
Welcome on TrueBadges

TrueBadges is the combination of TrueAchievements and Stack Exchange' badges.

See Sites, Users and Register to know the real value of your Stack Exchange badges.




n_plum has unlocked badge Autobiographer × 1 for a score of 1 on Arts & Crafts
n_plum has unlocked badge Student × 1 for a score of 144 on Music Fans
n_plum has unlocked badge Supporter × 1 for a score of 153 on Music Fans
n_plum has unlocked badge Autobiographer × 1 for a score of 1 on Music Fans
n_plum has unlocked badge Scholar × 1 for a score of 212 on Music Fans
n_plum has unlocked badge Popular Question × 1 for a score of 263 on Music Fans
n_plum has unlocked badge Teacher × 1 for a score of 109 on Puzzling
n_plum has unlocked badge Student × 1 for a score of 151 on Puzzling
n_plum has unlocked badge Editor × 1 for a score of 124 on Puzzling
n_plum has unlocked badge Cleanup × 1 for a score of 429 on Puzzling
n_plum has unlocked badge Organizer × 1 for a score of 394 on Puzzling
n_plum has unlocked badge Supporter × 1 for a score of 46 on Puzzling
n_plum has unlocked badge Critic × 1 for a score of 232 on Puzzling
n_plum has unlocked badge Citizen Patrol × 1 for a score of 270 on Puzzling
n_plum has unlocked badge Autobiographer × 1 for a score of 1 on Puzzling
n_plum has unlocked badge Scholar × 1 for a score of 185 on Puzzling
n_plum has unlocked badge Nice Question × 11 for a score of 106 on Puzzling
n_plum has unlocked badge Nice Answer × 3 for a score of 74 on Puzzling
n_plum has unlocked badge Popular Question × 11 for a score of 117 on Puzzling
n_plum has unlocked badge Promoter × 1 for a score of 405 on Puzzling
n_plum has unlocked badge Benefactor × 1 for a score of 428 on Puzzling
n_plum has unlocked badge Commentator × 1 for a score of 226 on Puzzling
n_plum has unlocked badge Talkative × 1 for a score of 447 on Puzzling
n_plum has unlocked badge Quorum × 1 for a score of 371 on Puzzling
n_plum has unlocked badge Custodian × 5 for a score of 201 on Puzzling
n_plum has unlocked badge Informed × 1 for a score of 132 on Puzzling
n_plum has unlocked badge Curious × 1 for a score of 362 on Puzzling
n_plum has unlocked badge Explainer × 1 for a score of 450 on Puzzling
n_plum has unlocked badge Caucus × 1 for a score of 285 on Puzzling
n_plum has unlocked badge Constituent × 1 for a score of 351 on Puzzling
n_plum has unlocked badge Pundit × 1 for a score of 505 on Puzzling
n_plum has unlocked badge Outspoken × 1 for a score of 584 on Puzzling
n_plum has unlocked badge Civic Duty × 1 for a score of 407 on Puzzling
n_plum has unlocked badge Enthusiast × 1 for a score of 353 on Puzzling
n_plum has unlocked badge Notable Question × 1 for a score of 215 on Puzzling
n_plum has unlocked badge Good Answer × 1 for a score of 244 on Puzzling
n_plum has unlocked badge Yearling × 7 for a score of 79 on Puzzling
n_plum has unlocked badge Enlightened × 2 for a score of 155 on Puzzling
n_plum has unlocked badge Fanatic × 1 for a score of 451 on Puzzling
n_plum has unlocked badge Teacher × 1 for a score of 140 on The Workplace
n_plum has unlocked badge Editor × 1 for a score of 115 on The Workplace
n_plum has unlocked badge Supporter × 1 for a score of 26 on The Workplace
n_plum has unlocked badge Critic × 1 for a score of 210 on The Workplace
n_plum has unlocked badge Citizen Patrol × 1 for a score of 235 on The Workplace
n_plum has unlocked badge Autobiographer × 1 for a score of 1 on The Workplace
n_plum has unlocked badge Nice Answer × 1 for a score of 53 on The Workplace
n_plum has unlocked badge Commentator × 1 for a score of 214 on The Workplace
n_plum has unlocked badge Caucus × 3 for a score of 164 on The Workplace
n_plum has unlocked badge Constituent × 3 for a score of 233 on The Workplace
n_plum has unlocked badge Yearling × 1 for a score of 57 on The Workplace

335 users

Top 10
Account Score
Jon Skeet 3,545,179
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil'
Martijn Pieters 1,788,020
BalusC 1,468,470
Marc Gravell
Jeff Atwood 1,332,342

71362 badges in 367 sites