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Score compared to Jon Skeet

1416967 / 3416312

Total reputation


Total reputation compared to Jon Skeet

(1109958) / (1585052)


profile for BalusC on Stack Exchange


Stack Overflow - 1363278 (1101500) 288 3071 3495

Stack Overflow - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
php 1 459
regex 1 554
servlets 1 749
java 1 431
security 1 686
ajax 1 642
performance 1 611
sql 1 518
android 1 440
foreach 1 775
html 1 481
javascript 1 421
arrays 1 530
exception-handling 1 1000
google-app-engine 1 696
jquery 1 484
database 1 614
unicode 1 712
mysql 1 531
oracle 1 619
xml 1 619
utf-8 1 745
css 1 499
java-ee 1 1000
hibernate 1 655
string 1 553
templates 1 646
jsp 1 730
multithreading 1 597
reflection 1 694
design-patterns 1 704
list 1 586
jsf 1 746
http 1 705
internet-explorer 1 752
concurrency 1 716
class 1 644
eclipse 1 637
image 1 687
url 1 761
jdbc 1 735
jpa 1 695
postgresql 1 626
json 1 584
generics 1 636
jboss 1 835
oop 1 639
ejb-3.0 1 878
encoding 1 750
richfaces 1 931
file 1 669
exception 1 669
web-services 1 757
spring-mvc 1 674
collections 1 691
hashmap 1 745
session 1 760
enums 1 710
datetime 1 654
file-io 1 746
spring 1 590
map 1 1000
gwt 1 756
xhtml 1 812
resources 1 888
jar 1 779
parsing 1 703
maven 1 658
tomcat 1 735
apache 1 714
methods 1 747
serialization 1 759
properties 1 767
el 1 899
glassfish 1 850
facelets 1 931
weblogic 1 913
jstl 1 850
parameters 1 793
date 1 661
arraylist 1 704
web-applications 1 812
browser 1 809
Teacher 1 86
Student 1 59
Editor 1 52
Cleanup 1 301
Organizer 1 251
Supporter 1 89
Critic 1 170
Citizen Patrol 1 216
Autobiographer 1 57
Scholar 1 73
Self-Learner 1 228
Nice Question 15 2145
Nice Answer 2772 268884
Popular Question 15 15
Commentator 1 122
Disciplined 1 393
Peer Pressure 1 197
Mortarboard 1 329
Tag Editor 1 359
character-encoding 1 772
Announcer 297 61182
redirect 1 1000
html5 1 1000
Suffrage 1 307
cookies 1 801
seam 1 913
Revival 128 20864
java-ee-6 1 899
ejb 1 839
table 1 1000
email 1 756
xss 1 870
Talkative 1 410
Quorum 1 352
validation 1 732
authentication 1 743
calendar 1 850
file-upload 1 856
spring-security 1 743
datatable 1 819
annotations 1 798
configuration 1 835
binding 1 770
pdf 1 760
netbeans 1 769
servlet-filters 1 957
logging 1 756
Vox Populi 1 332
primefaces 1 774
forms 1 685
get 1 870
struts2 1 835
caching 1 777
applet 1 862
javabeans 1 888
Synonymizer 1 550
inputstream 1 899
Proofreader 1 375
Excavator 1 239
jetty 1 878
Analytical 1 329
localization 1 835
scope 1 774
jsoup 1 844
deployment 1 862
internationalization 1 856
post 1 796
web.xml 1 1000
http-headers 1 844
error-handling 1 812
composite-component 1 1000
escaping 1 801
managed-bean 1 1000
dialog 1 888
glassfish-3 1 913
icefaces 1 1000
checkbox 1 793
classpath 1 856
button 1 796
prepared-statement 1 888
cdi 1 835
myfaces 1 1000
nullpointerexception 1 793
file-download 1 957
actionlistener 1 850
tomcat6 1 1000
input 1 798
Caucus 8 1064
websphere 1 844
gson 1 815
tomcat7 1 888
converter 1 1000
drop-down-menu 1 888
mojarra 1 1000
include 1 878
jsf-1.2 1 1000
scriptlet 1 1000
Custodian 6 720
jsf-2 1 793
httpclient 1 899
action 1 913
struts 1 899
bean-validation 1 899
jboss7.x 1 913
navigation 1 931
request 1 913
selectonemenu 1 1000
jsp-tags 1 957
Informed 1 52
hyperlink 1 850
resourcebundle 1 1000
session-timeout 1 1000
html-parsing 1 913
connection-pooling 1 957
tomahawk 1 1000
path 1 815
servlet-3.0 1 1000
commandlink 1 1000
resultset 1 957
ajax4jsf 1 1000
download 1 870
login 1 1000
parameter-passing 1 899
omnifaces 1 1000
uirepeat 1 1000
listener 1 931
httpsession 1 1000
redirect 1 899
web.xml 1 1000
datatable 1 931
javabeans 1 1000
composite-component 1 1000
managed-bean 1 1000
java-ee-6 1 1000
glassfish 1 931
image 1 839
web-applications 1 1000
jboss 1 931
url 1 888
jsf-2 1 878
utf-8 1 856
servlet-filters 1 1000
file-upload 1 957
character-encoding 1 899
Constituent 5 1190
forms 1 856
richfaces 1 1000
primefaces 1 913
Research Assistant 1 642
session 1 931
http 1 850
Reviewer 1 342
validation 1 913
facelets 1 1000
Archaeologist 1 523
el 1 1000
date 1 806
json 1 737
file 1 830
jstl 1 957
Deputy 1 414
tomcat 1 850
spring-mvc 1 812
Convention 1 520
Sportsmanship 1 505
ajax 1 763
java-ee 1 862
jdbc 1 856
Booster 60 29040
jpa 1 815
security 1 809
jsf 1 844
servlets 1 862
Epic 1 591
spring 1 733
jsp 1 856
android 1 566
regex 1 661
html 1 609
Pundit 1 423
css 1 622
Enthusiast 1 234
eclipse 1 767
string 1 681
php 1 572
mysql 1 636
javascript 1 544
jquery 1 592
java 1 536
Civic Duty 1 287
Favorite Question 4 1304
Notable Question 11 979
Good Answer 949 185055
Good Question 9 2187
Generalist 1 565
Necromancer 116 20532
Guru 493 132124
Enlightened 1328 264272
Taxonomist 1 409
Strunk & White 1 394
Yearling 9 972
Great Question 3 1062
Great Answer 204 62220
Famous Question 7 1197
Stellar Question 2 896
java 1 604
Populist 15 5760
Fanatic 1 356
javascript 1 614
jquery 1 653
html 1 686
mysql 1 709
Electorate 1 387
eclipse 1 835
Legendary 1 653
Copy Editor 1 501
jsp 1 913
css 1 699
jsf 1 931
Publicist 21 11928
servlets 1 931
Marshal 1 508
java-ee 1 931
jdbc 1 957
ajax 1 850
tomcat 1 1000
jstl 1 1000
el 1 1000
facelets 1 1000
primefaces 1 957
jsf-2 1 1000
validation 1 957
http 1 957
session 1 1000
jsf-2.2 1 1000
custom-component 1 1000
model-view-controller 1 822
components 1 870
jndi 1 913
richfaces 1 1000
Explainer 1 293
httprequest 1 1000
session-timeout 1 1000
rendering 1 931
firefox 1 753
url-rewriting 1 819
dynamic 1 835
ejb 1 931
initialization 1 744
internationalization 1 957
xml 1 738
attributes 1 835
events 1 734
backing-beans 1 1000
Incrementalist 1 395
Educated 1 264
Peer Review 1 387
Backer 1 360
form-submit 1 957
jax-rs 1 839
hibernate 1 789
websocket 1 793
singleton 1 856
spring 1 803
internet-explorer 1 844
sql 1 620
Bluebook 1 480
Census 1 298
Renovator 1 501
Curious 1 187
faces-config 1 1000
taglib 1 1000
j-security-check 1 1000
postconstruct 1 1000
message 1 1000
viewexpiredexception 1 1000
session-scope 1 1000
view-scope 1 1000
commandbutton 1 1000
Documentation Pioneer 1 512
jsf-1.2 1 1000
omnifaces 1 1000
navigation 1 1000
mojarra 1 1000
cookies 1 957
tomcat7 1 1000
download 1 1000
jsf-2.2 1 1000
cdi 1 1000
converter 1 1000
myfaces 1 1000
Refiner 1 527
selectonemenu 1 1000
jsoup 1 957
servlet-filters 1 1000
Illuminator 1 715
character-encoding 1 1000
file-upload 1 1000
managed-bean 1 1000
datatable 1 957
composite-component 1 1000
valuechangelistener 1 1000
lifecycle 1 1000
http-status-code-404 1 931
url-pattern 1 1000
facescontext 1 1000
Documentation User 1 330
upload 1 899
jspinclude 1 1000
http-request-parameters 1 1000
messages 1 1000
dependency-injection 1 732
sql-server 1 552
constructor 1 706
rest 1 695 1 540
jpa-2.0 1 850
Meta Stack Exchange - 50538 (8110) 7 61 105

