
View the profile on StackExchange


Darin Dimitrov



Score compared to Jon Skeet

1203028 / 3416312

Total reputation


Total reputation compared to Jon Skeet

(1037050) / (1585052)


profile for Darin Dimitrov on Stack Exchange


Stack Overflow - 1193847 (1034200) 216 2986 2902

Stack Overflow - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
reference 1 730
c 1 517
php 1 459
regex 1 554
c# 1 431
java 1 431
security 1 686
ajax 1 642
inheritance 1 670
.net 1 510
performance 1 611
c++ 1 477
sql 1 518
wpf 1 587 1 540
.net-3.5 1 826
foreach 1 775
html 1 481
javascript 1 421
entity-framework 1 649
arrays 1 530
exception-handling 1 1000
jquery 1 484
database 1 614 1 577
mysql 1 531
jquery-ui 1 718
windows 1 609 1 642 1 809
sql-server 1 552
xml 1 619
nhibernate 1 733
css 1 499
string 1 553
unit-testing 1 654
syntax 1 720
linq 1 608
winforms 1 626
multithreading 1 597
reflection 1 694
debugging 1 727
design-patterns 1 704
list 1 586
static 1 739
sql-server-2005 1 696
dom 1 693
http 1 705
wcf 1 702
internet-explorer 1 752
interface 1 727
silverlight 1 719
attributes 1 835
image 1 687
url 1 761
linq-to-sql 1 741
visual-studio-2010 1 687
json 1 584
visual-studio 1 636
extension-methods 1 856
tdd 1 812
generics 1 636
dictionary 1 627
visual-studio-2008 1 766
types 1 686
jquery-selectors 1 729
events 1 734
oop 1 639
iis 1 761
encoding 1 750
file 1 669
exception 1 669
web-services 1 757
collections 1 691
encryption 1 729
session 1 760
.net-2.0 1 862
enums 1 710
datetime 1 654
file-io 1 746
xml-serialization 1 850
rest 1 695
dependency-injection 1 732
lambda 1 671
ienumerable 1 822
parsing 1 703
serialization 1 759
nunit 1 815
.net-4.0 1 798
function 1 628 1 796
thread-safety 1 785
delegates 1 789
architecture 1 791
dll 1 793
inversion-of-control 1 844
sqlite 1 682
fluent-nhibernate 1 822
dynamic 1 835
parameters 1 793
web-applications 1 812
bytearray 1 1000
browser 1 809
jquery-plugins 1 856
Teacher 1 86
Student 1 59
Editor 1 52
Cleanup 1 301
Organizer 1 251
Supporter 1 89
Critic 1 170
Citizen Patrol 1 216
Autobiographer 1 57
Scholar 1 73
Self-Learner 1 228
Nice Question 18 2574
Nice Answer 2523 244731
Popular Question 29 29
Commentator 1 122
Disciplined 1 393
Peer Pressure 1 197
Tumbleweed 1 123
Mortarboard 1 329
object 1 674
api 1 777
Announcer 41 8446
redirect 1 1000 1 888
html5 1 1000
assemblies 1 899
structuremap 1 878
Suffrage 1 307
entity-framework-4 1 826
cookies 1 801
Revival 29 4727
email 1 756
mocking 1 764
iframe 1 789
text 1 791
automapper 1 839
Talkative 1 410 1 675
moq 1 796
Quorum 1 352
razor 1 712
c#-3.0 1 856
c#-4.0 1 739
validation 1 732
asynchronous 1 706
authentication 1 743
jquery-validate 1 862
stream 1 830
httpwebrequest 1 862
file-upload 1 856
ninject 1 844
configuration 1 835
soap 1 850
pdf 1 760
forms 1 685
app-config 1 957
caching 1 777
repository-pattern 1 899
viewmodel 1 957
dataannotations 1 957 1 789
Proofreader 1 375
Excavator 1 239
Analytical 1 329
localization 1 835
routing 1 1000 1 899
html-helper 1 1000
timer 1 812 1 957
forms-authentication 1 1000
model-binding 1 1000
controller 1 931
post 1 796
http-headers 1 844
error-handling 1 812
rhino-mocks 1 888
view 1 815
checkbox 1 793
model 1 850
routes 1 806
partial-views 1 931
master-pages 1 1000
file-download 1 957 1 701
jsonp 1 913
Caucus 6 798
session-state 1 1000
knockout.js 1 743
action-filter 1 1000 1 721
drop-down-menu 1 888
unobtrusive-validation 1 957
angularjs 1 580
editorfor 1 1000
web-config 1 878
viewbag 1 1000
http-post 1 1000
Custodian 1 120
webgrid 1 1000
visual-studio-2012 1 779
mvccontrib 1 1000
action 1 913 1 1000
actionlink 1 1000
Informed 1 52
fluentvalidation 1 957
webclient 1 913
custom-attributes 1 931
mvc-editor-templates 1 1000
html.dropdownlistfor 1 1000
authorization 1 931
