
View the profile on StackExchange





Score compared to Jon Skeet

418877 / 3416312

Total reputation


Total reputation compared to Jon Skeet

(107388) / (1585052)


profile for ale on Stack Exchange


Web Applications - 203320 (52731) 41 159 314

Web Applications - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 147
Student 1 120
Editor 1 170
Cleanup 1 548
Organizer 1 458
Supporter 1 49
Critic 1 332
Citizen Patrol 1 310
Autobiographer 1 1
Scholar 1 196
Self-Learner 1 426
Nice Question 12 3576
Nice Answer 78 23478
Popular Question 28 3696
Commentator 1 366
Disciplined 1 652
Peer Pressure 1 502
Tumbleweed 1 271
Mortarboard 1 602
Investor 1 551
Promoter 1 433
Benefactor 1 523
Altruist 1 664
Tag Editor 1 567
Announcer 74 29970
gmail 1 751
Suffrage 1 540
Revival 55 15950
Talkative 1 644
Precognitive 1 586
Quorum 1 464
Vox Populi 1 582
Synonymizer 1 784
Proofreader 1 718
Excavator 1 386
Analytical 1 484
Caucus 4 1204
Informed 1 141
google-plus 1 1000
google-spreadsheets 1 1000
Custodian 7 2436
gmail 1 901
Constituent 3 1188
Research Assistant 1 855
Reviewer 5 2970
Archaeologist 1 769
Convention 1 688
Deputy 1 597
Sportsmanship 1 876
Pundit 1 876
Enthusiast 1 450
Civic Duty 1 610
Favorite Question 2 1282
Notable Question 23 3933
Beta 1 548
Good Answer 14 5922
Good Question 5 2125
Necromancer 19 5985
Guru 5 2825
Enlightened 35 14210
Taxonomist 1 602
Strunk & White 1 694
Yearling 12 2340
Great Question 1 650
Famous Question 12 2964
Fanatic 1 525
Electorate 1 678
Copy Editor 1 763
Marshal 1 740
Steward 17 10319
Inquisitive 1 718
Explainer 1 552
Refiner 1 784
email 1 1000
google-drive 1 901
gmail-labels 1 1000
facebook 1 802
gmail-filters 1 1000
google-calendar 1 1000
twitter 1 938
Great Answer 2 1300
gmail 1 1000
google-account 1 938
Curious 1 440
google-search 1 1000
google-documents 1 1000
Booster 21 11571
google-sheets 1 722
google-docs 1 855
Publicist 3 1905
Generalist 1 855
google-contacts 1 1000
google-plus 1 1000
gmail-filters 1 1000
google-search 1 1000
twitter 1 876
google-calendar 1 1000
gmail-labels 1 1000
security 1 1000
gmail 1 1000
Android Enthusiasts - 99686 (19735) 34 109 160

Android Enthusiasts - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 137
Student 1 88
Editor 1 128
Cleanup 1 548
Organizer 1 419
Supporter 1 70
Critic 1 340
Citizen Patrol 1 301
Autobiographer 1 1
Scholar 1 177
Self-Learner 1 399
Disciplined 1 677
Tumbleweed 1 186
Mortarboard 1 640
Investor 1 547
Promoter 1 392
Benefactor 1 490
Altruist 1 632
Commentator 1 307
Popular Question 36 2844
Nice Answer 41 12833
Nice Question 18 5508
Tag Editor 1 527
Announcer 5 1640
Revival 13 3770
Talkative 1 633
Quorum 1 471
Suffrage 1 512
applications 1 764
Vox Populi 1 533
Synonymizer 1 786
Proofreader 1 670
Analytical 1 476
Excavator 1 386
Caucus 5 1610
google-play-store 1 794
Custodian 7 2163
Informed 1 88
sync 1 1000
Constituent 5 1885
Reviewer 6 3240
Research Assistant 1 826
Archaeologist 1 786
Deputy 1 569
Sportsmanship 1 840
Convention 1 699
Notable Question 27 3267
Pundit 1 752
Yearling 13 2678
Good Question 8 3568
Guru 1 596
Necromancer 10 3510
Civic Duty 1 573
Enlightened 14 5656
Favorite Question 3 1839
Good Answer 9 4158
Enthusiast 1 434
Taxonomist 1 559
Strunk & White 1 652
Fanatic 1 519
Electorate 1 655
Copy Editor 1 771
Famous Question 17 3434
Great Question 1 708
Marshal 1 690
Steward 9 5256
Constable 1 840
Inquisitive 1 702
Explainer 1 521
Refiner 1 814
Curious 1 404
Booster 1 485
Great Answer 1 716
sync 1 1000
Publicist 1 597
Meta Stack Exchange - 60465 (24831) 7 73 123

