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Score compared to Jon Skeet

68667 / 3416312

Total reputation


Total reputation compared to Jon Skeet

(17268) / (1585052)


profile for AstroCB on Stack Exchange


Stack Overflow - 31818 (12357) 13 46 73

Stack Overflow - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
javascript 1 421
Teacher 1 86
Student 1 59
Editor 1 52
Cleanup 1 301
Organizer 1 251
Supporter 1 89
Critic 1 170
Citizen Patrol 1 216
Autobiographer 1 57
Scholar 1 73
Self-Learner 1 228
Nice Question 1 143
Nice Answer 16 1552
Popular Question 3 3
Commentator 1 122
Peer Pressure 1 197
Tumbleweed 1 123
Mortarboard 1 329
Investor 1 366
Altruist 1 414
Tag Editor 1 359
Suffrage 1 307
Revival 3 489
Talkative 1 410
Quorum 1 352
Vox Populi 1 332
Proofreader 1 375
Excavator 1 239
Caucus 5 665
Custodian 8 960
Informed 1 52
Constituent 3 714
Reviewer 8 2736
Archaeologist 1 523
Deputy 1 414
Convention 1 520
Tenacious 1 320
Enthusiast 1 234
Civic Duty 1 287
Notable Question 2 178
Necromancer 3 531
Enlightened 6 1194
Taxonomist 1 409
Strunk & White 1 394
Yearling 4 432
Fanatic 1 356
Electorate 1 387
Copy Editor 1 501
Unsung Hero 1 381
Marshal 1 508
Steward 6 2460
Explainer 1 293
Refiner 1 527
ios 1 479
Famous Question 2 342
swift 1 542
Good Question 1 243
Backer 1 360
Incrementalist 1 395
Educated 1 264
Peer Review 1 387
Renovator 1 501
Bluebook 1 480
Good Answer 4 780
Census 2 596
Documentation Pioneer 1 512
html 1 481
Documentation User 1 330
Guru 2 536
css 1 499
Meta Stack Exchange - 15714 (3260) 2 19 33

Meta Stack Exchange - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 258
Student 1 203
Editor 1 225
Cleanup 1 436
Organizer 1 424
Supporter 1 120
Critic 1 227
Citizen Patrol 1 311
Autobiographer 1 1
Scholar 1 239
Self-Learner 1 449
Nice Question 5 1035
Nice Answer 6 1020
Commentator 1 296
Mortarboard 1 397
Promoter 1 472
Benefactor 1 529
Suffrage 1 432
Revival 1 341
Talkative 1 429
Excavator 1 409
Custodian 1 360
Outspoken 1 518
Enthusiast 1 384
Civic Duty 1 419
Good Answer 1 277
Good Question 1 301
Necromancer 2 620
Enlightened 3 855
Yearling 8 1368
Fanatic 1 462
Curious 1 409
Explainer 1 497
Electorate 1 508
Lifejacket 1 483
Stack Apps - 6350 (913) 5 11

Stack Apps - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Student 1 291
Editor 1 329
Cleanup 1 681
Supporter 1 170
Autobiographer 1 1
Nice Question 1 404
Commentator 1 486
Tag Editor 1 623
Suffrage 1 667
Custodian 1 456
Yearling 4 1140
Curious 1 574
Good Question 1 528
Community Building - 3452 (251) 2 8

Community Building - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 323
Editor 1 338
Organizer 1 577
Supporter 1 194
Critic 1 458
Autobiographer 1 1
Custodian 2 716
Beta 1 562
Yearling 1 283
Ask Different - 3323 (487) 3 12

Ask Different - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 91
Editor 1 111
Organizer 1 407
Supporter 1 21
Critic 1 271
Citizen Patrol 1 296
Autobiographer 1 1
Commentator 1 257
Excavator 1 312
Informed 1 137
Yearling 2 248
Explainer 1 458
Caucus 1 321
Constituent 1 392
Unix & Linux - 1024 (103) 6

Unix & Linux - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Editor 1 73
Organizer 1 368
Supporter 1 11
Citizen Patrol 1 294
Autobiographer 1 1
Excavator 1 277
Ask Patents - 1020 (103) 4

