 92
Linguistics - 85 (101) 1

Linguistics - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 85
Pets - 81 (101) 1

Pets - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 81
Computer Science - 62 (101) 1

Computer Science - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 62
Biology - 54 (101) 1

Biology - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 54
Code Review - 52 (101) 1

Code Review - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 52
User Experience - 50 (101) 1

User Experience - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 50
Retrocomputing - 35 (101) 1

Retrocomputing - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 35
Unix & Linux - 11 (101) 1

Unix & Linux - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 11
Server Fault - 0 (101)

Server Fault - View this profile

Webmasters - 0 (101)

Webmasters - View this profile

Philosophy - 0 (109)

Philosophy - View this profile

Movies & TV - 0 (101)

Movies & TV - View this profile

The Great Outdoors - 0 (101)

The Great Outdoors - View this profile

Medical Sciences - 0 (101)

Medical Sciences - View this profile

Interpersonal Skills - 0 (101)

Interpersonal Skills - View this profile