Meta Stack Exchange - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 258
Student 1 203
Editor 1 225
Cleanup 1 436
Organizer 1 424
Supporter 1 120
Critic 1 227
Citizen Patrol 1 311
Autobiographer 1 1
Scholar 1 239
Self-Learner 1 449
Nice Question 15 3105
Nice Answer 59 10030
Commentator 1 296
feature-request 1 569
discussion 1 513
support 1 579
Mortarboard 1 397
Investor 1 472
Promoter 1 472
Disciplined 1 504
Peer Pressure 1 302
Tag Editor 1 528
Announcer 4 1572
Suffrage 1 432
Revival 8 2728
Vox Populi 1 485
Proofreader 1 653
Excavator 1 409
Analytical 1 427
Custodian 4 1440
Informed 1 145
Reviewer 3 1824
Deputy 1 521
Sportsmanship 1 599
Enthusiast 1 384
Pundit 1 449
discussion 1 610
Civic Duty 1 419
Good Answer 8 2216
Good Question 2 602
Generalist 1 588
Necromancer 9 2790
Guru 1 454
Enlightened 24 6840
Strunk & White 1 586
Yearling 13 2223
Fanatic 1 462
Electorate 1 508
Copy Editor 1 718
Steward 2 1318
Curious 1 409
Inquisitive 1 564
Explainer 1 497
Archaeologist 1 744
Great Answer 1 437
site-recommendation 1 757
Marshal 1 628
support 1 685
reputation 1 671
Benefactor 1 529
Altruist 1 516
Lifejacket 2 966
Super User - 24631 (3400) 6 39 52

Super User - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 119
Student 1 105
Editor 1 114
Cleanup 1 445
Organizer 1 367
Supporter 1 75
Critic 1 258
Citizen Patrol 1 284
Autobiographer 1 1
Scholar 1 142
Nice Answer 8 1608
Popular Question 9 603
Commentator 1 232
Tumbleweed 1 189
Mortarboard 1 442
Disciplined 1 553
Investor 1 470
Promoter 1 348
Benefactor 1 403
Tag Editor 1 477
Quorum 1 433
Proofreader 1 584
Excavator 1 305
Caucus 4 1236
Custodian 4 1052
Constituent 4 1468
Reviewer 3 1473
Convention 1 642
Deputy 1 524
Civic Duty 1 448
Notable Question 8 832
Beta 1 436
Good Answer 1 283
Enlightened 4 1192
Taxonomist 1 469
Strunk & White 1 556
Yearling 13 1677
Famous Question 4 712
Electorate 1 570
Marshal 1 614
Explainer 1 437
Nice Question 2 474
Curious 1 322
Self-Learner 1 331
Announcer 1 326
Stack Overflow - 23731 (6399) 4 51 65

Stack Overflow - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
coldfusion 1 733
Teacher 1 86
Student 1 59
Editor 1 52
Cleanup 1 301
Organizer 1 251
Supporter 1 89
Critic 1 170
Citizen Patrol 1 216
Autobiographer 1 57
Scholar 1 73
Nice Answer 11 1067
Popular Question 8 8
Commentator 1 122
Disciplined 1 393
Promoter 1 274
Tag Editor 1 359
Announcer 3 618
Suffrage 1 307
Quorum 1 352
Vox Populi 1 332
Proofreader 1 375
Excavator 1 239
Analytical 1 329
Caucus 10 1330
Custodian 7 840
Informed 1 52
Constituent 10 2380
Reviewer 4 1368
Deputy 1 414
Convention 1 520
coldfusion 1 835
Enthusiast 1 234
Civic Duty 1 287
Notable Question 5 445
Good Answer 2 390
Necromancer 1 177
Enlightened 7 1393
Taxonomist 1 409
Strunk & White 1 394
Yearling 10 1080
Electorate 1 387
Steward 2 820
Explainer 1 293
Educated 1 264
Pundit 1 423
Census 2 596
Copy Editor 1 501
Curious 1 187
Guru 2 536
Benefactor 1 314
Webmasters - 3006 (292) 1 9

Webmasters - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 167
Supporter 1 82
Autobiographer 1 1
Informed 1 197
Critic 1 349
Precognitive 1 630
Citizen Patrol 1 328
Tag Editor 1 566
Quorum 1 478
Yearling 1 208
Software Recommendations - 1697 (109) 7

Software Recommendations - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Editor 1 121
Supporter 1 80
Tag Editor 1 546
Informed 1 175
Citizen Patrol 1 333
Autobiographer 1 1
Organizer 1 441
Ask Different - 1458 (135) 7

Ask Different - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 91
Informed 1 137
Critic 1 271
Citizen Patrol 1 296
Tag Editor 1 531
Supporter 1 21
Editor 1 111
WordPress Development - 724 (101) 3

WordPress Development - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Autobiographer 1 1
Precognitive 1 608
Informed 1 115
Information Security - 159 (101) 3

Information Security - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 29
Autobiographer 1 1
Informed 1 129