Ask Patents - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Organizer 1 496
Supporter 1 164
Citizen Patrol 1 359
Autobiographer 1 1
Physics - 628 (103) 6

Physics - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Editor 1 25
Supporter 1 21
Citizen Patrol 1 235
Autobiographer 1 1
Excavator 1 300
Informed 1 46
Super User - 612 (103) 5

Super User - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Editor 1 114
Supporter 1 75
Citizen Patrol 1 284
Autobiographer 1 1
Informed 1 138
Ask Ubuntu - 492 (101) 4

Ask Ubuntu - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Editor 1 103
Supporter 1 82
Citizen Patrol 1 306
Autobiographer 1 1
TeX - LaTeX - 462 (101) 3

TeX - LaTeX - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 26
Autobiographer 1 20
Suffrage 1 416
User Experience - 357 (101) 3

User Experience - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 50
Citizen Patrol 1 306
Autobiographer 1 1
Personal Finance & Money - 322 (101) 3

Personal Finance & Money - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 45
Citizen Patrol 1 276
Autobiographer 1 1
Mathematics - 320 (101) 3

Mathematics - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 37
Citizen Patrol 1 238
Autobiographer 1 45
Academia - 312 (101) 3

Academia - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 49
Citizen Patrol 1 262
Autobiographer 1 1
English Language & Usage - 303 (101) 3

English Language & Usage - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 36
Citizen Patrol 1 266
Autobiographer 1 1
Travel - 302 (101) 3

Travel - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 50
Citizen Patrol 1 251
Autobiographer 1 1
スタック・オーバーフロー - 196 (101) 3

スタック・オーバーフロー - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
サポーター 1 153
初めまして 1 37
準備万端 1 6
Web Applications - 191 (101) 3

Web Applications - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 49
Autobiographer 1 1
Informed 1 141
Freelancing - 174 (101) 2

Freelancing - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 173
Autobiographer 1 1
Puzzling - 151 (141) 3

Puzzling - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Teacher 1 107
Supporter 1 43
Autobiographer 1 1
Blender - 96 (101) 2

Blender - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 52
Autobiographer 1 44
Server Fault - 95 (101) 2

Server Fault - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 94
Autobiographer 1 1
Geographic Information Systems - 85 (101) 2

Geographic Information Systems - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 52
Autobiographer 1 33
Webmasters - 83 (101) 2

Webmasters - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 82
Autobiographer 1 1
Software Recommendations - 81 (101) 2

Software Recommendations - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 80
Autobiographer 1 1
History - 64 (101) 2

History - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 63
Autobiographer 1 1
Computer Science - 63 (101) 2

Computer Science - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 62
Autobiographer 1 1
Astronomy - 62 (101) 2

Astronomy - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 61
Autobiographer 1 1
Movies & TV - 57 (101) 2

Movies & TV - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 56
Autobiographer 1 1
Code Golf - 55 (101) 2

Code Golf - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 54
Autobiographer 1 1
Biology - 55 (101) 2

Biology - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 54
Autobiographer 1 1
Code Review - 53 (101) 2

Code Review - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 52
Autobiographer 1 1
Raspberry Pi - 53 (101) 2

Raspberry Pi - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 52
Autobiographer 1 1
Graphic Design - 49 (101) 2

Graphic Design - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Autobiographer 1 1
Supporter 1 48
Space Exploration - 39 (101) 2

Space Exploration - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 38
Autobiographer 1 1
Science Fiction & Fantasy - 39 (101) 2

Science Fiction & Fantasy - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 34
Autobiographer 1 5
Software Engineering - 36 (101) 2

Software Engineering - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 35
Autobiographer 1 1
Vi and Vim - 35 (101) 2

Vi and Vim - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 34
Autobiographer 1 1
The Workplace - 25 (101) 2

The Workplace - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 24
Autobiographer 1 1
Worldbuilding - 17 (101) 2

Worldbuilding - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Supporter 1 16
Autobiographer 1 1
Chemistry - 1 (101) 1

Chemistry - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Autobiographer 1 1
3D Printing - 1 (101) 1

3D Printing - View this profile

Name Awarded Score
Autobiographer 1 1