ℹ️ An ongoing bug in Stack Exchange‘s API blocks the retrieval of the name of some badges.
- Description
- Answer score of 20 or more to a question score of -3 or less that goes on to receive a score of 3 or more
- Rank
- (gold)
- Type
- named
- Awarded
- 1,579 × times
- Score
- 538
- Calculation
- ((1 - log(1579, 8102709)) × 999) + 1 = 538
- Last listed
- 2024-10-09T10:22:02+02:00
Account | Score (Reputation) |
Awarded |
Erwin Brandstetter |
(832,389) |
3 |
isherwood |
(208,973) |
1 |
ADyson |
(60,633) |
1 |