
Welcome on TrueBadges

TrueBadges is the combination of TrueAchievements and Stack Exchange' badges.

See Sites, Users and Register to know the real value of your Stack Exchange badges.




Ingo has unlocked badge Caucus × 1 for a score of 327 on Raspberry Pi
jmort253 has unlocked badge Popular Question × 11 for a score of 222 on Project Management
has unlocked badge Nice Answer × 4211 for a score of 1 on Science Fiction & Fantasy
Qmechanic has unlocked badge Booster × 239 for a score of 471 on Physics
Nobody the Hobgoblin
has unlocked badge Nice Answer × 546 for a score of 1 on Role-playing Games
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil'
has unlocked badge Guru × 279 for a score of 329 on Unix & Linux
has unlocked badge Student × 1 for a score of 294 on Stack Apps
Franck Dernoncourt
has unlocked badge Popular Question × 75 for a score of 106 on Personal Finance & Money
André Nicolas has unlocked badge Nice Answer × 869 for a score of 109 on Mathematics
has unlocked badge Nice Answer × 216 for a score of 128 on Arqade
has unlocked badge Enlightened × 127 for a score of 192 on Arqade
grawity has unlocked badge Revival × 17 for a score of 247 on Super User
has unlocked badge Nice Answer × 2923 for a score of 98 on Stack Overflow
has unlocked badge Revival × 492 for a score of 163 on Stack Overflow
has unlocked badge Good Answer × 1338 for a score of 162 on Stack Overflow
has unlocked badge Necromancer × 966 for a score of 134 on Stack Overflow
Carlo Beenakker
has unlocked badge Announcer × 2 for a score of 545 on Quantum Computing
Ulrike Fischer
has unlocked badge Nice Answer × 565 for a score of 78 on TeX - LaTeX
Spehro 'speff' Pefhany
has unlocked badge Nice Answer × 700 for a score of 138 on Electrical Engineering
Andy aka
has unlocked badge Lifejacket × 2 for a score of 573 on Electrical Engineering
Rohit Gupta has unlocked badge Curious × 1 for a score of 349 on Database Administrators
has unlocked badge Notable Question × 53 for a score of 125 on Server Fault
Edwin Ashworth has unlocked badge Custodian × 2 for a score of 236 on English Language Learners
has unlocked badge statement-of-purpose × 1 for a score of 1000 on Academia
has unlocked badge Enlightened × 364 for a score of 230 on Academia
has unlocked badge Nice Answer × 1399 for a score of 68 on Academia
has unlocked badge Notable Question × 28 for a score of 111 on Movies & TV
has unlocked badge Deputy × 1 for a score of 508 on Travel


has unlocked badge character × 1 for a score of 700 on Movies & TV
has unlocked badge Nice Question × 18 for a score of 151 on Movies & TV
has unlocked badge Popular Question × 41 for a score of 69 on Movies & TV
Edwin Ashworth has unlocked badge Nice Answer × 177 for a score of 126 on English Language & Usage
Edwin Ashworth has unlocked badge Enlightened × 42 for a score of 253 on English Language & Usage
willeM_ Van Onsem
has unlocked badge Caucus × 1 for a score of 271 on Ask Ubuntu
has unlocked badge Caucus × 7 for a score of 271 on Ask Ubuntu
vanadium has unlocked badge Caucus × 4 for a score of 271 on Ask Ubuntu
has unlocked badge Revival × 29 for a score of 201 on Mathematics
has unlocked badge Caucus × 6 for a score of 271 on Ask Ubuntu
Nick Craver
has unlocked badge Guru × 237 for a score of 238 on Stack Overflow
Franck Dernoncourt
has unlocked badge Citizen Patrol × 1 for a score of 411 on Emacs
Barmar has unlocked badge Nice Answer × 12 for a score of 168 on English Language Learners
Journeyman Geek
has unlocked badge Caucus × 1 for a score of 327 on Raspberry Pi
has unlocked badge Constituent × 1 for a score of 398 on Raspberry Pi
has unlocked badge Constituent × 4 for a score of 398 on Raspberry Pi
has unlocked badge Notable Question × 21 for a score of 160 on Mathematica
Barmar has unlocked badge Yearling × 7 for a score of 160 on Philosophy
Qmechanic has unlocked badge Announcer × 1748 for a score of 263 on Physics
has unlocked badge Famous Question × 7 for a score of 203 on Android Enthusiasts
Stéphane Chazelas
has unlocked badge backup × 1 for a score of 867 on Unix & Linux
Oli has unlocked badge Caucus × 9 for a score of 271 on Ask Ubuntu

336 users

Top 10
Account Score
Jon Skeet 3,546,143
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil'
Franck Dernoncourt
Martijn Pieters 1,789,620
BalusC 1,469,270
Marc Gravell

71449 badges in 367 sites