Meta Stack Exchange - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 258
Student 1 203
Editor 1 225
Cleanup 1 436
Organizer 1 424
Supporter 1 120
Critic 1 227
Citizen Patrol 1 311
Autobiographer 1 1
Scholar 1 239
Self-Learner 1 449
Nice Question 30 6210
Nice Answer 39 6630
Popular Question 5 1590
Commentator 1 296
feature-request 1 569
discussion 1 513
support 1 579
stackoverflow 1 1000
Mortarboard 1 397
Investor 1 472
Promoter 1 472
Altruist 1 516
Disciplined 1 504
Benefactor 1 529
Revival 2 682
Synonymizer 1 687
Excavator 1 409
Analytical 1 427
Custodian 1 360
Enthusiast 1 384
Pundit 1 449
discussion 1 610
Civic Duty 1 419
Favorite Question 2 1016
Notable Question 3 1161
Good Answer 10 2770
Good Question 6 1806
Generalist 1 588
Necromancer 4 1240
Guru 4 1816
Enlightened 15 4275
Taxonomist 1 573
Strunk & White 1 586
Yearling 9 1539
Great Question 2 914
Great Answer 1 437
Reversal 1 454
Fanatic 1 462
Electorate 1 508
Explainer 1 497
Stellar Question 1 658
Curious 1 409
Inquisitive 1 564
stack-overflow 1 668
Server Fault - 3151 (348) 3 13

Server Fault - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 151
Editor 1 134
Supporter 1 94
Citizen Patrol 1 321
Autobiographer 1 1
Scholar 1 154
Nice Answer 1 237
Popular Question 1 84
Commentator 1 255
Caucus 3 933
Constituent 1 374
Notable Question 1 126
Yearling 1 161
Student 1 126