webforms 1 856
download 1 870
iis-6 1 957
iis-7 1 850
controller 1 1000
post 1 957
model-binding 1 1000 1 957
dataannotations 1 1000
viewmodel 1 1000 1 850
image 1 839
jquery-validate 1 899 1 844
url 1 888
file-upload 1 957
Constituent 3 714
forms 1 856
html-helper 1 1000
http 1 850
html5 1 772
validation 1 913
iis 1 913
json 1 737
visual-studio-2010 1 856
Deputy 1 414
razor 1 844 1 803
web-services 1 878
c#-4.0 1 878
Convention 1 520
nhibernate 1 839 1 1000
ajax 1 763
dependency-injection 1 888
security 1 809
rest 1 839
datetime 1 803
Epic 1 591
entity-framework 1 760
serialization 1 870
winforms 1 763
regex 1 661
visual-studio 1 812
html 1 609
Pundit 1 423
xml 1 738
wcf 1 819
css 1 622
arrays 1 651
unit-testing 1 809 1 659 1 697
performance 1 766
Enthusiast 1 234
reflection 1 850
string 1 681
sql-server 1 656
multithreading 1 716
php 1 572
sql 1 620 1 753
javascript 1 544
generics 1 775
linq 1 724
jquery 1 592
c# 1 535
.net 1 616
java 1 536
Civic Duty 1 287
Favorite Question 3 978
Notable Question 21 1869
Good Answer 849 165555
Good Question 8 1944
Generalist 1 565
Necromancer 17 3009
Guru 439 117652
Enlightened 1551 308649
Strunk & White 1 394
Yearling 10 1080
Great Question 4 1416
Great Answer 157 47885
Famous Question 8 1368
.net 1 696
c# 1 597
Populist 21 8064
Fanatic 1 356
javascript 1 614
jquery 1 653
html 1 686 1 796 1 815
Electorate 1 387
Legendary 1 653 1 757
wcf 1 888
Copy Editor 1 501
xml 1 801
entity-framework 1 844 1 1000 1 878
razor 1 913
c#-4.0 1 957
ajax 1 850
json 1 835
validation 1 957 1 957 1 931
forms-authentication 1 1000 1 1000
httphandler 1 1000
html-select 1 1000
drop-down-menu 1 1000
modelstate 1 1000 1 819
model-view-controller 1 822
model-view-controller 1 957
httpcontext 1 1000
url-routing 1 957 1 1000
Explainer 1 293
get 1 870
Reviewer 1 342
log4net 1 844
unit-testing 1 899
button 1 796
data-binding 1 752
iis-7.5 1 931
com 1 822
session 1 931
iis-7 1 931
cross-domain 1 888
properties 1 767
namespaces 1 783
jsp 1 730
asmx 1 913
entity-framework-4.1 1 899
linq 1 789
hyperlink 1 850
unity-container 1 835
input 1 798
class 1 644
ninject 1 899
linq-to-entities 1 806
httpwebrequest 1 1000
data-annotations 1 1000
Inquisitive 1 353
authentication 1 1000
Refiner 1 527
partial-views 1 1000
caching 1 1000
Curious 1 187 1 1000
antiforgerytoken 1 1000
data-annotations 1 931
tempdata 1 1000
httpwebresponse 1 1000
query-string 1 931
viewdata 1 1000
visual-studio-2008 1 888
design 1 1000
io 1 785
date 1 661
.net-4.0 1 899
web 1 870
outputcache 1 1000
model 1 1000
casting 1 708
Tag Editor 1 359
deployment 1 862
Meta Stack Exchange - 5275 (1807) 10 14

Meta Stack Exchange - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 258
Student 1 203
Editor 1 225
Supporter 1 120
Critic 1 227
Autobiographer 1 1
Scholar 1 239
Nice Question 3 621
Popular Question 2 636
Commentator 1 296
Yearling 8 1368
Announcer 1 393
Notable Question 1 387
Good Question 1 301
Server Fault - 1650 (223) 1 2 8

Server Fault - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 151
Student 1 126
Supporter 1 94
Autobiographer 1 1
Scholar 1 154
Popular Question 1 84
Commentator 1 255
Notable Question 1 126
Famous Question 1 215
Nice Question 1 283
Yearling 1 161
Super User - 1133 (339) 1 7

Super User - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 119
Supporter 1 75
Autobiographer 1 1
Nice Answer 1 201
Popular Question 1 67
Commentator 1 232
Caucus 1 309
Yearling 1 129
Software Engineering - 1122 (481) 2 6

Software Engineering - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 146
Editor 1 131
Autobiographer 1 1
Mortarboard 1 352
Nice Answer 2 276
Yearling 2 216
Cryptography - 1 (101) 1

Cryptography - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Autobiographer 1 1