
ℹ️ An ongoing bug in Stack Exchange‘s API blocks the retrieval of the name of some badges, a workaround is in place, but it won’t work for bugged badges.
300 users
Account Score
Jon Skeet 3,536,843
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil' 2,556,733
VonC 2,221,734
Martijn Pieters 1,782,090
egreg 1,585,847
BalusC 1,466,748
Shog9 1,441,749
Maniero 1,372,272
Marc Gravell 1,355,792
Jeff Atwood 1,329,511
Darin Dimitrov 1,195,434
Valorum 1,112,446
CommonsWare 1,070,491
PeterJ 970,071
Erwin Brandstetter 945,139
T.J. Crowder 914,689
Stephen Kitt 913,482
Hans Passant 912,557
Bill the Lizard 888,241
Oded 886,660
gerrit 857,251
SLaks 852,370
terdon 847,123
Nick Craver 830,282
Journeyman Geek 809,748
grawity 802,717
paxdiablo 774,823
James K 762,024
muru 759,876
John Rennie 733,544
sch 725,086
Joel David Hamkins 722,553
unutbu 719,396
Tim Post 719,008
Adam Lear 705,894
alecxe 705,720
BoltClock 703,099
Shadow Wizard 696,116
animuson 663,761
Izzy 659,755
mattdm 651,424
Buffy 638,923
Sergey Kalinichenko 636,743
Quentin 620,398
Oli 599,474
200_success 598,066
slhck 586,965
Peter Cordes 581,156
JB Nizet 552,868
Undo 550,922